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Everything posted by Jumbo1968

  1. I was a landlord in the U.K., I returned the deposit to my tenants when they left, no questions asked, in fact they were surprised when I gave them it back even though there was a big stain on the carpet and they left the shower in a helluva state.
  2. When I rented the house 4 years ago Immigration were not insisting on a TM30, it was only after the TM6 Arrival/Departure Card was scrapped immigration wanted a TM30.
  3. Good for you, I had no problems in my previous rental properties with deposits, this fella pleads dumb when you try to reason with him, hates paying for repairs. He wanted us to pay for a new water pump,:my wife said ok but when we move we take it with us, he soon changed his tune and replaced it.
  4. This fella doesn’t treat people with respect, he talks down to everybody raises his voice to try and scare people, my wife said he speaks to people like they were dogs.
  5. Because I was asking question, why did I rent there, great location, decent house near the school.
  6. How would I know beforehand, it was only after we moved in and my wife got to know the neighbours we found out.
  7. What should I have checked up on the fella was a total stranger prior to renting the house.
  8. The middle age foreign kids most on holiday here so won’t bear the consequences of the water shortage.
  9. I used this fella, I had some marks on my body and one under my eye all removed painlessly apart from the anaesthetic jab, healed ok no scarring.
  10. My owner refused to do a TM30, last time he paid an agent 500 baht, he refused to give me a copy of his House Book so I could do it, I sorted it with the assistance of an agent more so it was past the 24 hour deadline therefore I didn’t want to go to Jomtien and deal with Immigration, I am now moving house, his loss we had rented it for over 4 years.
  11. My landlord refused to do a TM30 for me he also refused to give me a copy of his Tabien Baan so I could it, at the end of the day I managed to do one after a lot of hassle, His parting words were you leave in 2 months, ok no problem I will not pay the last 2 months rent as I paid 2 months in advance for a deposit. Am I within my rights to do this, he is known for not returning renters deposits ?
  12. That’s great news, it will pay for the 10000 baht digital wallet scheme with out having to borrow the money for it.
  13. I used Key Visa, they did all the form filling, I paid the Passport Fee my self, all I needed was proof of address here in Thailand, think about 5 weeks.
  14. How many Brits have sunk their life savings into a bar on the Costas, Majorca, Ibiza and the Canaries after spending holidays there most having know knowledge of how to run a business never mind a bar and lost everything.
  15. It’s like revolving a door as soon as a bar closes a new owner moves in rips it to bits and opens again.
  16. Scooters in Soi Bukhao did at one time as well.
  17. Similar to franchisee pubs in England, you are tied to buy the alcohol/products from owner at an inflated price.
  18. Take a lot of customers to warrant that price albeit it is usually busy, the last time I was in there one of the ladies approached me, quite a stunner really and said my p**** is open 24 hours a day, straight forward and to the point, I didn’t take her up on it though.
  19. They are are not bothered not many Thais are as judgmental as you plus it’s putting food in their stomachs.
  20. Water throwing allowed only from Second Road Sois to Beach Road, keep Soi Bukhao water free then again who is going to Police it ?
  21. You are being very judgmental, it’s probably all these people can afford, criticising people you don’t even know, just because they dress down doesn’t make them lower class or bad people, what’s do you regard yourself as ?
  22. People going home but also eating places and carts get no business for a week as customers don’t want to be drenched and the people with carts don’t want their food ruined with water.
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