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Everything posted by Jumbo1968

  1. Close Soi Buakhao like Walking Street from 7pm till 4 am, it’s probably as busy as Walking Street. There will be complaints about people getting to work but they manage in Walking Street.
  2. A lot of the YouTubers are basically beggars online where there are certain videos you can only watch if you pay a subscription. One which is very popular non subscription although they have a members section is the bar on Soi 7 on a Sunday at 5pm where 6 vey skimpily dressed bar girls sit on what they call the casting couch bumming drinks of the viewers and they end up p*****, hardly entertaining.
  3. You can be non resident for tax but you would I believe have to inform the DWP you no longer lived in the U.K.
  4. You would only pay tax on you State Pension if it was above the £12670 threshold, if you have a private pension the 2 are combined and tax is deducted from your private pension.
  5. I think your calculations are a little bit out, If you reached state pension age after 6 April 2016, the 'pay back' period is 17 years at today's state pension rates or 15 years with the state pension increasing by 2.5% each year. Take your health into consideration - if you're fit and healthy, you could end up with much more money as you get older
  6. Out of interest why would you pay CGT on your U.K. property after selling it ?
  7. If they are serious about making it one way they should introduce delivery times for businesses for trucks albeit would anyone take any notice ?
  8. Yep your State Pension is classed as taxable income, most of my tax allowance is taken up by my State Pension and therefore I pay tax on my private pension.
  9. No benefit of delaying your date pension nowadays after they changed the rules in2016 meaning it takes years to get back the years you defer.
  10. Will there be access for the elderly and the disabled at every station ?
  11. You have to have lived in the U.K. for the last 6 months out of 12 months and be registered with a U.K. GP and a Doctor where you live.
  12. Looking at the application form there are conditions re employent, do you have to have employment or does the criteria of having a child resident in Thailand qualify you for a DTV. I am currently on a Retirement Visa and the benefit of a DTV is I can hold the 500000 baht or equivalent in a U.K. bank account ?
  13. I did a 14 day cruise in the Med on a similar vessel it was like working on the oil rigs only you didn’t get paid, food was pub grub style, if you wanted better quality you paid extra. I paid a Service Charge upfront then paid another on any services onboard. After enquiring why, the upfront charge was for the behind the scenes staff. Whilst the vessel was huge it was very claustrophobic inside, entertainment was second rate, the swimming pools area couldn’t accommodate all the passengers obviously. Ok we had daily various ports of call but you were continually clock watching and didn’t want to venture far from the port in case you got lost and missed the boat, they didn’t hang about. The most boring part was the 2 days at sea returning to the home port, nothing to do and all day to do it. All in all a waste of money yet some people swear by them, no idea why.
  14. I used my U.K. Licence to get insurance, I wasn’t asked for Thai Licence or an International one albeit the broker did say if I got stopped by the Police they might ask questions.
  15. Vlogers keep saying use a VPN from a less well off country when booking hotels and flights and you receive a better deal never works for me.
  16. My wife worked various jobs, Fish Market in Bangkok, clothing factory, whilst would like her to have a part time job not a bar, hotel, restaurant etc,she said there isn’t any part time jobs 3/4 hours a day. I mentioned shop work but she said they only want younger staff she is 46 years old, I can’t complain as she cooks, cleans looks after the house and our son. She gets up at 6 o’clock during the week never complains. Her worst habit is if we are going away anywhere she wants to be setting of hours before we actually need to.
  17. The school my son attends not a government one teaches English and Chinese, none of my son’s teachers can converse in English not sure about Chinese. I have no idea how the teachers teach English when they can’t speak it themselves, he only speaks English because of me.
  18. After reading all the posts I think the only way to ensure what you are actually covered for is to have a medical check up first, buying a policy over the telephone is definitely not an option when you become older.. A friend of a friend was receiving daily radiotherapy for Prostate Cancer, no overnight stay, the insurance company would not pay out because they classed it as out patient treatment which wasn’t included in his policy.
  19. In a perfect world but you forget this is Thailand, nothing in the law to say that and even if it was it would be ignored.
  20. Immigration are not going to chase an owner up for not doing a TM30 the next best option is the easy route chase the tenant up who needs a TM30 for whatever he requires it for.
  21. Good enough for you, next time you are immigration show it to them if they are going to fine you even you think you are correct, i can imagine what their reaction will be.
  22. That’s not an official immigration website.
  23. The TM30 notification and its underlying laws are about the obligation of a landlord (housemaster, possessor, or manager) to report the stay of a foreigner (non-Thai national) in his/her property.
  24. My last blood test, I take 20mg statins 1 a day.
  25. If I had took the documents the owner gave me to Immigration I wouldn’t have got a TM30, the agent ‘smoothed’ it out for me well worth the 500 baht fee.
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