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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. It's quite possible that there will have to be huge changes that need to take place over decades for anything to improve. As in fundamental changes to Thai society that simply cannot be forced. Every culture has lived through times of much lower education, safety, fairness, more constrictive belief systems, and so on. And it took time for things to change. To introduce something to a society that is basically at a different stage of development and then expect them to be able to manage it as well as a more developed country is actually a little naive.
  2. So how do you explain the much higher rate of road accidents? Some other factor outside of how the majority of Thai people drive? Way more accidents than England but your driver was good so it doesn't count and Thai drivers are safer? It's so bizarre to think that one anecdote of a careful driver outweighs countless examples both lived and witnessed in the news. Did hiring a driver mean you could just travel around with your eyes closed? You didn't see how the other drivers were driving?
  3. Thai people can be really friendly, fun, easy going, make you feel very welcome, beautiful women as well. The weather in Thailand is great, the food is pretty nice, for a SEA country they have some nice upmarket areas, the temples are nice and they have some really interesting ruins. Beaches, mountains, forests are pretty sweet. But that doesn't detract from the fact that the roads are deadly and safety is really not something that is really properly considered. I'm not sure why so many cannot enjoy the good while also acknowledging the bad.
  4. There are many dangerous situations everywhere in Thailand. You can go out for a walk and see multiple dangerous things that you can see are dangerous, know how it could be made safe, and know that it would not happen in most Western countries. If you watch Thais on the road, they clearly engage in extremely dangerous driving practices near constantly. Many in fact seem to enjoy driving very fast and in a dangerous way. I literally just saw four boys on one motorcycle riding at speed beeping and yelling. Having a whale of a time. No helmets. No one stopping them. I'm not sure how that can all exist without a serous problem when it comes to sense of safety. Are you seriously suggesting that in general, Thais have a good sense of safety?
  5. "Vietnam had already begun a gradual resumption of international flights from the start of this year while easing quarantine requirements. In particular, vaccinated passengers now only need three days of self-quarantine." I'm sure I read somewhere that they plan to allow normal tourist visas very soon, maybe a couple of months. Seems like they've already started easing up on the quarantine. It would be a little strange to allow international flights to return to normal then wait a month and a half to allow visas to return to normal, so perhaps the change will come sooner. Things are looking good for Vietnam, but we'll have to wait and see. Hopefully Thailand will open up at the same pace as it's neighbours, but that remains to be seen. Obviously a few other factors at play in Thailand.
  6. Very sad. Given the beliefs of people in this part of the world, may have been hastening herself off to her next life in the hope that her circumstances improve. RIP.
  7. Realistically, many developing countries have a younger population and a weather system and culture that has given them many advantages over wealthier but colder countries in fighting covid.
  8. I know nothing about them. Based on the name, perhaps many units of charcoal connected together in some way?
  9. I can only see expats and Thais using this. Anyone looking to go on holiday is going to take one look at that, along with the possibility of being imprisoned for most of their holiday, and choose somewhere else. Most comparable countries are seriously looking at how they can get tourists coming back, rather than how they can stop them.
  10. The bigger the bike, the faster they go. If he was on a smaller bike, he would not have been able to go as fast. Limit the size of bike people are allowed to drive, limit the speed they can reach. So no, not nothing to do with the size of the bike.
  11. Never a waste. As they say "they can't take your education away from you". There will be more opportunities that will require her qualifications in the future. Is there any need to rush? Can she wait and look for something else? It's often easier to find work while still employed but maybe not in a different city. Any connections through her current work that can help? What are her prospect in BKK? More likely to get work there? As others have said, probably better for her not to move home if it can be avoided, although you clearly care for her and maybe want to stick it to her company, keeping her independent and standing on her own two feet might be better for her personal development. Good luck with it. Horrible situations for young people all over Thailand.
  12. No insurers have any kind of moral obligation. They say what they will cover and you choose whether to buy their policy or not. The question should perhaps be, why is Thailand making people buy a policy that will not protect them against all costs that they might force you into paying?
  13. How does that make foreigners look bad or encourage Thais to blame them for the pandemic? I think the numbers were something like 13,000-14,000 yesterday with less than 200 of those coming from abroad. Why do they need to test or quarantine these people at all? Narrative.
  14. Thai violently murders Thai over trivial matter; Thai violently murders Thai over trivial matter; Thai violently murders Thai over trivial matter; Thai violently murders Thai over trivial matter; Malaysian people fight over a parking space - "See?!! It's not the Thais that solve things with violence!!!" Terrible writing. You really cannot nullify a generalisation with a single example like this.
  15. Given the poop-show that "gender identity" has become in the West, please keep that garbage out of Thailand. Safe sex and how sex works, yes. "Pronouns" and self-identification, no, that isn't sex education.
  16. There's been a few stories of Thais being shocked by begpackers begging and helping them out because they assume to be begging means they are in big trouble, rather than just lazy. I'm pretty sure that guy with the big leg got a ton of cash, mostly from Thais, which he promptly wasted. But one group of Thais being helpful and generous doesn't prevent another group from ripping you off.
  17. That my experience matches what you are saying? I didn't think that would be controversial. ????‍♂️
  18. I agree with you, but the problem is that society exerts a very strong influence on people. Everything except for you are telling him not to wear a helmet, fate cannot be avoided and actions do not have consequences. I wonder how many people "back home" would still wear helmets if it was effectively made optional.
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