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Everything posted by Elkski

  1. No big deal the reefs are barren of fish life anyway from overfishing or illegal fishing. If you want to see underwater sea life cross Thailand off your list.
  2. Guy should be banned from being a hired driver or truck, bus driver for life. Plus a bit of prison time.
  3. The World leaders know. No wsy the US would ever sell f35s to these despots
  4. Glad no one died. Hope it is a simple explainable case of fire. At one time I had aspirations for retirement on a sail dive equipped boat.
  5. Beey smooth lines. A very large casting. Beautiful figure.
  6. She is very beautiful. Hope this story has a happy ending.
  7. Chinese facial recognition program
  8. My wife is a believer of this. But also practices and swears toothpaste sooths a burn.
  9. Money in the bank because its required to be a tourist. Airfare 50-70k baht. Hotels 5k night, Disney 8k, bus tour or car rental 20k. Just not a place people with 150k in the bank visit. And they want to see bank book page. So no recent big deposits. With a 10 year visa you can visit for 6 months at a time each year. But you can be denied entry at any time.
  10. I had a nice gal, hardest body ever. 44kg lean and Amazing. We went out to a late lunch and her friend came with. It was a nice place and we ate outside. There was a bar ditch not 20 meters from our table. Had some water in it. A public trail on the far side. The friend was on the big side. They ordered like 10 dishes. I'm not keen on not eating all you order unless you plan to eat leftovers . There was at least half the food left and I was a bit bothered. But the last straw was when a poor looking father and son walked down the path hunting for food. They saw something in the ditch and looked to check if any restaurant staff was looking then the father pounched into the ditch. I think he caught a frog. Right after the friend left i told this gal i didn't need a ride back to my hotel. My plans had changed and they didn't include her. It was feeding a pig and the food waste in a 3rd world country that bothered me.
  11. I had a customer who said her husband likes to go on golf trips to Pattaya. Lol. Since my thai wife is my helper, talk with the customer usually gets around to love of thai food or trips to Thailand, etc
  12. Sounds Ike he conformed to societies dictates until his dick couldn't take it anymore. His eyes are opened. Sad he has a wife but nothing is forever. Whats worse is my single 60+ friends who refuse to consider women outside of societies norms, they even refuse to sign up for a dating site or watch any videos about Thailand.
  13. I agree if she is pretty, slim, sexy,that lowers the chance. Its form DS160 if I'm not mistaken. Was 165$ now 185$ they say. 2 weeks salary for avg Thai. There is a question asking if she knows a US citizen or anyone in the US. Best to lie about this. When you go to bank to pay make sure she pays from her account because the payee needs to sign the receipt and this goes to the interview. I believe that was my mistake with my now wife. 3 other thai ladies got tourist visas to visit me in the USA. All 3 were either above average financially set or heavily burdened by the government school loan system. All over 45. I think under 40 and sexy is the main rejection criteria. Obviously any 2 week solo trip to USA is going to cost 200k baht. So the word was you needed 300k in bank back in 2017-18 time frame.
  14. https://www.theautopian.com/sharp-edge-slashes-cybertruck-owners-leg-open-but-he-still-loves-the-truck/#:~:text=There%2C owner CyberWade wrote to,my leg%2C” said CyberWade Great for slicing hotdogs
  15. But i bet it did expand as expected and just started hitting. Usually those bottom wheels dont raise up by themselves.
  16. MY ancestors were smart enough to migrate away from the equator. And 4 generations ago, to the US. Then 2 generations ago, to the mountains of central US. 10 years in Texas from 84-93 was hot enough for me to know I dont like life in a hot climate especially with chiggers and mosquitoes . I coined a measure for quality of climate 30 years ago. Yearly, temperature,sunny days you can spend outside is a good measure of quality of life . This includes biting bugs. I didnt factor in women availability because that wasn't a problem in Dallas in my younger years. Another sad thing about Thailand is the dengue bugs come out just as it cools off. Yesterday was hot for me. It was 80f later in the day in the city but started off 4c. spent the morning hiking our butts off morel hunting at 6500' and hardly sweating. Caught a few native brown trout all before 2pm. 10 air miles from home . People still skiing. Joggers and bikers out in force. Wonderful 14 hour sunny day.
  17. Hard to imagine this crime us due so much fine and time. He will regret this every day for a lifetime
  18. There have been several deaths in EVs after hitting guardrails. The weight is heavier than the original design specs there is a guard rail guy on YouTube who I follow who's daughter was gored by a improperly installed guardrail. @theguardrailguy He is on a crusade. i have seen YouTube videos of the cyber truck doing poorly in snow. And yes I drive in snow quite a bit. And its super ugly IMHO. And bullet resistance isnt important to me.
  19. Assault with a deadly weapon. Just freaks I say. The tolerance of these freaks is not a part of Thailand I admire at all.
  20. Smart people bought ranches in Montana. I believe it is man caused global warming. Glad i dont live in Thailand Great weather here to be outside 10 hours a day
  21. What things did this guy critique? Or would the list land you with an talk with the bib?
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