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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Even though it says the attacker, a martial arts thug, was wondering around for hours looking confused and aggressive, and even attacked someone else? You still think the victim must have done something to provoke the nutcase to kick him in the head from behind?
  2. Is someone who makes a citizen's arrest a good Samaritan? Aren't they people that help someone?
  3. Tranquil and bustling? I don't think you can have both.
  4. Largely meaningless. The person in question still wants to be a man, and that is what they want the legislation to make legal. You have neither successfully rebutted what I have claimed, nor have you pointed out any bias after stating "Bias One". The article clearly states what is wanted: "Activists say using “parents” and “mother and father” in legal terms will affirm those who identify as LGBTQ on equal terms with other couples." They want the legislation to make them legally considered mother and father/parents to the child/children. Once again, you've failed to rebut what I have claimed, and you have again used the word "Bias" without showing that I have displayed any bias. You can't show that I am displaying any bias, as I have not done so. I have merely comment on what is in the article. You are wrong on all counts.
  5. Although it sounds highly illogical and unlikely, they could have decided that one of the two boxers had clearly won and paid out as such.
  6. It was crazy to see the grandpa from Look Who's Talking in there...
  7. An interesting point of view, although I think you've possibly misunderstood a couple of things. First, "old man yells at cloud" suggests that someone is angry over nothing and reacting in a futile way. Which, personally, I do not believe to be the case here. Second, if you encounter a problem, share it with someone else, then receive validation that you are right to be annoyed and the offending party has indeed done something that is socially unacceptable, you will feel better about the situation. Discussing your problems will generally result in you feeling better about them, unless people disagree and point out that you are in the wrong. Although this, while negative, might give you a chance to realise you were wrong and work towards rectifying the situation. Obviously, if you are endlessly negative about everything and anything that you encounter, it could drive people away. I don't feel like that is the case here, though. The complaint seems reasonable.
  8. Are you seriously suggesting that people blasting sound out of their phones in public places like bars, cafes or busses is fine and normal, and to object to it is to be a "grumpy old man"?
  9. Lol. Sure thing, Grandpa. I guess all us whippersnappers should quit complaining and get off your lawn, huh?
  10. Part of the modern world we live in. Breath-taking levels of selfishness and entitlement. I take it you haven't seen the video where some maniac plays his Bluetooth speaker on a packed train. Another passenger does the same thing in protest, so the first guy attacks him. That's the kind of mindset that this comes from.
  11. Let the foreigners complain about the thing they want to complain about. They were complaining long before any foreigners arrived and many come especially for the society that it creates.
  12. It's amazing the lengths some people go to complain about complaining, yet they don't realise how negative they are. 🤔 Grumpy old men, complaining grumpily about people they think are grumpy old men!
  13. A lot of people think, "I like this, I see some other people like this, therefore everyone likes it and anyone who doesn't is bad". If everyone was on the street at the same time, it would be insane.
  14. Can you contact the guy somehow? Maybe he can send you a sticker, then that chat will be at the top?
  15. Slow news week, just recycle old stuff and hope no one figures it out It says arrested yesterday. Did it take them a year to find him?
  16. Insane. Wasn't one of the few unintentional plane crashes due to a fire started when someone smoked in the toilets?
  17. Yes. People, regardless of race, gender or sexual orientation, like to drink a lot and often end up injuring themselves, peaking at "home time". I'm sure plenty of local Thais ended up in the hospital last night due to drunken injuries.
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