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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. If the process is "they think you are working so they aren't giving you an extension", "here's proof of my income from abroad", "sorry not interested", it kind of suggests that they were possibly just making an excuse to turn them down.
  2. There is no democratic country where the ruling wealthy elite are ever in danger of losing their position, no matter who wins the election. Until Thailand "progresses" to this point, coups will always be a thing.
  3. So in a conflict between The US and China, he would want Thailand to support China? Just how red are these guys?
  4. At this point, this has to be deliberate, right? They're deliberately writing badly, as they realise that people like to discuss it, surely. The sentence begins by implying we read of what is about to follow regularly, but then goes on to be so specific that we have probably never read this before, nor will we ever read it again.
  5. Nah, there's chance that your kid won't get into methamphetamines simply because weed is not available. They're super bad so you have a responsibility to make sure they aren't tempted. Don't take your kid's welfare so casually.
  6. Are there only those two choices? Weed or yaba? Couldn't "neither" be an option?
  7. It's possible, but there are a lot of very conservative Thais. Everyone is always talking about these "puritans" who want to ban alcohol and end prostitution to clean up Thailand's image and so on. They surely aren't solely government people. Also, if these venues entertain foreigners, with the covid based anti-foreigner sentiment that a lot of Thais have (and probably had before covid), I wouldn't be surprised if these kinds of complaints only increase as Thailand reopens.
  8. Me too. Right down to there being a general idea that it is "easier" to get a visa in the Laos embassy than it is in Cambodia, because they want tourists to go to the former as they have better relations.
  9. You're literally quoting something that says that the local residents are concerned about it. Are you saying that isn't true? If local residents are objecting to the entertainment venues being open passed midnight, then it isn't just the government.
  10. Perhaps we should, as a planet, tell the oil companies that we are not happy with the amount they are charging for oil. They're bound to understand and do something to make things easier for us.
  11. Sorry to have to do this, but they were quite clear about the fact that the drivers are looking to save customers money: "many drivers and passengers prefer to negotiate fares rather than use meters because it allows them to save more money" (/s)
  12. I very much doubt that the taxi drivers want to do anything to ensure they earn less money. I guess outside of the city, meter taxis cannot compete with ride hailing apps.
  13. So, now you know what style she likes, go out and try and get one exactly the same but that actually offers protection...
  14. Your friend chose to ask his potential love interest about tampons as an ice-breaker?
  15. It's quite funny the way they have such a low opinion of foreigners. Or do I mean sad...? ????
  16. We laugh at this kind of thing, but it's really a serious problem, with people who simply believe what officials say facing some major hurdles in getting anything done.
  17. What do you plan to do with this information if you are diagnosed? I've often thought that I match pretty much all the symptoms of ADD, but isn't it a little late once you're an adult? I wish I had known about it when I was at school.
  18. I think someone saw the "can I live on 40k per month" post and felt like sharing... ????
  19. Also Thai girls can be incredibly flirtatious and behave in a way that a Westerner might view as being "interested" even if they have a boyfriend. I have experienced this myself, much to my annoyance. Perhaps they want to cheat, perhaps they want to upgrade, perhaps they're just having fun. Either way, tread lightly and look out for signs of them having a boyfriend.
  20. Funny thing is, since the "T" arrived it's actually started to alienate a lot of the LGB. There are even some LGBs that want to move away from the group altogether, hence the LGB Alliance was formed. The problem with the initialism is that each member wants to be recognised independently in the name. It's really all about power.
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