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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. I'd probably go with some sort of anonymous way of sorting it first. If you ask him and he says nothing, you've lost any chance of any anonymity.
  2. I'm sure there was a story on here of someone dying due to complications in a clinic and no one knowing what to do.
  3. I'm not really sure if anything you say is true, but this shouldn't be too hard to test. Spend one week going to new restaurants and pretending to be fresh off the boat, then send one week going to new restaurants speaking Thai to them and making it clear you're a long-term resident. See how you are received each week and then total it up at the end.
  4. MalcomB is a troll. He says whatever he thinks will aggravate people and rarely makes sense. Ignore him.
  5. His classmates say he was one of those relentlessly bullied misfit types who go on the shoot up the school. He chose to shoot at Trump instead.
  6. The cartridge doesn't leave the gun. There's no way one could have grazed Trump's ear. Hardly, the left are just panicking because this comes on top of the Biden Trump debate fiasco that made it clear that Biden is suffering from dementia. The last thing the left wanted was something that made Trump look good following Biden being made to look so bad and refusing to step down.
  7. Thailand is used to being in demand with foreign tourists and businesses. They view it in a "they need us more than we need them" kind of way, and don't seem to understand that it is possible to drive people away. One of the drawbacks to the "Thai supremacy" ideology. If their economy is 20% tourism and 25% foreign manufacturing, you would think they would be looking for ways to attract foreign people and make them want to stay, rather than blaming them for everything pushing them away.
  8. No, but they can continue the hate campaign to stop people from focusing on the real problems.
  9. Property isn't "debt". The loan is secured against the property. People don't talk about mortgages like they do debt. Ridiculous. How is anything I said "Thai bashing"?
  10. She's been in steady employment for 20 years. That's a long time to be still paying off a reasonable family car. Chances are she got into debt buying things she didn't need.
  11. 20 years of working the same stable job and 100,000s baht in debt? I wonder how much of that is garbage like iPhones and pick-up trucks...
  12. You don't need to compare it to anything to say that these children should clearly not have been riding on this motorbike and allowing them to do so directly led to a man's death. They objectively do not have the skill or the mentality to be responsible for riding a motorbike safely.
  13. Don't reply to MalcomB. He's a troll and literally says whatever he thinks will aggravate people.
  14. "If someone bullies you, tell your teacher!" "Praised by parents online." 🙄
  15. Probably best to run away whatever the numbers. Fighting a local is like fighting a woman; if you lose, you lose, if you win, you lose.
  16. A lot of guys like it when another foreigner is attacked, as it makes them feel more special.
  17. When you teach people to hate foreigners, then show them there are no consequences for attacking them, this is inevitable.
  18. But we all know that could be something as simple as complaining about being scammed.
  19. Not just that, people are picking the most toxic sides from each culture. Thai people seem to want the rights of Western culture with the benefits of Thai culture. "Give me this, give me that, I don't have to listen to you, but still talk nicely to me and don't criticise me or I'll lose my sh*t."
  20. I think you can close the thread right here. Colonialism, drugs and prostitutes...
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