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Everything posted by Jumbo1968

  1. Good for you but you not all of the older citizens are technically savvy and probably don’t have a smart phone. There has also been loads of reports the system doesn’t always work.
  2. Owners responsibility, why should the renter be fined if the owner hasn’t done a TM30.
  3. Plenty of quiet bars it’s just the others next to them are not.
  4. I thought it was the owners responsibility to do a TM30 not the tenant or are some owners too lazy to do one ?
  5. I have been out today, I spoke with some Stall Holders in Mike Shopping Mall and The Night bazaar, they all said the same very quiet including on an evening. Bar owners must be expecting plane loads of tourists as they are now adding more bars to Made In Thailand. 2019 was a one off with numbers made up by the Chinese, their economy has slumped therefore the tourists numbers from China will be down. Europeans, looking at the flight prices they have not decreased by much and Thailand forgets many countries have economies which are in recession.
  6. I renewed my sons U.K. Passport here in Thailand, no proof of address was required ?
  7. There have been several posts on Facebook recently where renters say they have to do the TM30 because the house owner won’t do one. I can’t understand why the renters feel they have to, as the op says it’s the owner’s responsibility, surely a renter can’t be fined at immigration if a TM30 hasn’t been filed on their behalf ?
  8. I am sure if you went round the bars there would be an obliging lady for your wife at a price.
  9. You unload the containers from a ship at one side of Thailand then you transport them to another ship by rail to the other side of the country for their onward destination, you’re doubling the costs already. It would also mean developing 2 new ports. The Thai government don’t want a canal as it would split the country in 2.
  10. The minutes the op never got were for the ‘happy ending’ which he didn’t ask for😀
  11. If you have money you have power, the elite don’t want the ‘commoners’ to have that same as any other country.
  12. You can get a traditional SundaY Lunch in many places, why pay over the odds for Christmas Day, it’s not a holiday, staff don’t an enhanced rate of pay like they do in the U.K. , I would like see the breakdown of 3999 baht Christmas Lunch.
  13. You can put up as many warning lights, signs up as you like but they need to be enforced, crossing outside the school flashing lights warning drivers, do they ever slow down or stop, no. I use pedestrian crossings regularly with traffic control, some drivers stop some don’t, bikes tend not to, you forget this is Thailand.where they laws but rarely are they enforced even the wearing of crash hats.
  14. Yes I think you are correct as the garage registered my car for me so they would have had to pay the basic insurance to do this.
  15. I insured my car around August with full Comprehensive Insurance, the Road Tax expires the end of the month, the broker has now said the Thai Sri Insurance/Motor CTPL - Car - expires on the 28th of December and I have to pay 648 baht to renew it. If I have full comprehensive insurance why do I still need to pay the Thai Sri Insurance/Motor CTPL - Car - ?
  16. 75000 +currently claiming asylum, how are they going to select the 200 Rwanda are going to take at a cost of £140 million which has now been topped up by another £40 million the other day, expensive ‘digs’ It would be cheaper keeping them in the U.K. ,no way is sending people to Rwanda going to discourage people crossing the channel, very large odds you could be selected to be sent to Rwanda.
  17. I don’t think Labour will reverse it, they want to reduce the migration figures as well but they won’t commit how they are going to do it as yet.
  18. Apologies for posting after some has made the topic before, I wasn’t receiving emails re replies.
  19. Will this apply for the financial requirements for a Spouse Visa in April 2024 ? https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-67630258
  20. Never seen so many large SUVs and high end motors round Pattaya, some one must be paying decent salaries.
  21. My BP went very low and also my heart rate it was caused by the eye drops for my glaucoma which continued a beta blocker.
  22. Rent not buy, you only need a few bad neighbours or a poor management company and life can be hell, renting gives you more options, dead money but condos can be a poor investment.
  23. I am not receiving the Asean Now Daily Newsletter, I have checked my spam folder as suggested but it’s not there.
  24. Only if you were on a data base which shows how long you have been where ever, does the local Immigration Office linked to the one at the airport ?
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