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Everything posted by Jumbo1968

  1. Bars could open using the same system which was used in the U.K. initially, no standing at the bar, waiter/waitress service only, minimum 6 at one table even an app like Wetherspoons have where you order food/drinks via the app. I am sure there are more than enough Bars in Pattaya to cope with all the customers.
  2. And I am sure with the number of Policemen in Thailand it could be policed but unfortunately the Police tend too turn a blind eye now and again.
  3. TBH it was never really enforced in the U.K., there isn’t enough Police to enforce it albeit I do believe some local Council Officers were checking, I never read about any businesses being prosecuted.
  4. When the Bars opened in the U.K. it was waitress service only, no standing at the Bar and a limit of people allowed at a table, 6 I think,some Bars you could order your drinks via an app on your phone. There is no reason why that system could not be implemented here in Thailand.
  5. If they can serve alcohol in restaurants why not in a Bar, limit the number of customers the same as they do in restaurants.
  6. Bars/nightclubs were closed in many places for months including the U.K., it was too stop people congregating and spreading Covid, unfortunately alcohol removes some people’s inhibitions so if certain rules were in place to keep the said places open there would always be a minority who wouldn’t adhere to them. Similar in Thailand where did the previous spike begin, in the Bars and Clubs in Bangkok so they were closed nationwide.
  7. Trying too jab there they out of Covid, running out of ideas now I think, let’s try a third jab then a fourth like they are doing in Israel.
  8. If they keep listening to the ‘experts’ the country will never reopen, we have to take risks, it’s been ongoing for months, Covid isn’t ever never going away.
  9. As long as they keep hospitalising people or putting them in warehouses they will not come forward for tests, let people isolate at home irrespective if some don’t, we then might get a true indication how many cases are out there.
  10. They can vaccinate every one on the planet but Covid isn’t going away, it’s a virus like the flu only more infectious.
  11. Yes you have to send a SAE envelope, you now pay the Visa Fee with a card and the return postage is not included, you pay tracked for both send and return, the PO will put a stamp on the the envelope you put in when you send your passport and bar code letter. i did mine in April, posted on the Tuesday arrived back on the Friday.
  12. U.K. citizens can now only live in Spain for 3 months now then they need a Visa since the U.K. left the E.U.and they are illegible for the free E.U. Healthcare System so Thailand might be an option again.
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