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Everything posted by RocketDog

  1. You raised the point did you not?
  2. 49% vote for your hero is not a rejection or a mandate. You know what they say about those obsessed with homosexuality? I wonder how tourists from Albania, Ethiopia, Tasmania, Eritrea and Easter Island see it. But then again, who really cares?
  3. I agree about tamarind. It really works and is gentle. The word you're looking for is warm water enema. Or get up close and personal with your bum gun AFTER turning the pressure way down.
  4. And? I never use one applying for the 90 day report online because using a laptop and a browser is much easier than using a printer to connect to the web.
  5. Ah.........have you ever added yourself to the send to list and gotten the mail a few seconds later? Of course you can. I do it regularly if I want to remember I sent a mail without going to the sent folder to find it.
  6. I am an avid Gardener and I know it's easy to say just fill it up and plant things in it. But keep in mind that it is actually a giant concrete Bowl and it rains a lot in Thailand. How do you intend to drain that bowl when it fills up with water and all the plants die because they can't get oxygen and are drowning? Besides that sand is hardly a good growth medium for any kind of plant except cactus. The cover seems like a good idea until it's been there for a couple of years and the sun has had its way and you fall right through it and hit the bottom. Truthfully the best solution I could think of would be to essentially build a deck over the whole thing, put a sump pump in the bottom, and some planter boxes strategically placed around it for ambiance. You talked about the potential problem when you go to sell the place and a deck would be the kind of thing that would appeal to half the buyers and the pool would appeal to the others so they could both choose which they wanted with relatively low cost. In any event it is truly a problem I have thought about with my pool and I wish you the best of luck.
  7. I recently emptied my pool to regrout it which took two weeks or so. As I was working on it it occurred to me how dangerous it is to have an empty tiled concrete inground pool. Falling from even two meters onto a tiled floor can't be good for you. My thinking is that you can't really keep it empty anyway when it rains it's going to fill up. In any event if you're going to leave it empty there should be a cover over it or a fence around it.
  8. Absolutely correct. What little new content appears these days, even trivial nonsense, is repeated for days. At this point I'm taking a breather from AN. Maybe I'll check in again in a few months. But listening to a bunch of wide-eyed sycophantic and willfully ignorant morons lauding the crowning of an authoritarian bully is not only depressing but boring. We've heard it all before after all. By my calculations about 15 million registered voters (161.420M in 2022) didn't vote, which would have made a difference. So they, by inaction, voted for a tyrant. All I can say as an American is that a hard rain is aggonna fall, drowning my beloved country and the world in a tsunami of lies, incompetence boardering on lunacy, and hardships for all. America got what it thinks it wanted but it certainly will not be what they imagined it to be. People voted for him because he promised them a golden economic era; all they will get is older and deeper in debt.
  9. Paraguay did exactly as you said. Check it out. It is working for them. There have to be rules but as my post alluded to, who makes the rules makes all the difference. Anything related to rules/laws must address this fundamental question. And you are correct; I don't want you making the rules.
  10. All true, but what can we do? Follow the rules or leave I guess? Obviously railing against the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune didn't help the old couple. How are you or I or any expat any different from them? Venting is OK but don't shoot yourself in the visa.
  11. You're right that's exactly what I said when they legalized alcohol, tobbaco, sugar, and caffeine and now look where we are! What we need are more laws that restrict everything except what the government (or you Scouse) deem is healthy for us all. What I miss most about being an adult is not having anybody to tell me what to do everyday. Is this something you can help us with scouse?
  12. A Thai plumber and electrician of course, who else?
  13. OK. Up to you. Sorry to bother you.
  14. Pattaya. Lovely place I hear but never been there. Don't ever plan to. Just way out of my league, better left to the professionals.
  15. I've looked at those devices and don't consider them accurate or very useful at all actually. And it's not true that anything is better than nothing. Inaccurate blood pressure readings are often taken even in hospital and Clinic settings because they don't understand the correct posture and fitting of the cuff. To think you can get accurate readings from a watch on your wrist is just not reasonable. If the OP is interested in his blood pressure at all he should take the time to get the right equipment and learn how to use it. After all it's his life and health that he's dealing with. As an Electronic Engineer I worked for GE Medical and saw every type and kind of machine. The one I bought from Lazada works perfectly with the same principles that are generally accepted throughout the medical world.
  16. I understand that you said you didn't want to buy one in the op. But seriously, you should reconsider. I bought one of these 8 months ago and I've never changed the batteries yet. It's accurate and convenient and stores readings. It will cost you less than the transportation you pay for to get to the hospital to use the free one.
  17. Now I understand your forum handle.
  18. And if that suddenly changes for you..........?
  19. Yeah, I guess, but twice?
  20. Apparently this is an enduring topic but I lost interest several days ago
  21. I found a really Nifty way of easily reducing the reading time I spend on AN and still cover everything relevant. I just skip any posting having to do with Thai people killing themselves or each other with various Implements of Destruction. Try it sometime you'll like it.
  22. No kidding? Tell me it ain't true! And he never sees the irony.
  23. Not a chance. You guys will worship Trump for life.
  24. What does a Bureau of Land Management have to do with any of this?
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