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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Well, it "makes sense". It's just that it sounds kind of crazy. Like something completely made up and illogical, intended to baffle and confuse.
  2. Not a stupid question at all. I think you could live on less, in terms of accommodation and food. Anything else like travel, health insurance, etc., could be a problem, but once you work out how much you need to spend on the basics each month, you can see what is left. It would all be quite basic, a simple studio apartment with AC and cheap Thai food. A girlfriend might put you over budget.
  3. "Haha, let's break this pen and spill ink on the teacher's desk as a prank!" - How is that even a prank? Would these kids really deliberately break a pen and spill ink on the teacher's desk?
  4. I spend my time helpfully correcting posts and comments on ASEAN NOW. You have to give a bit back.
  5. That's your opinion, but it doesn't give you any right to decide how other people can behave. ????‍♂️
  6. What does this have to do with the comment you are replying to? Check again. Maybe you replied to the wrong comment.
  7. It's not enough to allow it now. You have to support it. ???? Funny how "we just want X" quickly turns into "actually, we'd quite like Y as well" as soon as they get what they want.
  8. Isn't this section meant to be a subtitle that relates to the picture? Maybe one sentence? There's more info here than in the article below. It's like having the piece split in two.
  9. Why? The comment section is for commenting on the article. Perfectly normal to do so. What makes you think they didn't?
  10. Hit only by the rider? Not the bike? And he then died? He wasn't killed? What a bizarre scenario!
  11. I'm afraid I'm not sure how your comment relates to the point I was making. I didn't say anything about whether their claims were genuine or not.
  12. The recent spate of Indians having their chains stolen in Pattaya all had responses saying that the victim should not have worn the chain out. Some even criticised Indians for wanting to wear them in the first place.
  13. It's quite simple. You can give give to some, but where you need to take from others to do it, it isn't fair.
  14. So I can still have "I now pronounce you man and wife" in the ceremony and "man" and "wife" on all legal paperwork? Not based on what the previous user suggested. Marriage is traditionally a ceremony of joining together a man and woman as man and wife. If you want a civil partnership, with all the same rights and regulations as a marriage, go for it. But when you say "I want to take something from you to make things better for someone else", obviously you're going to meet some resistance. Of course you need to pretend that it is trivial, or it appears trivial to you, it goes against something that you want. I don't want to deny anyone anything. You want to do that.
  15. Doesn't help straight people who want to be known as man and wife though...
  16. I wouldn't say "blame" per se, but it is a very unwise thing to do, regardless of gender, and I would advise against it. I'm sure most people would at least think "why oh why did you do that?". It is, unfortunately, very difficult to tread the line between warning people to be responsible and saying they are to blame for what happened to them.
  17. Probably. If a man got drunk and was robbed, people would blame the man for being drunk.
  18. Is it "incorrectly" if the reason they get "confused" with sex workers is due to some of them indulging in sex work on the side?
  19. Don't quite agree with this. Teachers shouldn't lose their temper, and they shouldn't allow anger to cloud their judgement, but some kids only behave once a teacher gets angry with them. There's of lot of pushing to test boundaries with kids.
  20. Sounds like the girl didn't like the idea of getting the 100 Baht for nothing and was insisting on the friend taking the candy. Maybe, if she is really working with "handlers", there will be trouble for her if the money and candy doesn't balance. Maybe she simply didn't feel like being treated like a charity case when she wanted to work for the money. The other foreigner, perhaps thinking that the friend had promised money rather than giving it, entered "White knight mode" and thought he was standing up for the girl. Alcohol and stupidity preventing him from listening to anything your friend said.
  21. This is the issue. Many people want to change Thailand, but don't seem to realise that they might not like it if they did. You can't "fix" the things you don't like and keep the bits you do.
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