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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. But it would have a greater affect than a simple wai photo op. You must be able to admit that at least.
  2. Imagine this happening with a White kid and a Black teacher in the US or UK. Kid would probably be expelled, facing some sort of criminal charges, and maybe a riot as well.
  3. Depends what you want to come out of it. Expelling the child and having her face criminal charges would surely have a greater impact on racism in Thailand, than simply a wai and all is forgotten. It's making the bad press go away vs. trying to ensure it won't happen again. The latter simply isn't a thing in Thailand.
  4. Basically going up against everyone in power. Maybe a little too ambitious, young Icarus.
  5. Obviously it's possible, as is what I have said. I'm simply speculating in the same manner as you are. I'm referring to the student in the article. Incidentally, why would saying "Thai kids are racist" make one racist?
  6. They would probably do it to any non-Thai teacher. But that's still racism, really.
  7. They can get away with it with foreign teachers. They have no respect for them, do not fear them, and they are a human they can freely bully.
  8. They're old and desperate, and possibly you are underestimating your value in Thailand. Try someone younger, say around 30.
  9. His past posts suggested a little displeasure at the fact that his claims sleeping with a lot of women didn't do much to impress people who have slept with a lot of prostitutes. The initial post where this happened was followed, from memory, by one which somehow derided sleeping with prostitutes. I would imagine this one is aimed at finding out how many users' partners were or still are prostitutes. Just a guess based on past posting/commenting behaviour.
  10. A lot has happened in 200 years. Particularly communists using the idea of what "the people" want or what "belongs" to them to seize and maintain control over others.
  11. But supposing MFP had enough votes and it was going to go through, wouldn't there be some way it could be blocked? The whole point of the senators is to control who becomes PM, why would they leave a backdoor for someone to take that power away?
  12. Go to his housed and surround it? And then take him to court? Having just broken the law in surrounding his house and blocking it? A touch hypocritical. How would you prove either of those things?
  13. I understand that the students are angry, but they're a student council and, presumably, want to become professionals, possibly even politicians, at some point, so swearing and insulting people is not appropriate. If you were in the parliament building and started shouting and swearing, you would be asked to leave. They should be able to make their point in a strong but dignified way (which they actually do up until the end). I they want to form an activist group privately, sure, but they should follow good proper conduct when representing their university.
  14. I assume he meant that they would rise up, seize power, then immediately hand it to the democratically elected MPs and PM. Not so bad in theory, but the problem is that it might not turn out like that.
  15. There is nothing ignorant about my comment. People need to be very careful when someone starts talking about revolutions. They very often get out of control and people end up in a worse position than they were in the first place.
  16. It's sad that people lie about communism because they're mad at the fact that it doesn't work.
  17. Whenever someone says "the will of the people" I am immediately uneasy. It has shades of communism. "Are you questioning the will of the people comrade?" Reform is likely to be much more successful and beneficial than a revolution. Revolutions have a habit of quickly being taken over and turning into dictatorships. We only need to look at the recent democratic movement which was quickly co-opted and lost all direction.
  18. It's better to acknowledge the truth, to be honest. Individual truths (I.e. objective opinions) are not as useful as this person proabbly thinks.
  19. Does anyone actually know what this is? Is it different to other forms of democracy? Is it superior to other types of democracy? Or is it inferior, due to corruption and law/rule breaking?
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