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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Absolute savages. Completely emboldened as well. It's a shame they aren't pressing charges, and the Thai legal system means someone needs to make a complaint. There should be something in place that means security thugs can't just beat tourists to a pulp and then get away with it if they don't want to press charges and just want to leave and forget about it. The guards will probably feel proud about what they did, outnumbering the foreingers and using weapons.
  2. That's fine, but the reason that people object to things like this is that they have empathy for the victims and frustration at the system that allows it to happen. The fact that these guys argued over a bill and one of them may have pushed a security guard in no way justifies what followed. "I'm OK with it because I'm 99% sure it won't happen to me" isn't the way that everyone views the world. This bad thing happened in Thailand, it was done by Thai people, it was done to foreign people, probably partly because they are foreign, and the response from the Thai authorities will likely be shaped by these facts. All foreign people in Thailand are affected in some way by this event or the circumstances that led to it. Some people choose to ignore that, others don't.
  3. Everyone knows that you aren't allowed to criticise anything about Thailand unless everything about your home country is perfect. Even then, if you choose to live in Thailand, it by default means that you must find it better than your home country, therefore you aren't allowed to complain about it. 🙄 It's incredible the way that some people view the world, especially when something so clearly and objectively bad is being discussed.
  4. Even if all parties are alive, it's still a messed up thing to do. It's simply not a case of "Oh well, nothing more to see here". This is going to run for a little while more yet.
  5. A really nasty piece of work. Hopefully he sees the inside of a cell and never works security again.
  6. 'I asked them to pay the bill, but the tourist in the white shirt argued that he had already paid. I explained that the money I was asking for was the payment of someone who had not paid and not his own bill. 'They insulted me and said the bar was trying to scam them, so I called the security over and told them the tourist would not pay his bill.'
  7. Knuckle dusters were mentioned somewhere else. I think Reddit.
  8. Do you have anything actually saying they're a minor? Or that a 40 year old would face any sort of charges for sleeping with an 18 year old? What you have posted is about specifically parental control, so doesn't quite make the point you want it to. It seems like everything being discussed previously mentions being under 18.
  9. Maybe she meant "push him", as that is what she said and it is a thing that someone can do?
  10. Some foreigners seem to get aroused by the thought of Thai men attacking another foreigner. A lot of odd people come to Thailand.
  11. Also a lot more muscle on people. Guys quite literally don't know their own strength.
  12. Pretty common occurrence. The attacker probably thought it was only a punch, but when someone goes down it's easy for them to hit their head on something.
  13. Yeah, it seems like there's a weird group of guys obsessed with the idea of men dating minors, when this post is about an 18 year old and a 40 year old.
  14. Sometimes it seems like the right kind of partner in Thailand is either a girl who is beautiful enough or a guy who is rich enough. 😆 But who knows? Don't give up hope.
  15. Oh, I thought you were going to show me where I was defending "minor abuse"?
  16. An 18 year old dating a 16 year old? I guess that's OK. Probably pretty common.
  17. Probably not made as "emotionally happy" as we like to think people in Western relationships are, but that's just how things are for most people in Thailand. It's more about provision than "love". Storybook love and romance is a very Western concept. That's why you can't really apply Western cultural norms to a non-Western culture.
  18. I don't think I've even mentioned it, let alone defended it. I think you might be lying. 🤔
  19. You seem to really want people to be "abusing minors". It's kind of weird.
  20. Have you seen same-age Thai couples out eating? Mostly they just sit on their phones. I understand why you and others would try to apply Western dating standards to this because you don't like it, but it doesn't really work.
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