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Everything posted by RocketDog

  1. Don't withdraw it. Use it in checkout to pay for items. Done it many times myself.
  2. I take a screenshot and print the order including vendor name, order number, delivery date, cost, etc for every item I order. When the delivery guy comes I check against the order. Annoying but effective. I always order COD. No order match, no acceptance of delivery.
  3. Hardly an insight. Everybody on the forums knows such posters. They also know who they are. That's why they are sensitive to such 'insight' being put in writing.
  4. Me too, but unfortunately it has nothing to do with the posts. 🙁
  5. RocketDog


    Or not.
  6. I can't argue with your logic, and egalitarianism is a cornerstone of any true justice system. However....... It rankles a bit to think of pedophiles, murderers, sociopaths, and criminally negligent people from trucking companies, electrical authorities etc getting such 'fair' treatment. Such gray areas exist in all human justice systems but some can stretch credulity beyond understandable limits. Such as glaringly obviously dangerous, even proven bad actors, being able to run for high government office in nominally sane countries such as the USA. The older I get the less I understand so many things. I'm just glad I'm on the way out instead of the way in.
  7. Agreed. I'm not sure if it's gotten worse or I've just tired of the ping pong insults blighting every thread after the first five replies. Blocking certain prolific blowhards helps a bit, but not enough. I also used to help with input if I had specific information that might help someone, as you just did. I don't bother now or spend much time here any more.
  8. Think of it as moving down a one way street. Impart your knowledge and move on. Don't look back at the silly icons. Pearls before swine(sheep?).
  9. As with so many houses, at least in my area outside Hua Hin, several of the 60cm floor tiles have lifted. It started after a prolonged dry and hot spell a few months long. We notices one day several tiles lifted and loose. I'm guessing that the concrete foundation shrank and the tiles expanded, both from heat. We don't air condition the entire house. After many became loose, I lifted them and found the reason: they had been laid without mortar on the concrete floor, and with the large tile itself only 'buttered' with mortar around the perimeter in a ~ 1" wide band. We had one whole bedroom re-tiled last year and the tradesman was excellent. He mortared the floor and each tile. Also, at my request he left a 2mm margin between the tile edges, which is rarely done here. So far it has been flawless and I actually like the look of the wider grout lines. But, sadly, he is so good at his job that he is booked months in advance on large home new construction. We have exhausted our resources in finding someone competent to do the job. We've asked local Thai friends, my barber, neighbors, etc. Although we have gotten several phone numbers, they either don't answer or say they are too busy. I"m pretty handy with house DIY myself, but never did any tile work except some small shower tiles. It's much to big a job to tackle by myself and even removing the old tiles is more work than I want to do. If anybody living in the area can give me some references or even ideas of how to get local references, it would be greatly appreciated.
  10. Just wait until they gut social security and Medicare. Then getting sick could become a fatal mistake.
  11. Wait! He's NOT mad? If not, he sure has the lunatic act nailed.
  12. Definitely. First, my that Lady always drives, and second the truck is high, large, and heavy. We never drive at night or on national holidays. That's next to the best protection you'll find in the Kingdom. I'm saving up to buy a military surplus main battle tank or armored troop carrier though.
  13. Lithium thionyl chloride cells are primary cells, not rechargeable.they have a very high energy density and very long shelf life. Cell voltage is twice alkaline celks so one replaces two alkaline be cells in series.
  14. Yep, a guy apparently died from the injection. Some people die from peanut allergies too. Tempest in a teapot. Of course I don't expect you to change your opinion. Note how your linked article ends: Under-30s in the UK were offered an alternative Covid vaccine to the AstraZeneca jab due to evidence linking it to rare blood clots, from the week after Mr Last was vaccinated. Cases of clots following vaccination are considered extremely rare. A major UK study said the risk of complications was dwarfed by the risks of the virus itself.
  15. Nothing a few snoots of strong bleach won't cure. Bathing in it would be even quicker as well as therapeutic.
  16. We're all mad as hatters. It's a universal consequence of being human.
  17. OK. Now I understand your previously incoherent statement. However, though I have no doubt such mistakes happen, I am even more sure that the vast majority of the people reported to have died from Covid did indeed do so. In which case you are gagging on gnats. Elevating such isolated cases to relevance adds nothing significant to the issues; as in 'statistically insignificant'.
  18. Typical clarity of reason; Very persuasive reply. Thanks so much.
  19. Don't confuse us with the facts. We prefer to believe what we believe. It shows what rugged individuals we are. After all, it's just such defiance in the face of overwhelming evidence that distinguishes us as deep thinkers from the seething masses of sheeple. A massive point of pride for us.
  20. If you have seen such evidence it just means that you've fallen prey to confirmation bias. Look it up. Since I'm sure you have many respected sources that support your statements kindly supply a few. Consider it a service to the ignorant/blind (such as me) of our community. It can only enhance your standing here. 🤣😏
  21. Opinions don't qualify as fact unless they are substantiated. Please do so, if you can find such support from anywhere except the lunatic fringe. The facts are that this ship sailed long ago and sank quickly. But carry on anyway, just don't expect rational folks to be impressed with your folk wisdom.
  22. Says who? Link please. You're grinding a very old axe here and a bit more substantiation is necessary, if you can find it. I suspect it's no more than your personal opinion. Which is fine, but doesn't qualify as fact.
  23. 'You snooze, you lose' personified. Classic mistake or insurance scam.
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