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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. One thing that for some reason never ceases to amaze me, even though it is so common, is how many losers there are in the world who need to be unpleasant to other people to feel good about themselves. Even in jobs where you would think that they would get a lot out of it and appear successful, they still have this need to put others down.
  2. Terrible writing. I think it's a conflation of "as regular as clockwork" and "as sure as night turns to day". He also describes what happened as "a daring motorcycle heist". I was expecting something worthy of a Hollywood film, not a motorcycle chain snatch attempt. It appears that "Top" is a non-native English speaker, which is fair enough, but they should have someone proof reading everyone's work, especially when the mistakes are instantly noticeable. Although he's also apparently a "multifaceted writer". ????
  3. I don't think grabbing someone's necklace and trying to pull it off can be considered a daring motorcycle heist.
  4. I guess "Motorcycle taxi driver stops woman and hands her the money she just dropped" doesn't sound as good.
  5. And when they are there, there are endless activities and activity rehearsals. No wonder they cannot focus on anything "mai sanook".
  6. I think that while people are willing to live somewhere, even if someone says they will live a shorter life, they aren't willing to put a figure on it. Your life is just your life. We have no idea how long we will live or how/when we will die. You could choose to live in the West and not be harmed by pollution, but then die sooner due to stress.
  7. A little unimaginative. After seeing mention of her keeping people's money in a "kitty purse", I was thinking "The Kitty Purse Killer" might be coined.
  8. I think that so far everyone she has killed either lent her money, invested money, or gave her money to "look after".
  9. I was responding to another poster who said Thai only care about money. You were, but they said Thais in general only care about money so are not interested in anything else, then you turned that into impoverished Thais having no time to worry about the outside world because they have to focus on feeding their family. The previous comment suggests that even if they have enough money and "feeding their family" isn't a constant worry, they still have no interest in the outside world, not that people struggling financially are bad for not putting off feeding their family to keep up to date on world news.
  10. To many on here, the facts don't matter. All that matters is that they can say you are in the wrong and the Thais you dealt with are perfect.
  11. I guess whizzing along with no helmets on. Very sad, but very avoidable. The head is extremely vulnerable to impact.
  12. How many people would receive a diet pill from a friend and assume that it is a deadly poison?
  13. Not cynical, but perhaps illogical. Imprisonment won't bring back the people she has killed, but I imagine you would still be in favour of locking her up?
  14. Can it even be called an accident, when so many people are complicit in bringing it about?
  15. Such an extreme example that any balanced psychological assessment of him is unlikely to reach the conclusion, as you have, that his actions can be attributed to him being......."a Thai bloke". What makes you think that the person you are quoting believes the reason is that the suspect is "a Thai bloke"? He says that many Thai males seem to think they can abuse women without consequence, which appears to be supported by what we see in the media. Nowhere does he say that the suspect being "a Thai bloke" is the cause of his actions.
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