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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Because a speech impediment doesn't make you forget where you are or what you were saying, or say things that are completely untrue.
  2. There is no speech impediment. It's actually a fairly good barometer for how insane Biden fans are. The more passionately they claim that a man forgetting what he is saying or where he is is somehow due to a speech impediment, the more insane they are.
  3. Something tells me that Biden's "speech impediment" (the one that makes him forget where he is, what he's talking about, or what's going on around him) will likely flare up.
  4. Either way, it should be interesting viewing. It will say a lot about the state of society if both sides' first choice are old, mentally feeble and physically weak. Especially as they seem to really be two sides of the same coin (rich, creepy, corrupt, etc.). It seems like tribalism has led to people being unable to see any choice other than the embodiment of their tribe.
  5. Don't assume that everyone is as dishonest as you are. 🙄
  6. People lie a lot about Trump. Likely this is another lie.
  7. The wife stabbed him during an argument and now the mother-in-law is trying to take the blame, claiming that it was a struggle rather than a deliberate killing to reduce the punishment?
  8. They weren't able to actually retrieve him? Or should that be revive?
  9. It must be very crowed with 11 million people inside... 🤔
  10. Hardly innovative. 🙄 Do they have such a right? They're at school. Perhaps he meant to give them a right to do this in this particular school. Of course the students are happy with fewer rules. Most of them would be happy with less learning and more break times. Pleasing students should never be the priority. It should be about how things affect their performance and their learning environment.
  11. The prevention of competition is the keystone of their business model.
  12. I suspect it's simply that they dislike the idea of men having sex with girls who are under 18 so much that they want men who do it to be thought of as being the same as men who rape prepubescent children. Obviously, if adult men have sex with girls under 18, they may face legal consequences, but that doesn't mean they deserve to be lumped in with actual child-rapists.
  13. Are they relocating a capital city or simply choosing a different one?
  14. I'm not sure you can kidnap or abduct your own son. It didn't say that the mother had custody. No kidnapping or abduction there.
  15. LOL. And you want to try and say that I'm the one who is not making normal responses? 🤦‍♂️
  16. Making "Say you agree with us or face the consequences" type threats is not normal in the slightest. Pointing it out and disagreeing with it is very normal.
  17. How do they get inside? Presumably filling any holes is a good place to start.
  18. I don't think anyone says the people on AN are mostly middle aged. It's retirees mostly. Normally people say "salty old sexpats".
  19. It's not an overaction at all. I simply pointed out what you are doing. 🤷‍♂️
  20. It just doesn't work like that. "Here's my claim and it's up to you to prove me wrong if you disagree." No. The onus is on you to support the claim that you made.
  21. No normal adult asks someone to back up their claim? What are you talking about?
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