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Everything posted by jwest10

  1. The middle of Dec and still no forms 90 or 91 and the Exemption Tax allowances and have again been up to my local tax office and they seem to have no idea if and when and in any case stated again that I would be well under the 500k or 560K threshold and do not work here. I explained again that I have a pink card and so many times been told that I do not need to file a tax form. They also asked if I am in employment and stated no I do not then you do not need to but keeping manual records of what income comes in ie The State Pension and very small amounts of private pension and some already taxed Cheers just trying to be helpful but at the end of the day I do not think anyone knows and so many experts!!!
  2. Precisely and doubt that they will arrive and now in December and again I have been told by my local tax office I do not need to file a tax form and as have no income derived in Thailand and my allowances of 500k or 560K is in access of any pension income
  3. Not sure if I read it or via a so-called tax expert that if unlucky to be found that no form has been provided and thin 2K Baht fine but not sure!!
  4. You absolutely correct they are different!!!
  5. I have definately been told by my local tax office my pink Id would be acceptable but then several times, they asked me about my financial situation and stated that I would not need to file a tax form even so the pink ID could be used if my income was above the threshold m which it is not and do not work in Thailand!!!
  6. No forms or tax forms from my bank or the allowances sheet!!!
  7. My Pink ID card has the same 15-digit number as Tin which I do not have and no 0 the fist digit
  8. No one including the so-called experts have a clue on all these forms and non tax forms!!!
  9. There are no forms pnd 90 and 91's as yet when coming out, of ever and also hearing some banks are sending emails out confirming your Nationality and has anyone received either of these yet?
  10. Great to hear I was asked that several years ago by the Authorities who came to my house but no one knows what is going to happen in 2025 and yes, the extension comes up in January 2025
  11. I want to clarify a few things that have probably been posted but went up to the local Revenue Department today 18 Nov in Kanchanaburi yet again. They did not know for sure the PND 90 and 91 and stated I have a pink id card which has the same number of digits as a Tin. They again asked about my income and stated just have the basic State Pension sent to my Thai bank and a couple of very small private pension ones and the total income for the Thai tax year 2024 is less than the 500k or possibly 550K currently tax exemptions and you do not need to file a tax form but bear in mind they not available. My situation is straight forward but just sharing this information but others no doubt have huge income and rental income. I also looked u[ the DTA agreement and not very clear, Cheers all and just being helpful to you
  12. No new form pnd 90 and p91 and the allowable tax exemptions are out if ever?
  13. Very interesting and sent an email to SCB and stating can you give us the ATM machine number and where do you find this on the screen. The one outside Seven- eleven is now working this morning 14 November 2024 but tried the one outside CJ and after inputing the security numbers and then came up with cards with a chip not accepted in this ATM
  14. Thank you but why does my SCB work so well at GSB but not recently in the 2 village SCB ATMs in Danmakhamtia ie CJ and Seven Eleven and the former only in the last few years and maybe the machine
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