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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Also it allows you to assimilate better to the local culture, being glued to your phone all day. No one needs to know you aren't scrolling through Tiktok or playing candycrush.
  2. I think, perhaps, your whataboutism was triggered, as is so often the case, by the fact that you don't like to hear someone saying something negative about Thailand. Probably because you like to think that Thailand is superior to Western countries. This then causes you to try to think of something negative to say about the country of whomever said something negative about Thailand. Although they never said that their country is better, this is what you hear, so you feel the need to knock their country down a peg or two. The fact is, it's OK for someone to point out something factual that could be classed as negative, even if you don't like to hear Thailand being criticised. There was no hypocrisy. Yes, Thailand, like most developing countries, is just as bad as most Western countries were in the past. No one is saying that Western countries didn't go through the same process. There are ways that Thailand is better than our home countries, and there are ways that our home countries are better than Thailand. It's better just to relax and enjoy the things that are better, and try to deal with the things that aren't in the best way you can, rather than allowing someone mentioning them to cause you to immediately need to attack their country. Perhaps this is a step in assimilation that you could aim for next? Take things in a slightly more relaxed way? Mai bpen rai?
  3. American observes racism in present day Thailand, but America was just as racist in the 50s, therefore that American is a hypocrite? Just have a think about that for a minute. ????
  4. Not at all. Just answering your question. I dont think users can specify who replies.????‍♂️
  5. "Whataboutism". Bringing up how the US used to be really doesn't mean much. You say Thailand has racist laws, he claims the US used to be the same. Does that make the racist laws in Thailand OK? No. It's just a deflection. You say something negative about Thailand, he says something negative about another country to try and deflect. Whataboutism doesn't explain anything or properly challenge, it's simply about saying "You said something bad about Thailand, but here's something bad about country X, so that makes Thailand less bad."
  6. It's OK. We all know you're a foreigner with Thai citizenship. Answer away.
  7. He can't look down on them for not speaking Thai.
  8. My thoughts exactly. Some random foreigners on overstay are no threat whatsoever to the security of the meeting or the general safe running of Thailand. I imagine it has something to do with all the Thai criminals they rounded up. They wanted to show that foreigners are criminals too.
  9. I think they were joking anyway. Most would expect a protest outside a restaurant by a foreigner to end in legal action or a physical assault (possibly both).
  10. What's good for the goose is good for the gander... ????
  11. He knew the husband was coming and would take care of the wife, probably after "taking care" of him... ????
  12. I'm not a big fan of violence generally, and only really think it appropriate in a situation where someone is already being violent (outside of some sort of police or military encounter). I'm not sure what kind of a person you have to be to think that someone "deserves a good beating" for anything like simply annoying someone, or the disconcertingly vague "causing them to lose face", but probably not a very happy one.
  13. Exactly. I was just thinking: "Report it to the police and then they prosecute him?" They appear to even have video evidence. I guess the people at the school are more powerful than the police and it will all get covered up. Presumably he knows what is coming for him if the investigation continues.
  14. Nice to hear of some decent cops doing their jobs and refusing bribes.
  15. It would probably be more beneficial to you if, being curious about PTSD, you did your best to find out as much as you can about it.
  16. I'd love to hear how you came to this bizarre conclusion. It sounds like you, and another user, follow the logic that because you are saying something negative about an adult having sex with a teenaged minor, even if you say something illogical and contradictory, or something that is flat out incorrect, anyone who points this out must approve of sex with teenage minors. This is, of course, ridiculous. Someone can say that you are wrong, confused, irrational, point out an error in your argument, etc., and still not approve of sex with teenaged minors.
  17. How hi-so people pretend to behave, whom he then pretends are representative of the typical Thai, and gravitates towards socially and aspirationally.
  18. This might be an unpopular opinion, but I think if parents didn't mention religion to their children, and left them to study science until they were 18, when they finally explained their religion to their children at 18, they probably wouldn't be at all interested. Right or wrong, training children in whatever you want them to follow/believe has to start as soon as possible.
  19. I can ignore a lot of them, but I really don't like the attempts at erasing women. "People with vaginas", or any sh*t like that, I find abhorrent. I'm not a feminist by a long shot, but the thought of trans people erasing the identity of women and reducing them to their sex organs, simply because the existence of "real women" upsets them, really irks me.
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