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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. He was giving tours. Surely that's working as a tour guide?
  2. Maybe lock him up somewhere? If he isn't going to get any treatment at all, the best thing for everyone else is for him to be locked away so he cannot hurt anyone. Not the best thing for him, but better than letting him roam around attacking people.
  3. What's the point of asking for ID if you're jut going to believe that someone is someone who they are not?
  4. That's very cute, but what age can a Thai person legally have sex? If it's 18, then they either aren't a minor, or the label "minor" really has nothing to do with a conversation about age of consent. I realise that you don't like the idea of an older guy being with an 18 year old girl, but all this semantic gymnastics you're trying to do to bend the reality is pretty moot. You obviously want someone in Thailand having sex with an 18 year old to be "sex with a minor", because of what that suggests is happening, but that isn't the case in Thailand, so it add little to the conversation. An adult can have sex with an 18 year old. It's as simple as that. Nobody is "abusing a minor" if they're over 18.
  5. I think they love their parents as well. But I'm not sure if they love their romantic partners.
  6. I agree, but in Thai culture money=love. Or, perhaps, money replaces love? Not sure if love exist in Thailand as it does in the West.
  7. I'm slightly confused. Why would you do something you don't want to do? If you don't want to move to Pattaya, don't move there. If you wouldn't mind moving there, but you'd like to stay active and not drink, then do that. There's no law saying what you have to do if you live in a certain place.
  8. This was my first though also. It's a distressing thing for someone to have to endure in the first place, but seeing nothing being done to the perpetrators must make a victim question whether they deserve or caused the assault in the first place. One of the worst things about Thailand.
  9. "make changes in (something, especially an institution or practice) in order to improve it." 🤔
  10. Murray is neither far right nor Islamaphobic (although as Murray is a gay man I can see why he might be worried about Islamic intolerance/homophobia) but I guess when that's your only card you have to play it. This is actually a really good example of why what is presented in the article cannot really be relied upon. Leftists tend to say that anyone who questions anything that non-White people do are racists, so when they say "racist far-right groups", they might actually be talking about rational people who are simply questioning the immigration policy, as it isn't working.
  11. Definitely one who likes to antagonise people, but he slightly lacks the ego/arrogance of Sparktrader/BigNock/Dolf.
  12. Also, they're embracing Western attitudes, but they don't have the resources that Western people have. They're pulling away from family and community, but they don't have the financial safety net that Western countries do. There was a video about young Thais not having babies shared here, and it seems like a big part of that is that they want to have a big house all to themselves and two nice new cars, then they don't have enough money for kids. They're abandoning the idea of the multigenerational house, with the free childcare and housekeeping that that comes with, but there isn't the same level of financial assistance in terms of retirement, so they're shooting themselves in the foot. Things are probably going to keep getting worse. You can't change your lifestyle before the system exists for your new lifestyle to function.
  13. Sorry, but no. There's no way you can justify such extreme, unnecessary and disproportionate violence. You're basically saying you're OK with it because you're as racist as the people perpetrating it. It's obvious.
  14. It's pure racism. The staff called them over saying "these tourists aren't paying their bill" and the security guards were clearly driven to anger at the fact that these evil foreigners were doing something bad to Thai people. They weren't looking to maintain people's safety or find a peaceful solution. They decided that they wanted to violently attack the foreigners to vent their anger with them for being foreign. They're really the worst kind of people to be security guards in a tourist destination. If they keep their jobs, it's a pretty sick indictment of Thaialnd.
  15. There's a video of a kid drowning (I think it was in Thailand) and most people didn't even realise he was drowning. It takes ages for someone to actually get him out. Literally, people are just standing there watching or walking past and looking, but they don't appear to even register that the kid being underwater is any issue.
  16. https://impactgrouphr.com/individualpost/thailand-the-land-of-the-smiles/
  17. They need an "affray" offense, but I don't think that would be compatible with Thai culture. Things need to be solvable with a wai and some compensation.
  18. Aww. I remember Ed. He got so much flak just for asking Rose about her sexual history, while Rose was treated like the literal reincarnation of the female Jesus because she is young and pretty woman. I hope he does find happiness.
  19. As I said, it only says that Thai parents are in charge of their offspring until they are 20. It doesn't state that they are minors or that anyone 18 (or 20 🙄) or older will get in trouble for having sex with them, while it does for 15-17. It seems like you are the one who needs glasses. You are so desperate for men to be with minors, you even want to change the age of a minor when the conversation is about an 18 year old, and you don't even care if what you are saying is true. If you can show some evidence of the above, please do.
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