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Everything posted by Jumbo1968

  1. You don’t get any sympathy from Immigration as they say it’s not their problem.
  2. My landlord refused to do one and even give me the correct documentation so I could do it. It’s hard to be diplomatic when the owner doesn’t speak English, started shouting abuse at my wife speaking to her like a dog she said.His parting words were I am giving you 2 months notice to vacate the property, his loss as we have been in the property for nearly 4 years.
  3. My owner didn’t do one, I went to Immigration and was detained for 3 hours and threatened with a 3500 baht fine. They said it was my responsibility to ensure the owner did a TM30 if not me as the housemaster should do one. https://www.thaiembassy.com/thailand-visa/about-tm30-thailand#:~:text=The TM30 notification and its,) in his%2Fher property.
  4. If the owner doesn’t do a TM30 it’s up to the tenant, Immigration won’t accept the argument the owner won’t do it.
  5. Or the mood of the individual Immigration Officer you are dealing with.
  6. I asked the same question when I got detained by Immigration for not reporting an address change within the allotted time, their answer was I should have checked the requirements before arriving in Thailand.
  7. Biggest problem is there is no consistency with Immigration Offices nor even with individual Immigration Officers.
  8. It is connected if you left the country and didn’t do a TM30 on your return, after 90 Days of returning and doing your 90 Day Report the IO will know if you have done a TM30 if not you could be fined.
  9. Off topic, do Jomtien still require a TM30 if you return to the same address and have long term visa, rumours are they don’t now but agents say they do ?
  10. If you haven’t done a TM30 when you do your 90 Day Report you could be fined depending on the IO you report to.so it has everything to do with a 90 Day Report.
  11. If Immigration had required a TM30 you would be fined, grey area as some posters now saying if you are on a long term visa and leave Thailand and return to the same address a TM30 is not required now ?
  12. Correct but it could pose a problem when renewing your visa.
  13. There appears to be no consistency at Jomtien, my agent said the other week a TM30 is still required, yes they could be touting for business albeit they are probably one of the busiest in Pattaya judging by the number of Passports they have in their filing cabinets.
  14. We am moving house next door, it involves dismantling wardrobes and reassembling them in the other property, there is also a TV Display Unit as well. 2 short flights of stairs involved one when removing from our current property and one in the house next door. All the furniture can be hand carried to the new house.
  15. Wasn’t there a law made where if there was above a certain number of condos in a building they could only charge government rates albeit I doubt it’s ever enforced ?
  16. Change light bulbs to LED ones
  17. The tree is now growing over the car, the owner isn’t a Policeman but we think he is a traffic warden monitoring food sellers. The owner of the house where the car is parked outside has stuck 2 polite notices on it to move it as he wants to prune the tree. He has now moved out the area, he comes very rarely to inspect it.
  18. I never skipped the TM30 in the previous 4 years, you need to keep upto date. It was only recently Immigration required a TM30 to be filed even if you were returning to the same address. When I re entered Thailand last year the owner did the TM30 but at the same time complaining it cost him 500 baht. This time he gave me 2 documents which didn’t align and refused to give me one’s that did so I could do a TM30. My wife asked him on numerous occasions for them, he refused and he gave us 2 months notice. Fortunately I avoided the embarrassment of going to Immigration with the wrong documents and a possible fine and used an agent who initially said they couldn’t do it because of this but in the end did. Why would the ‘owner’ give me a House Book’ which is not in his name but his ID Card, obviously he doesn’t own the property and must of been aware the documents wouldn’t be accepted at Immigration ?
  19. Finally got to the bottom of the problem re the ‘owners’ documents, he gave me a copy of his ID Card and a copy of a House Book, the name on the House Book wasn’t his. My wife asked the ‘owner’ for a copy of the ID Card of the name of the person on the House Book, he stormed off ranting and raving giving us 2 months notice to leave. The name of the person on the House Book was registered over 20 years ago, no idea who he is.
  20. I demanded the document his Tabien Baan several times, he was not forthcoming, his parting words, I’m giving you 2 months notice to leave..
  21. I would do if we had installed it, he wanted us to pay for a new water pump last year, my wife said ok but we take it with us when we leave, after that he initially installed a second hand one which didn’t work then he installed a new one.
  22. The potential grief was caused by the Thai owner, last time he complained when he had to pay 500 baht for a TM30 as he used an agent, this was over a year ago. This time he refused to do one and then not give me a copy of his Tabien Baan as required by Immigration to do a TM30 myself. I could have gone to Immigration but due to the owner not giving me his documents I was outside the time limit for registering a TM30, I am not sure how much sympathy Immigration would have give me, I did have a copy of his Thai ID, rental agreement and a document indicating that I was occupier of the house, My Thai wife has to communicate with owner, he doesn’t speak English, he tends to shout when my wife speaks to him, a bit of a bully tbh but she will give as good as she gets. its his loss, we have lived the house for over 4 years, good tenants always paid rent on time, doing minor repairs, regrouting wall and floor tiles, adding additional sockets and water taps, they will be removed when we vacate the property.
  23. Edit the property was not rented through an agent, it’s quite common for owners to put sign on gate with telephone number.
  24. The property was rented through an agent.
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