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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. It's fine to want this, of course, but they have to face up to the fact that they caused this by marketing their countries to attract this for the past 40 years. Don't be surprised if it is difficult to deter the "bad tourists" and equally difficult to attract the "good tourists". You first need to change whatever attracts the "bad tourists" and bring in something to attract the "good tourists".
  2. No sh*t. That's what that literally means. A generalisation never means 100% of the people. 🙄 Still, it's far more likely that she didn't tell her professor than did. It's just not something that a normal Thai person would do.
  3. Because I know what Thai people are like, both in terms of what they wouldn't do (showing their professor all their mistakes which their foreign boyfriend found) and in terms of what they would do (lying to their partner to keep the peace). If she lied to him, how would he know any different?
  4. Doesn't sound like it. The chances of a Thai student turning up to class and telling their professor that their foreign husband had corrected their work and pointed out their the professor's errors, is very slim. However, the chances of a Thai student telling their husband that they would do so, then not doing it and lying about it, are pretty high. You would know that if you really knew Thai people. Just because you made an idiotic comment (again), and I pointed out that you were wrong (again), it doesn't make my comment idiotic. 🤷‍♂️
  5. Why did you start one, then? Don't be mad just because you said something wrong and another person pointed it out. 🤷‍♂️
  6. Again, that's all pretty irrelevant, as there are people who use/carry guns for self-defence. You saying that you (or some other people) do not, does not change that.
  7. There's no way your Thai wife would have done that to her professor. She probably threw it in the bin herself and lied to you.
  8. The way the West is heading, there seems to be something to be said for an education system that focusses strongly on unity, cultural identity, and citizenship.
  9. Win what? My point was that guns are useful for self-defense. Your having never needed one doesn't affect that at all.
  10. I often wonder about this myself. When it comes to other things that people want banned, cigarettes and guns seem a lot more urgent. It's weird, because alcohol causes more harm than guns, yet serves no actual purpose, while guns are useful for self-defence. Equally, cigarettes are often the target of negative press, while alcohol, which also has a lot of negative health effects, pretty much gets ignored. I think the problem is that alcohol is simply too popular for the cons to outweigh the pros. That is, the harm caused by alcohol doesn't bother people as much as not being able to drink it would.
  11. Some Thais don't like to acknowledge the Khmer influence (origins?) on their culture.
  12. I don't think there is a solution. There doesn't seem to be much in the way of a deterrent or consequences to living that lifestyle in Thailand. It seems like the best thing is to find out prior to getting too serious what the girl's family is like.
  13. Teaching English in Thailand makes no meaningful contribution? I think that's a little harsh. Teachers (even dirty foreign ones) can have a really positive impact on the lives of Thai children.
  14. While I can't pretend to be able to read Ralf's mind, the question seemed very much like a rhetorical one, with the implied meaning of "That's ridiculous. You should have been able to learn some Thai in the amount of time you have been here. There's something amiss if you have not.".
  15. Fairly standard for SEA. No real concept of customer service. Many times I have seen the staff serve up the fries, then wait patiently for the rest of the food to be ready. Of course, the fries are cold by the time the rest of the food is ready. I suppose it's just how they are. Not really encouraged to think for themselves. Yes. It's cultural not to complain about anyone or do anything to upset them. If you make someone feel bad due to their wrong behaviour, it's very likely that they will consider it your fault for pointing it out.
  16. Win win then. People just like to try and find a negative because they don't like the idea of someone else being happy. He's probably getting more than his ego stroked.
  17. You're obsessed with Biden being on drugs. Do you want him to be on drugs or something?
  18. This is the thing, Trump just gets up on the stage and rambles on about whatever he saw on TV last night. Those who hate him would like it to be that he's senile or lying, but really it's just how he talks. I remember once he said something about seeing a terrorist attack "last night". He meant that he saw it on the news, but people were trying to make out that he was lying about there being a terrorist attack. They're just too keen to get something on him to engage their brains.
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