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Everything posted by StevieAus

  1. That’s ok I have had my two shots, think about those who are still waiting.
  2. Has it affected the historical site down there would be sad to see it damaged.
  3. No I agree this year has been heavy the last few years have been lighter certainly where I live.
  4. Congratulations on the most rational and factual quote of the day on the subject. Our home, adjoining land, other land and two business’s have my name on them by way of usufruct. Somehow I don’t see myself reaching one hundred years old and not sure if I want to and in the meantime if things go “ mango shaped” to quote Rooster which I doubt, I will take my chances arguing for a fifty percent split in the Divorce Court.
  5. You do know that it is currently the wet season when it tends to rain ? I understand that the currently downpours are the tail end of a storm from Vietnam. Here in Northern Chiang Mai Province it seems more than last year. My brother-in-law’s big pond is usually an accurate gauge it’s full at the moment unlike last year.
  6. Myself and several expat friends together with many Thai friends have had both AZ Covid shots and are still alive and breathing. Meanwhile during the same period I could mention a few road deaths and those dying of “natural causes”
  7. I am surprised that if you have been using this site, you haven’t noticed that it is full of negative Normans. Yet despite their complaints and negatively towards everything Thai, they choose to stay rather than return to their Utopian homeland.
  8. I have no expertise in this area but on commercial sites have seen them pumping concrete from the delivery truck to upper levels. Would this work ? maybe need to contact one of those companies that deliver concrete.
  9. I subscribe to Tea Time TV which gives you access to most if not all UK TV stations. You can go back eight days fast forward pause etc. Its not free but for me at 1800 baht for three months good value. You need a good internet signal. I know some people consider it an anathema to pay for anything online but I am not part of that group.
  10. I have encountered what you complain about in your second paragraph in both Australia and the UK, perhaps it is a world wide phenomenon with taxi drivers.
  11. I thought I read recently that Bangkok Hospital had acquired a helicopter for use as an air ambulance.
  12. I have had items sent here by regular registered or the equivalent of EMS from Australia, not watches and they seem to avoid the scrutiny of Customs.
  13. Come on we in Aus understand sarcasm, no good trying it on our Thai friends though you get a blank stare.
  14. Even pre Covid I wouldn’t visit a restaurant if they were playing music, as you say you go to eat and chat not to have your ear drums blasted and Karaoke never! Fortunate.y plenty of good restaurants that have neither.
  15. To be fair I do recall what was known as “ early openers” pubs in Sydney years ago to cater I think for those finishing night shift. Each to their own
  16. I cannot imagine why anyone would want to drink beer from 6am however cheap or good quality. However if I was forced to live in Europe particularly during the winter months I might find it’s the only thing to get you through the day !!!!!
  17. Apart from the restrictions on the times you can purchase where is it banned? Last week four of us had wine with dinner at a restaurant in the center of Chiang Mai Yesterday I paid for Thai whisky for some locals at a local “bar” who did some work for me and I bought a dozen bottles of wine from Makro Maybe your looking in the wrong place ?
  18. While what has happened to your friend sounds sad one would have to ask the question why he didn’t become an Australian Citizen. I have met people over the years mainly from Europe who for reasons best known to themselves would not take it out when all that was required was completing a form. If in that situation like your friend if you let your visa lapse you have to start again. I ensured that my Thai wife obtained hers on the earliest possible date, now although we live here it’s never lost.
  19. I think you will find that the people who are crucifying foreigners for exceeding their duty free allowance are not Immigration but Customs and I don’t believe that they are part of the RTP. Probably just as bad but try exceeding you’re entitlement entering Australia and you will experience problems.
  20. Not only here either there are many cases in Australia and the UK where murderers, rapists child molesters etc are released and re offend. Unfortunately life no longer means life and there are all sorts of reductions for pleading guilty, good behavior etc etc. It seems to be only the US where life means life.
  21. Sorry to disappoint you but as my father was born in the UK I also hold British citizenship and passport but always use my Australian passport. On the subject of the correct definition if you look at HM Passport office website they refer to UK passports. Perhaps you should raise the issue and post their response.
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