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Andrew Dwyer

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Everything posted by Andrew Dwyer

  1. You have never been on a plane leaving Saudi? Once the pilot announcement that they are out of Saudi airspace it’s a rush for the toilets to ditch the sheets and get out the western clothing .
  2. The problem with stating that a “retirement visa “ is “exactly that “is the problem, 90% of the time they are referring to an extension, usually from an O visa or could be also an OA visa which does make a difference in the help sought. While Jerno’s tongue twister might seem over the top he is correct in his statement. If the old guard wish to continue to refer to the mythical “ retirement visa “ they are more than welcome but the number of threads on here , seeking assistance, from “ old guard “ and noobies alike proves that using incorrect terminology only increases the confusion.
  3. GWM were at my local mall again today, asked a salesman when the H6 PHEV would be released. ” Next month “ he said, and how much I asked ? ” 1.8 million “ he replied , at my obvious surprise at 1.8 he then said “ 1.6 million “ !! Not a lot of faith in this quote ????
  4. I believe 2018 was the cut off point for existing OA extension holders to be “ grandfathered in “ for Phuket only, which made sense as when the mandatory health insurance ( OA visa and retirement extension of ) was introduced in 2019 they allowed existing holders to be exempt. A shame other IO’s didn’t adopt the same practice.
  5. A little bit off track there. A retirement extension from an original OA visa is identical to a retirement extension of an O visa EXCEPT mandatory health insurance is required since October 2019. Many holders of a retirement extension of stay based on an original OA will leave/or have left Thailand to return with an O visa ( or visa exempt) to achieve a retirement extension from the O visa and not pay the mandatory health insurance.
  6. RIP Mobi A bit before my time on the Forum but I visited his Blog often and he seemed a real nice family guy. Loved seeing the care and attention he gave his wife and daughter.
  7. Yes, and it is a pretty damn nice looking motor too. The ideal situation for those who are on the fence about going fully EV and think PHEV is the ideal, current, situation, myself included.
  8. There was a thread on here about 3 years ago, a Portuguese tourist found a backpack left on a bench while waiting for a bus at the airport. It was there for about 15 minutes and when his bus arrived he decided to take it. I don’t remember exactly what was in the backpack but I think there was a tablet or a laptop. The next day feeling guilty he took the backpack to the police and admitted finding it thinking he would be deemed a “ good guy “ …… wrong !! He found himself in IDC and was subsequently deported . Okay, so not a great comparison with this case, but a good vote for the “ if it’s not yours don’t touch it “ crowd.
  9. The Jolion is very similar and only slightly smaller, saw them together at a mini motor show at my local mall, I have to look at the badge on the back to see if it’s a H6 or a Jolion when spotted alone ???? The use of 2 coloured interiors is a little strange at first but, like the MG, will get used to it in time I guess. Particularly like the Jolion in white but not 100% sure of this
  10. GWM certainly makes some great looking cars and a 201km PHEV will no doubt be in demand, initial rumours were that the price would be 1.4 million at least. The H6 is a little too big for my liking and hopefully there will be a Jolion PHEV.
  11. In the end impatience took hold and i cleared a lot of the existing grout ( from where it sounded hollow underneath. The gap was very small, less than 1 mm mostly. Bought a 20 ml syringe and injected as much grout as I could into where the 4 tiles meet. Then a combination of the gf tapping the tiles with a screwdriver head while I pushed grout into the gaps with one of those plastic spatula thingy’s, the tapping works well and the grout is seen disappearing into the void. The small gap made removing the grout difficult as I could only get a box cutter in there so removing the tiles would have been more work than I was prepared to do. It’s done now and I think it’ll be okay, time will tell . Wish I had waited for Bassosa’s post about the tile repair glue but c’est la vie ????
  12. Wish I had waited for your post ????
  13. That’s quite a jump from silicone ?
  14. This is the video that attracted my interest to the product, as you can see it is quite fluid. On a longer video it is recommended to use a syringe for small gaps.
  15. Hoping for something a bit more fluid to ensure it gets right under it, silicone would no doubt get far enough underneath to stop it moving but wouldn’t eliminate the total gap so maybe still a danger of it cracking at a later date.
  16. Yup, although it clicks and appears to be loose, only about a quarter of it is hollow when I tap it so I think it might be tough to get out and am still hoping to leave it in place. The super glue idea is a good tip though!
  17. Yes, that was my original plan until I decided to take a look on YouTube and got interested in the Fix a Floor stuff. I’ll post the video.
  18. Yes , i saw those but most of them are just to touch up discoloured grout, i need something that will flow, or be forced , under the tile to stop the movement.
  19. Yes, exactly. I like the idea of using a caulking gun but with a more suitable product, the TOA Fast Bond looks favourite so far .
  20. I would be worried that stuff would lift the tiles !!
  21. In one bedroom I have 4 x 60cm sq floor tiles that are hollow underneath where they meet. One in particular “ clicks “ when walked on. I don’t have any spares and would prefer not to remove for fear of chipping the edges. Movement has caused the grout to come loose as seen in photo. On YouTube there’s a product “ Fix-A-Floor “ which is applied using a caulking gun but cannot see it on Lazada. There is a very small gap between the tiles so the method of drilling 4 holes and injecting the product in , as seen on YouTube video, wouldn’t work well in this case but the using a caulking gun method appeals to me . That’s a 1mm drill in the photo !! So, anyone know where I can find Fix -A-Floor or similar alternative or anyone have any advice about this ?? I see a TOA Fast Bond product which translates as All Purpose Nail Glue?? TIA, Andy
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