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Everything posted by jwest10

  1. No everyone and including the foreigner trying as best they can their loved Thai families!!!
  2. Yes, those not suffering but the majority are certainly struggling and many of course have wonderful Thai famillies and one other person who is married and always working. One can only do the best one can but sometimes they forget that so many on fixed income and wow how so the locals survive? A very good point about no property of family back in the UK and I know where I would prefer a no brainer and Thailand of course.
  3. Dj 54 and others Yes families etc can be very confusing and it appears and wondered why could not find my answer but a bit surprised no relationship status with this but someone will prove me wrong. Thanks all
  4. Yes, was wondering about younger sister married to our son in law and must be my niece and yeah known her for a while but knew her sister for several years.
  5. Thanks it does but Thai families can be very complex but one can love ones own family and the other sides too and also friends who are regarded as brothers and sisters. Appreciate it
  6. Thanks and indeed and yes one can love your own family and other families and well some extended ones never after cheating out of money but it happens everywhere!!!
  7. Hi and have tried to google and see some sites about this. As an interest I know what Mum and Dad and Grandparents are called in Thai I have tried this question but anyone who can help would appreciate it. My Thai wife's Son has married in the last half year to his Thai wife and his wife is my wife's Daughter-in- law ? And me as a Westerner is it the same ? Also the younger sister of her son's wife is my Niece or cousin or what is it please? Thanks and have been trying googling for quite sometime Many thanks and like in the Western world we can love someone as a special friend also and like brothers and sisters of course. Yes a bit of a strange one and sometimes one might want to know why do you want to know. Though when I taught this game up ie The Family Tree.
  8. Yeah , don't we know it and currency manipulators and just saying for many of fixed and frozen income !!!
  9. See the exchange rate 41.90 to the pound and a couple of days ago 42.90 Oh heck here we go again.
  10. sEE TH POUND GOING DOWN TO 41.9 and a couple of days ago 42.90. Oh heck
  11. Mt family are here full stop and many have no family to speak of in the UK and maybe a few close friends but they have their own families.
  12. You can't get a visa to some places more than 3 months before planned travel!!!
  13. Yeah and so many have Thai families who bank on them but yes not treated the same and it is what it is but on other issues too. I am not moaning but just stating the facts.
  14. How about those who have been resident and go on holiday does the insurance apply to them and probably a silly question but we get penalised as against our Thai families!!!
  15. Did one today and in the end had to deal with it from LLoyds as the system down but yes usually instantly but noticed today your bank may take 2 days to credit your account,
  16. Anyone having problem with wise and transferring funds from LLoyds today The whole system is down it seems but anyone know how to email wise or theyre address Many thanks
  17. My Thai family my wife and 2 Grandchildren, they under 20 years and everything seems so very complicated and very very expensive and the eldest keep badgering when are we going on holiday to the UK. Keep trying to explain everything is much more difficult and certainly more expensive and think might leave it for at least a couple of years and many people still run the risk of getting stranded.
  19. Joe W always careful in more ways THAN ONE. hOPE YOU GOOD AND SURVIVING AND THANKS AGAIN +555
  20. JoeW and many others Just a word of thanks to you all and all the very helpful advise and yes today the 10th May successfully renewed my 5 year Thai Drivers License and pleased that that I did the on line test and video before I went. In the end they sorted out the foreign problem and the staff at my local DLT office could not have been more helpful and yes just taking everything in and yes a laugh and joke at the right times never went amiss. Indeed there were people upstairs who had booked an appointment but had to view the video and the questions and yes indeed the main problem, apart from registration as a foreigner for a couple of weeks was the medical certificate to be in line with maximum 30 day period. Many were this morning on 3 terminals downstairs viewing the video and then getting appointment further down the line. Yes the physical tests and pleased that the rope last time for the reaction test not required but the accelerator and brake pedals but had the matching pins to do and found this really weird, even though they explained it and read about it. However, all very professional indeed and within minutes of my photo been take and had my new license. Always a relief for any kind of tests in our lifetime and like the permission to stay and until everything is stamped and sorted then mentally and physical really tired but great to come home and relax after a very long but very pleasant drive home. Good luck all and yes a lot of background work is needed.
  21. And also congratulations you have a house in the UK and see you use a nickname. Ah well
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