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Everything posted by RocketDog

  1. Don't let your opinion get in the way of facts.
  2. And if they had not given it back as agreed? I'm not that trusting myself.
  3. Well, just about anybody that knows Trump sells influence along with sneakers.
  4. Yes but what about his welding gloves and insulated handle of the welder? Maybe he wasn't using gloves and the handle was nio well insulated (as in black I mean). I wonder if he was wearing his 100thb sunglasses when welding. Why am I not surprised,
  5. Serves her right for letting the bike use her phone. Motorcycles are not the brightest lot, until they catch on fire of course.
  6. I contacted a Thai lawyer as well as web research. Both claim USA style Trust Funds are not possible for Thailand. I suppose you could set one up in your home country for assets there going to Thailand beneficiary but it could get messy.
  7. Pete, You have some good points but I have a will in America and I have a Will in Thailand. The Will in Thailand never mentions anything in America but my American Will mentions payments to my girlfriend here. In America if there is no last Will and testament then the Probate Court does assign proceeds to the next of kin. If there is a awill in effect however the proceeds go to whoever it is assigned to and next of kin get nothing at all if not named beneficiaries. I have no blood children or adopted children so neither of these are mentioned in my Wills, neither of them. To upgrade inheritance point, both cars are already in her name but giving all I own here before I pass to any person is beyond my limits of trust. She will just have to do with what she gets after taxes. BTW, my Thai Will specifically asserts that all proceeds go to GF and any family claims are specifically excluded. I am well aware of this hazard and have blocked it. A trust fund is a good solution also but as you may know these do not exist in Thailand. [Thanks. Hope all is well with you. House in America sold on Nov 28. Yay!]
  8. Some countries don't allow live events to be available to certain other countries,just like some video. My understanding that having a VPN show your server as local to that country it can help. Maybe I'm wrong.
  9. I thought a Will is to choose who is a beneficiary...period. Could be the lady selling noodles down the street or your sister at home. What am I missing? I am legally divorced in USA decades ago. Three years ago I went to a Thai lawyer and made a Will naming my Thai GF as the only beneficiary of all I have here. My understanding is that he manages the probate process and she gets the proceeds. Why wouldn't that work for you? Are you saying Wills only work for married people in Thailand?
  10. And people who voted for harris didn't speak? Half liked Trump and half didn't. Thems the facts.
  11. Jing you are correct of course. But look at it this way: Even if all the numbers were reversed and Hartis won by the same narrow popular vote margin that Trump did his supporters, especially on this platform, would still be saying that he had a mandate for his policies since the margin was so close. There is no point in pointing out the blind dedication his supporters have by using facts: that will never work for this crowd. When seen from afar, it is difficult to tell the difference between a sane person and an idiot. Let time go by and see how the sycophants feel in a year when inflation roars and taxes go up.
  12. Actually I do but have never used it. Good idea! Thanks
  13. That's what I've done for years. But when the order is from several stores and low price stuff it becomes a nuisance. Its handy to have a bank option.
  14. I'm considering True money now. Thanks
  15. I have paid for Lazada orders a couple of months ago using the bank transfer method. Five banks were listed including SCG, Krungsai, Bangkok Bank etc. Now BBL is not in the list. See pix 1&2. When it was there before, I paid 123 Service Co Ltd as a payee on the BBL site make the transfer from BBL to Lazada with a reference number that Lazada provided when the order was placed. It allowed only 24 hours to make a payment via the BBL account or the order was cancelled. See pix#3 & #4.All went smoothly.....the Of course I called Lazada and they said they would investigate and give me an answer by email. The person I talked to just took information and passed it along internally. Needless to say I'm not holding my breath for a solution. I did look up123 Service on the web and they listed BBL as a client to make transfers from. See attached pix 123 Service. To make it worse, I thought that I could just use Lazada Wallet to pay orders instead. I went to top it up, chose BBL as the bank (yes it was listed there!!), and then it started spinning and never stopped. So that is also a dead end, with the same promise from Lazada to 'research it and get back to me" answer. Many people on the forum say they use bank transfers to pay and COD is too much trouble. Now COD is my only choice it seems unless I go through the same mess with another bank. I have and SCB account but of course I can't do spit online with them anymore. I don't need any help per se except to see in anybody has had this problem. Thanks
  16. Using a magnifier, if the leaves are covered in transparent or honey colored trichomes it's all good!
  17. You gotta point there. I printed the approval screen since they didn't send a email now with the new system.
  18. Keep the mail on your phone. Who you you give the hardcopy to? I've never been asked for it.
  19. I had Express for years and really liked it the rotating IP address schema they use didn't work for the private torrent book club I use. I tried Trust.Zone and that worked fine and is cheap , but since I have changed all my mail, cloud storage, calendar, password manager to ProtonMail I pay $11/month and the VPN is not only faster than Express, but much more secure and has a huge number of server sites around the world.
  20. you are displaying your ignorance. Go research the topic for yourself. Do you seriously believe VPN was created for spies and porn viewers? I'll give you a clue: PRIVACY
  21. Correct for a circular saw but not intended for use on an angle grinder. He probably uses sunglasses when welding too. And cleans his nails with a knife. Stupidity is its own punishment.
  22. Color it any way you want but the totals were only different by a percent. Basically over 48% voted for Harris. That is simply a fact. The country is not as red as you see it thru Trump goggles.
  23. Agreed. I bought a new Honda Click after I got my first 1 year O visa several years ago. I rode it around Chaam for about 18 months observing other riders and cars around me. Then one day I looked at the pavement screaming by under my feet, reflected on the intrinsic instability of two- wheeled vehicles and their vulnerability to larger vehicles driven by heedless nationals, so I took it home and never got on it again. My Lady uses it for 2km backroad trips to fresh market only. Otherwise we travel in a big heavy Chevy Z71 Colorado model pickup surrounded by tons of steel over a foot off the ground with front/rear dash cams. Motorcycles are dangerous in any country but downright insane to possess here in the Kingdom. Better to wise up late than never.
  24. yeah that works too but the bum gun goes a lot further than 133ml.
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