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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. I'm pretty sure you said you get it all for free using just your natural charm and charisma... ????
  2. It's weird. I see a "right-wing" nut job and a "left-wing" nut job, both wrong about much of what they say and only really looking to score points for "their tribe". I don't think either of them has any sort of moral high-ground.
  3. I'm not going to watch the whole thing as they sound like two sides of the same coin, but this is quite funny: He obviously doesn't know much about Thai ladyboys.
  4. Not really. If he's talking about escaping an ideology, not the people themselves, then he doesn't necessarily need to escape people who are the subject of that ideology in order to do so. I.e. You can escape a woke "trans-supremacy" agenda by moving to Thailand, simply because they don't have that ideology there. You don't need to dislike a group of people to disagree with what some people are saying about that group.
  5. It is recommended to give a few slaps on the back first, then do the Heimlich a couple of times, then a few more slaps, and repeat. Surprising that he didn't realise that you were helping, if he genuinely couldn't breath and you shifted the blockage. Perhaps he was confused, in shock, embarrassed, etc., or even unaware of what was going on. Any chance he could breath and was just coughing but you misinterpreted it?
  6. So if a 60 year old is with a 30 year old (a significant age-gap), you would think he resembles a paedophile?
  7. I forgot to add, in terms of how the younger girl benefits. Being with a foreign man and having a foreign baby, might be seen as a status symbol and could allow the woman to relocate to a Western country. Also, the news seems to be full of Thai men beating and killing women, so any foreign man might be seen as a better alternative for some. (I know some won't like this, but of course it isn't all Thai men. I'm just giving an example of what some women/parents might experience.)
  8. The other two articles that have reported on this said that the man wasn't related to the girl. ????‍♂️
  9. He might not have put it very tactfully, but there are many, many reasons not to take on another man's kids. Especially if you're still reasonably young yourself.
  10. It does seem a bit much considering the (lack of) age difference. Maybe it's just me, but "divorced 35 year old with two children who also needs financial support" seems like a 50-60 year old guy kind of deal. ????‍♂️ A 40s guy with a job I would have thought could find a late twenties/early thirties woman with no kids and never married. But each to their own.
  11. Quite. I think the user I replied to is conflating wanting to have sex with an atractive young women with being a sex addict.
  12. I agree with you, but what if the thing they "want" to do harms themselves or others? (I mean withing the law, but nonetheless, harmful.)
  13. I wonder if they would choose mot to exist. It still might be better than the alternative. The woman might not have the choice of having a guy at home her own age. Isn't a husband and dad who's around for 10-20 years and leaves her financially secure better than the alternative? Being alone, or possibly getting a "sperm donor"? I think, perhaps, the critics of these relationships are imagining (possibly deliberately) a woman who could easily have a happy life, with an atractive man of her own age, some kids, etc., but is forced into a relationship by an evil White man. I don't believe that to be the case.
  14. Almost any transaction involves exploitation of some kind. Usually it's mutual. Rich and poor countries exist. This difference allows people to open factories in poor countries in order to make their products for a lower cost. Generally the jobs are better than others, hence people work there. If the wages weren't lower, people would simply manufacture their products back home. Women who marry older men for money have a choice whether they do it or not. They obviously think their life will be better. Why is no one up in arms about women who are with fat ugly men their own age? Surely those women don't find fat ugly men attractive and it must be more about money? Why is this concern reserved for women with men older than them? Very telling.
  15. It's also exploitation of old men becuase they have physical needs. Which exploitation bothers you and why? Think about it.
  16. Why bring paedophilia into it? No one is suggesting anyone find an underage person for a relationship.
  17. So, you imagine it as a choice between being there for the grandkids, or having a younger Thai wife? You cannot do both? When you have children or grandkids, you have to stay in that country and cannot have a younger wife? Otherwise you have to give up contact with them altogether?
  18. It doesn't really compare. If your daughter was from a very poor country with little social welfare, she didn't have a bright future, maybe had a kid already or had worked in prostitution and no one from her own country would marry her, and by being with the much older foreign guy she would have a much better future, then it might compare a little better. People might be OK with it.
  19. It's actually very hard to look like that and be "healthy". They cannot do much cardio and have to take substances purely to achieve and maintain their bodies. If someone looking like that decided one day that they want to focus on their health, the first thing they would need to do is stop what they are doing that makes them look like that. Ironic.
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