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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Why do Americans never seem willing to actually address the root cause of this? Most of these gunmen are from broken homes and severely bullied at school, but all they ever talk about are guns. The media will say that he didn't have a father, his mother was absent from his life, everyone at school bullied him, he had no friends, was completely socially isolated, but act like that means nothing and solely focus on guns. Why does it seem like Americans don't care about the mental state of their youth even a tiny bit? Do these people actually care about anything other than doing things that annoy conservatives? It kind of seems like a symptom of the problem. Americans don't care about their children, they only care about annoying their political rivals, which could be why they're in this mess in the first place.
  2. So if you start medical insurance when you don't have a condition, they will keep insuring you if one develops? But if you don't have insurance, then try to get it once you have a condition, they will reject you?
  3. It's a pretty tough predicament. How do you ensure that you send a clear message that covid is a foreign disease, brought to Thailand by foreigners, and that all foreigners have covid, while still attracting tourism?
  4. Is this irony? If not, I'm relieved that that was the ending. Most users would have you believe that the minute your back is turned your Thai wife or girlfriend is cheating on you.
  5. Tourism honestly seems so passive when it comes to Thailand. They're used to basically sitting back and letting beaches, islands and party towns attract visitors. It's obviously challenging to them to think that they need to actively do anything to try to attract tourists or facilitate their arrival.
  6. It never worked, it was simply all balanced out by extra tourism cash so nobody really noticed.
  7. Generally, politicians look out for each other. Probably because they know the shoe might be on the other foot at some point. They will encourage someone to step down, but rarely is there anything bad enough a politician can do to trigger consequences. Maybe if they do something that puts them in prison.
  8. What makes any criticism of Soros anti-Semitic? If you don't like something he has done, and point that out, why is that anti-Semitic? What does it have to do with him being Jewish?
  9. And you feel you apply this judgement to everyone? If someone shares a negative opinion of someone without an explanation, you assume them to be a hater, racist, anti-Semite, etc.?
  10. So if anyone says anything bad about Soros they're automatically a hater or an Antisemite? Your opinion is right, and anyone with a different opinion is a hater or an antisemtie?
  11. Philanthropist? Soros? Isn't he like a real life Bond villain?
  12. Thai people: "We want freedom and democracy. Down with this oppressive regime!" Also Thai people: "The prices of things have gone up, please can you pay for some of it so we can afford it?"
  13. Very tragic and sad event, but this isn't what "butchered" means.
  14. How many governor spots were they? I thought there was only one. How can so many being wining and losing against each other?
  15. If the case never gets tried, it goes away quicker. It's only a foreigner and he's a Thai, so... ????‍♂️
  16. Stands to reason that some Thai police actually trying to address a threat to public safety involving the breaking of the law would end badly. Thai people generally don't really want the law to be enforced unless they are directly a victim of a crime.
  17. They were still involved in gang activity with someone with a gun. They could have easily been involved in a situation where they, their friends, or someone else was shot and possibly killed.
  18. Sounds like a big school drop-out rate during covid. They didn't wait for covid to finish then drop out.
  19. A man whose job it was to keep an eye on others and make sure they were safe, wasn't able to expect the same in return. ????
  20. If a work colleague didn't show up to work for several days and also didn't answer their phone, I would likely go to their house or contact another person who either knew them or lived near them. This seems like what most people would do. You're question, perhaps accidentally, changed the details of the scenario considerably. You might want to think about why. ????‍♂️
  21. The claim of someone smuggling cocaine from the UK to Thailand was suspect right out the gate. People already smuggle drugs to the UK from Asia, there would be zero point in smuggling them out of the UK once there. And they said the Thai girlfriend had nothing to do with it, so some random from the UK with well off parents decides all by himself to smuggle drugs back to one of their possible origins just seems insane.
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