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Everything posted by Jumbo1968

  1. The legal sales of alcohol currently are 11am to 2pm then 5pm to 11pm.
  2. Am I right in saying it was always the law even pre Covid alcohol could not be sold or served between 2 and 5 but it was never enforced more so in bars ?
  3. I doubt very few people come here specially for Songkran, it’s normally the opposite with people either staying indoors or a flight to where ever possible. Why don’t they confine it to certain areas, Beach Road, Pattaya, Ko San Road etc instead of people driving round in trucks with barrels of water. Its a Thai celebration in general Thais don’t frequent the bars etc like the tourists do for Christmas and New Year so the bars won’t be losing any income.
  4. They tried to ban sitting on the rear bed of pick ups a couple of years ago, hell on, how would people get to work and the kids get to school and of course baht buses which are pick ups.
  5. Thailand in general has always been a party place, even the Thai people enjoy parties and alcohol.
  6. Same as Valentines Day, Hallowe’en, Christmas etc, it’s not about tradition it’s about commercialism. ok let’s have Songkhran but keep it to specific areas instead of having to run the gauntlet of getting chilled cold water in your face when on your scooter, close of Beach Road and let them party there
  7. Been for walk along Soi Bukhao in Pattaya alcohol is being openly sold between 2 & 5 in the majority of bars not a Policeman in sight, the Police do tend to be around at 11pm though.
  8. Two established 7/11s one directly opposite and one hundred metres from my sons school sell alcohol during the permitted hours, there was a Family Mart which also sold alcohol but it has since closed. A new 7/11 opened nearby the school before Covid but has since closed, it never sold alcohol, rumour was the franchisee was Muslim ?
  9. It’s not the kids that need to be taught it’s the drivers of vehicles, is there anything in the video or the questionnaire about zebra crossings ? What I have noticed at traffic light controlled crossings the lights are at high level way above the drivers eye line.
  10. If you decided to prosecute all of them there would be a hue and cry they are taking money from some poor people, life is cheap here, deaths on the road don’t take priority.
  11. I think one assumes that when the green man is showing it should be safe to cross, does the Thai Driving Test include info about pedestrian crossings
  12. Ethier raise the Pedestrian Crossings up a speed ramp or instal speed ramps ether side of the crossing then vehicles will have to slow down.
  13. We had a similar experience, the photo showed 6 sachets in a box, 1 arrived at the same price it normally costs for 6 sachets, I called Lazada, I think I got a voucher, I have up until now found Lazada Customer Service to be very good. Lazada is not like Amazon where Amazon sell the products, sellers advertise their goods on Lazada who take a commission similar to eBay with out the bidding.
  14. A colleague ordered a Xiaomi Mobile Phone from Lazada, 8000฿, when he opened the box there were 2 water bottles in the box ! If you order big money items from Lazada either video the item when opening the package or open the package in the presence of the delivery driver.
  15. 5000 baht is for a renewal if you pay the Passport Fee of £88.52 using a CC/DC Form foI have just done my sons renewal this week. A bit more involved in a first application with translations required as all documents have to be in English.. I did ours sons first one but I can’t remember the required documents. This time I decided to let Key Visa to renew it, you have make an appointment at VFS Global to drop the documents of then go back and collect the passport, they won’t mail it to you. I live in Pattaya I don’t drive because I poor eyesight so it was either bus or taxi to Bangkok.
  16. The authorities introduced it a few weeks ago in Pattaya, staff to test every day, customers to have a written ATK test within the last 3 days. It was enforced for a couple days then no one took any notice as there were no customers. The Police aren’t bothered, they only appear at 11 pm to make sure everything is closing but I believe even that’s been relaxed and there is a bit of drinking up time. No alcohol is supposed to be sold between 2pm and 5pm but not all the bars are sticking to the rules.
  17. Key Visa charge a fee of 5000 baht not including the fee, the passport fee is £85.50, you complete a U.K. Debit/Credit Card form, if you don’t have one the fee is 10000 baht, you provide all the documents required and they will submit them to VFS Global in Bangkok no need to attend.. If you don’t live in Pattaya they will do everything by email/post. I have submitted one for a Passport Renewal for our 6 year old son, you need to get a British Citizen or some one from an EU country to verify the photograph and sign the form to say how long they have known the parent for not the child. The current waiting time for a passport is 10 weeks, all the documents are sent to the U.K.
  18. I have been in contact with BPH last week, they replied that they would send a SMS when Moderna is available.
  19. Hopefully some will be going to Bangkok Pattaya Hospital where I have paid up front for a booster.
  20. Our 6 year has some decay in 2 of his ‘baby’ teeth albeit he religiously cleans his teeth, I am concerned it develops into toothache. Is there a dentist in Pattaya who specifically deals with kids. I have already tried a couple but they only do adults, I am thinking we might have to take him to a hospital ?
  21. 2 zebra crossings were installed the other day outside our sons school, the school head armed with a couple of orange batons stepped on one to stop cars to allow people to cross, cars totally ignored him and drove on with out stopping, waste of paint !
  22. So if a Tourist Tax would you have to pay if you have a visa and live in Thailand ?
  23. In the early days the government said the shortfall in tourism from abroad would be made up with domestic tourism ?
  24. Doesn’t matter who is in charge, as soon as the money people disagree with policies the army will take over again.
  25. Oil is at an all time high of recent so fuel are going to rise.
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