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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. But, knowing the cultural context, sometime the slightest criticism, or even *perceived* criticism, can do the same.
  2. Sometimes I feel like things which we call child abuse, Thai people call normal. Which is pretty heart-breaking.
  3. She pooped or peed herself. I assume from the post that the mother was complaining that he didn't clean her properly before she went swimming. If this is the case, she had a pretty sound reason for griping at him. Poor kid.
  4. 1, They generally don't. 2, Often the women have just as much of a problem as the men do. 3, He lost his job due to covid, so he may have originally been earning more than her. Probably just a mistake in your wording, but this suggests that women are and can be better than men. Obviously a woman can be "better" than a man, but a man can also be "better" than a woman. ????‍♂️
  5. Do you even know where you are? This is not the place to find tree-huggers. There's also quite a large middle ground between hippie tree-hugging vegans and moronic tourists who don't even realise that what they are participating in harms animals. I would have thought that maybe the fact that only one commenter has actually entertained your delusions might have clued you in to the fact that your opinion is very much the minority among people who know anything about Thailand. If you post on a public forum, expect responses from users on that forum. What you "specifically asked" doesn't come into it.
  6. The quote a what I wrote have the same meaning, because the author missed out a comma.
  7. It's not. I am simply highlighting the punctuation error which makes it sound like they were making an odd demand for a meeting.
  8. It certainly adds some important details: "I demand to see you in Bangkok, Thailand, just after lunch!" - somehow very specific and vague at the same time... ????
  9. I've got a rocket in my pocket... but I keep coolly cool, boy!
  10. I see what you're getting at, but surely a leg shot would be a better idea. I'm not a doctor, but I'm sure shooting yourself in the chest carries some risks.
  11. Makes sense. All foreigners have covid and Thais generally don't. ????‍♂️
  12. Probably not restricted to one group.
  13. Didn't the tiger place have a load of dead tiger cubs and tiger body parts frozen? I don't think they were that much better off in the tiger sanctuary. Death may have been the more favourable option. Best not to associate yourself with any animal tourism in Thailand, unless you are very sure that the animals are not being abused and are being cared for properly.
  14. There's definitely a theme of men's urges being put high above the welfare of women and girls. It permeates all aspects of the culture.
  15. Said the man dressed in military style uniform. That'll bring out the service mind, guaranteed! No playing on phones, no bribes, be nice to tourists... sounds mai sanook.
  16. It seems that the authorities classify anywhere that people congregate in large numbers high-risk. Being outdoors doesn't seem to come into it. I've had Thais walking along with their masks down, outside, with me with my mask on, walking metres away from me, quickly pull their mask up when they see me. It seems that it's a commonly held belief that being outdoors makes no difference (along with all foreigners having covid). An unfortunate reflection on the attitude towards covid in Thailand.
  17. So are there actual table and chairs next to the shrine? If so, what are they for?
  18. Basically the very corrupt communists had an unlimited supply of brainwashed uneducated peasants to march off to their deaths in such numbers that the Americans got fed up and left. They were happy to waste millions of young lives in order to get their hands on the economy of the South. That wasn't tenacious and invading and occupying the South was worse for the people of the South. Nothing to boast about in the Communist invasion and occupation of South Vietnam. Certainly not something to desire to happen in any other country.
  19. Uh-oh! Were you twirling a waxed moustache as you typed this? "Oh I love them alright. In fact... [twirls moustache] you could say... [picks up bone saw] I love them... [revs bones saw] TO PIECES!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!! [bzzzzzzZZZZZZ]"
  20. Simple. The gun man berated the knife man; knife man gave him some back; gun man belted him with the gun; knife guy backed down and apologised; things calmed down and gun man put his gun away and relaxed; time passed and everyone relaxed, except for knife man. Knife man was stewing on the altercation for several minutes before getting a knife from the kitchen, calmly approaching gun man and stabbing him three time; no chance for gun man to even reach for his gun.
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