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Everything posted by RocketDog

  1. As far as I know you can't retire in Vietnam now many longer unless you're married to a national. I think the longest Visa is one month at this point. This happened about a year ago.
  2. Personally I would vote for a sock puppet over Donald trump. I have a blinding hate for Donald Trump but that's not the same as being blinded by hate. The entire world will have a very bad next four years of trump wins.
  3. Of course we will be caught off guard; that's the human condition. Humans are never prepared for disaster. It's called normalcy bias.
  4. It's an auction yes? Top of the list is the highest bid; nationality is irrelevant.
  5. Take it any way you want. Twist and contort as is the way with your type.
  6. Agreed. I feel even more disgusted with Trump than I did in 2020. He's a cesspool attached to a firehose and it never stops. Maybe third time will be a charm. Here's hoping.
  7. Meaning they are a kettle of rats? Oh my. That's disgusting!
  8. You don't need to be joking because you are, in fact, the joke itself.
  9. Extremely object or reject or it's something like that but I but anyway and then I think that what you said I don't know exactly but I think that maybe if I were to say that maybe
  10. One would have to be a fool to take anything trump says at face value
  11. Hiding under your bed 7/24 would be even more effective. Why don't you try that?
  12. It is a preferred explanation because it places blame on God and not anybody else in Thailand
  13. You're wasting your time jerry. The op is Hardcore and takes every opportunity to display his irrational beliefs.
  14. You are exactly right. Until the culture changes then the road deaths won't change either. The bottom line is a Thai people are happy with the death and Carnage that they experience every day and have no impetus to change. If loss of loved ones isn't enough then nothing will be. Pessimistic, yes. Realistic, yes.
  15. It will never change because the Thai people are satisfied with the situation as it is now and they accept the losses to their family and friends.
  16. I'm pleased that I was the first one to respond with a laughing out loud emoticon. I doubt I will be the last.
  17. Agreed. And clearly he is putting his time to good use as well.
  18. Trump has never met a crime or a criminal he doesn't like; it's just a matter of time with him. And I can provide links to prove it!
  19. My thanks to Charlie for opening this topic. In an earlier post I mentioned that PAWS was located in Huahin. but that was a rough approximation. It's actually in Pranburi right now and moving a little bit farther north to the new property as soon as possible. I encourage any dog or cat lover to donate time or money or both to this cause. As Will Rogers said, if there are no dogs in heaven I want to go where they went.
  20. I think you meant to say you don't trust that the financial systems won't go bust. In any case I think it's best to assume that to some extent or another they will, probably sooner rather than later. Metals may not be considered an investment but they sure as hell represent insurance. At this point in my life I'm much more interested in retaining my assets than growing them. As hard as I've tried I can come up with no more defensive strategy than to put most of my excess Capital into precious metals which are tangible, and if stored correctly, always available to you. Any middle man or institution between you and your assets represents a counterparty risk. In Thailand it is especially easy to buy and sell precious metals anonymously and I'm thankful for that.
  21. You are of course correct in your first two sentences. The root of the problem appears in your third sentence. After being here for 7 years and now tired of pondering the problem I have concluded that the Thai culture does not want to do better; they are satisfied to regularly lose family members to needless death and injury. Every culture faces such decisions and lives accordingly. As visitors here we have no choice but to accept the danger of living in such a culture as we can not change it. When anywhere within sight of a road, path,sidewalk, or trail it is wise to assume that every vehicle approaching you intends to do you bodily harm. Of course this is seldom true but it still happens because the Thai people collectively choose not to change. If the risk is not acceptable then you have the option of never leaving your domicile or just leave the country. Other than to pass the time there is no reason to waste any emotion on such reports......the Thai people certainly don't.
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