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Everything posted by Jumbo1968

  1. No details of your address required then ?
  2. I couldn’t have put it better, even my Thai wife wouldn’t want me to buy a condo which eventually would be left to her. I had one in the U.K. which I managed to sell recently, I lost at least 5% of the initial purchase price, not a great investment after owning it for 10 years.
  3. I read the article, there is no indication what the celebrations will be, Chai said that the Ministry of Culture will organising the activities in coordination with relevant private and public sector agencies in Bangkok’s 50 districts and the other 76 provinces
  4. There are no plans as yet, they are going organise them, Songkran is a Water Festival so I assume it will involve water ?
  5. Who is providing all the water, bar owners won’t be shelling out for 3 weeks water I don’t think ?
  6. What plans are in place for celebrations, 3 weeks of water throwing ?
  7. It depends on how long you want to live in Pattaya, condos are difficult to move on as they become older and more so ones at the lower end of the market, there is a glut of them in Pattaya, certainly not an investment you would make money on if you tried to sell it at a later date. Put your money into a high interest savings account and use part/interest/interest to pay rent with the option of moving on if you want to.
  8. Not everyone lives 10 minutes away and has a bike, if they stopped people using agents they would have to triple the size of the office and employ many more staff not to mention the increase in waiting time.
  9. Matter of choice, online, agent, do it yourself what ever is the most convenient,
  10. What IO is that ?
  11. Everyone to their own, renewal is nearly a day out of my life on the diminishing days I have left on the planet,if I can make life easier and stress free I don’t mind paying for it.
  12. Slightly abnormal I don’t know where you are getting your info from, Google ? my PSA level is fine, my prostate cells produce little or no PSA due to the radiotherapy which killed most of the cells which produce PSA hence the low levels of PSA in my blood tests.
  13. I had 5 sessions of radiotherapy over 6 years ago, I don’t have a Gleason score, my PSA is around 0.015 now.
  14. I used an agent for my 90 day reporting, ฿100, so much easier, dropped my passport of on Monday, collected it yesterday lunch time.
  15. What actual local businesses benefit from the Chinese, I can’t see the bars and restaurants overflowing with Chinese tourists ?
  16. I was diagnosed when I was 62, now 72.
  17. My cancer was contained within my prostate, I was monitored every 3 months with a PSA Test and a biopsy every I think 6 months it might have been 12 months I can’t remember exactly. The last biopsy indicated the cancer had gone up a stage, had radiotherapy after that, that was 6 years ago.
  18. Judging by the number of foreigners in the bank yesterday with agents the use of them is on in the increase, maybe all the chaos at Jomtien is the reason people are using agents or Jomtien are driving people towards agents to increase their ‘revenue’ ?
  19. Use an agent, around ฿100 plus usually.
  20. Thanks for the info, my Doctor at Bangkok Jomtien told me last week due to problems at the Allergan Plant in Asia Alphagan P won’t be available till April, maybe things have changed, i am now using Xalatan.
  21. When was this introduced, at Jomtien a TM30 required for 90 day reporting.
  22. I can’t imagine Myth Night Complex ever being shoulder to shoulder with customers, how much does one bar have to make in a month to pay the rent ?
  23. Keep hearing rumours that Treetown is being demolished ?
  24. There is now a Danny’s Sports Bar in the old Kasikorm Bank premises on Soi Bukhao has he moved out of Treetown ?
  25. Your the expert what action would you after approaching both people who are party to the car being parked where it is. Short of hiring a tow truck and having it towed away bearing in mind it isnt illegally parked just an inconvenience. If it was in the U.K. it would be towed away as it doesn’t have valid road tax and I assume no insurance
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