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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Absolutely mad. The only thing I said to you is that it's possible for an 18 year girl to find an older guy attractive, and look at all the garbage you're spouting here. 🙄
  2. Good. Please learn to be a little less irrational when you discuss something.
  3. More shaming and accusations. This isn't the way to have a discussion. Go take out your issues somewhere else.
  4. Clearly that isn't what I said. As I said, if you can't argue rationally, you maybe shouldn't bother.
  5. Now you're talking about "kiddie fiddlers". Exactly my point.
  6. I think this and the fact that he was unwilling to answer my question about a girl going with an ugly guy her own age for money makes it fairly clear that guy has a problem. He certainly isn't arguing rationally or honestly.
  7. And my point is that you are wrong. So now you're saying that if you claim that an 18 year old could find an older guy attractive that you must be the same as someone who had sex with minors? You're being pretty pathetic now, tbh. It's fine to disagree with someone, but to say "agree with me or be labelled the same as a man who has sex with minors" is very low. It suggests that you lack any kind of objectivity on this subject. Probably some feelings you don't like inside you somewhere. If you can't discuss something rationally and politely, you probably shouldn't bother.
  8. I doubt you'll get a straight answer out of him. He seems a little too passionate about this one. Some people just need to shame others for some reason.
  9. Ipso-facto all 18 year olds think that 25 year old men are you old?
  10. What does "takes away" mean in this context? It's important to know that.
  11. This was a case of something like the parents withdrawing consent after the guy gave the girl an STI.
  12. What if the ages are the same, but the girl is in a relationship with an ugly man because he is rich?
  13. Do you genuinely believe that if a man visited a psychologist and said that he finds an 18 year girl attractive that the psychologist would suggest he has a problem, seriously?
  14. Probably mum isn't attractive anymore but dad still has income.
  15. It's kind of funny. If this was a 20 year old guy and an 18 year old girl, no one would be asking this, and they probably wouldn't meet the parents for months, but because there is an age gap, suddenly he has to seek the parents' permission before even considering dating the girl. I bet if she wanted to go out and sleep around at the weekend, no one would ask about her parents' input then. There's just this weird resistance when it comes to older guys being able to sleep with younger women. Western women have these guys really well trained. They'd probably be more angry at and older guy marrying a girl than they would a young guy dating her and treating her badly.
  16. What's the moral issue? If both parties are adults and are happy with the relationship? A moral judgement suggests there is someone being harmed. I've never heard an argument against it that doesn't basically come down to "I don't like it, that's why it's bad".
  17. Not all women are this predatory, even with a big age difference. They get access to money and the things it provides, they don't all need to be paid directly. Just living rent free in an apartment, having the food and bills taken care of, getting a decent education for their half-Western kids, and being lifted into a higher social class, is a pretty big draw for a lot of women.
  18. I don't think anyone is actually suggesting they might be interested in anyone under 18. It seems that the OP wanted to know if his friend would be alright legally with an 18 year old, but chose to word it as a question about what the age of consent is.
  19. I'm pretty sure that in high schools in the UK, even where the student is over 16 (age of consent in the UK), a teacher will be in big trouble if they have any sort of relationship with a student.
  20. People clearly get very upset about older men being with younger women. I assume its a little bit social conditioning and a little bit jealousy. It's one of those situations where people convince themselves that something is bad, likely because they want it but can't have it. Cognitive dissonance means they cannot accept reality, even where people bring up their real life experiences. The fact is, Thailand is very different to back home, and relationships are a lot more about what each partner can provide (and older guys seem to be a good prospect in Thailand). You only have to look at how many very unattractive men have nice looking girlfriends in Thailand. Also, women are very different to men and find different things attractive. If Western societies didn't control men so strictly, there would probably be a lot more older guys with younger girls.
  21. What is there to "worry about" if you get involved with someone over 18 but who is old enough yo be your daughter or granddaughter?
  22. There are a lot of miserable men who have/had all of these "sameness" boxes ticked. Some are miserable because it all fell apart. Some are miserable because they're still with the woman in question. At the same time, there are foreign men who are very happily married to Thai women 10, 20 or 30 years younger than them. I think you're overestimating the importance of those things in a relationship and underestimating the importance of money, in both cultures. (The Thai girl is only with him for his money, sure, but do Western women marry or stay with broke Western men?)
  23. He probably can find a woman of his own age in his country. The problem is that's all he can find.
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