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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Most things are done just for appearance in Thailand. I doubt she is hurting anyone. It's not that dissimilar to school punishment. A few jumping jacks or fake lashes and everyone's happy. It's more about appearing to have done something.
  2. The staff said they consented to it over being fined, so no offence to be charged with. It doesn't even look like it hurts, let alone causes injury. This is Thailand, remember. Home of fake everything.
  3. Women are different to men and look for different things in a partner. While men are likely to be thinking something along the lines of "I want to find a sweet, attractive, young girl without baggage", women will not be thinking the same. They are more attracted to status and economics, which tend to increase with age. Which contradicts what you wrote above... It's true that upbringing counts for a lot, but past relationships can absolutely ruin a girl. You need to look out for both. Also, the longer a girl is "innocent and baggage free", the more likely they are to have not experienced childhood trauma. Note that @OneMoreFarang said young and innocent without baggage, not that young will automatically mean innocent.
  4. That and Thai people really like breaking the law. If the "corruption" within the Thai Police force went away (and we have to assume that means that they actually enforced the law), Thai society might not be able to function. Imagine if they enforced all traffic laws in the same way it is done in the West. Most of the population would be off the road in a couple of weeks.
  5. So, it happens to Thai men also... 🤔 This part particularly sucks. Your husband should be your family.
  6. Probably he contacted the police to say he was going to surrender, but they thought it would look better for them if they went and arrested him instead. That way they can say they "caught" him.
  7. No. I'm one of those people who knows what "woke" means in this context. You're one of those people that wants to pretend that it doesn't mean what people are using it to describe, presumably because you don't like it. There's not much of a discussion you will be able to have about the term, if you cannot accept what it means. Otherwise, you're simply arguing over nothing. All you will be capable of is this: Person A: "I'm sick of all this wokeness." You: "What's wrong with wokeness? Wokeness means antiracism." Person A: "Actually, it now has a new meaning." You: "Well, I don't accept that new meaning. You're saying you are against anti-racism." Person A: "I'm not though, because wokeness doesn't mean that." You: "Yes it does." And so on. You can see how there's really no point in you trying to discuss something if you cannot understand/accept what is being discussed.
  8. What if I'm being even more kind and friendly to her? Do we share the tip? This isn't America. In most countries, basic human decency, or "being polite", isn't something people fake solely to get more money out of someone.
  9. Thais cannot resist the natural drive to take money from foreigners and give it to other Thais.
  10. "So, what have you been up to since you moved to Thailand Goat? Have you been keeping busy?" "I certainly have. I've become completely obsessed with old White men who marry or have sex with prostitutes. I trawl the internet to try and find anything I can that paints them in a negative light, then I post it on an online forum in order to try to anger other users." "Oooookaaaay... It's good to have a hobby, I guess. Good luck with that."
  11. The title suggest Thaksin has already returned. The article suggest the opposite. ????
  12. "Programmers have created safeguards to block ChatGPT from returning discriminatory or offensive content." https://metro.co.uk/2023/04/10/chatgpt-has-a-racism-problem-and-theres-only-one-way-to-fix-it-18552334/ I'm not suggesting that nobody knows it is happening. It is clearly by design. I don't really want to post too much about it, as it is quite a sensitive topic, but you can quickly and easily search for details about what chatgpt will or won't say.
  13. You cannot programme an AI to to avoid talking about certain subjects, if given key words and phrases and being told how to respond? I find that hard to believe, especially given that previous AIs have been reported as being naturally racist.
  14. That's easy. Why didn't you just ask? It is programmed to have a left-wing bias as the programmers do not wish to face the consequences of not having one. If the AI tells the truth, the creators could get in trouble with people who are angered by certain truths. The result of this specific programming leaves the AI exhibiting a left-wing bias.
  15. When you make a claim, generally you need to back it up with some evidence, otherwise you seem like you are mistaken or dishonest. You tried to provide proof, so you obviously have some understating of this, but your proof was faulty, so your claim is probably going to be considered to be "unsubstituted", or just untrue. It's OK. This type of thing happens. No one is going to hold it against you or think less of you. It's just your claim is likely not believed.
  16. I suppose it all comes down to the question: why were the left-wing programmers so afraid of the AI telling the truth? Is the truth good or bad? If the right-wing programmers are the "bad guys", and shouldn't be allowed to programme the AI, why would the truth be a causality of that? Is the truth good or bad depending on ideology?
  17. Then what did you mean by "Elon seems pretty sure"? If not whether Elon claims to be right-wing or not? Your claim is surely then: "Elon Musk believes himself to be right-wing". You still haven't done anything to proved that.
  18. Did Musk say he was right-wing in the linked article or not? That is what was claimed. Remember your inane obsession with evidence? it works both ways!
  19. AI has a left-wing bias because left-wing programmers have designed it to be that way. It is programmed not to say something that is true, where the truth says something that the left-wing programmers don't want it to say.
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