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Posts posted by citybiker

  1. A lot of Brexit voters seem to hate European immigrants (just immigrants really) or at least repeat soundibites that denigrated them. The tabloid papers in the UK were also full of this invective and still at it.  A lot of racist came out of the woodwork after the result. 
    And the above poster talks about unnecessary mud slinging?
    Pull the other one.
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    Hate crime did temporarily spike shortly after the result agreed, which is disappointing however I suspect most/majority of people look beyond the MSM/Tabloids as all they have is an agenda to focus on.

    Immigrants, the U.K. is one of many which are the most tolerant, welcoming country that I’m aware of in reference to ‘All migrants’ and sound bites or other should be judged & assessed in ways of their credibility including sources, many, including myself carry out independence research and solely rely on facts and are intelligent enough to summarise in a balanced non-biased format.

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  2. Rather a late contribution to this thread, however Brexit is what the U.K. makes of it.

    A very controversial & surprise result, much has significantly changed since the original EEC-EU development, really disappointing all the disgruntled anti-U.K./Brexit haters as everyone is entitled to their ‘own’ view and it’s still a very divisive issue.

    I don’t hate the EU, I like Europe and always will, it’s the ‘political’ element of the EU that eventually pushed many to vote they way they did, all the unnecessary mudslinging against the Pro Brexit supporters is unwarranted and frankly lowers the strength of the members post and narrative.

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    These pension schemes are one of the biggest scams in government, a form of legalised robbery. In the UK, up to 50 percent of local council revenue is going into pension pots. Anyone know the figures for the EU scheme, or is it a closely guarded secret?

    I’m not defending the EU however pension details would be published in their annual accounts, thus being fully transparent surely?

    Although, since forming in 1993, unless I stand corrected they’ve only being publishing accounts since 2007 (due to pressure).

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  4. Because trade with its closest markets will be more expensive and more restricted? If anything is suspect here, it's your expectation.

    More expensive & restricted? Being closest isn’t always best option, nor viable if another can manufacturer/supplier, transit with less overheads.

    I guess that’s where global competition has a factor, without the EU red tape ‘all’ EU companies have to adhere to.

    Direct global trade opens up many newly negotiated trade opportunities.

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  5. No they stated their goalposts in their position paper six months ago!! 
    The 3 issues of EU budget contributions , Irish borders and rights of EU citizens in UK (and UK citizens in the EU) were VERY CLEARLY SIGNPOSTED as a precondition for entering post Brexit trade talks.
    It is the the UK government which is flailing around like a beached whale wasting time.
    Now the Tory hard core are rushing to no deal Brexit in a desperate effort to blame it on any body but themselves.
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    Nobody is “rushing for a no deal Brexit”.

    Clean Brexit preparing, big difference.

    Remember, the EU will also lose if this political poker continues.

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  6. Tell me, did you know that this "black hole" is actually substantially smaller than the Germany's current budget surplus. In the scheme of things, and compared to the size of the EU's GDP it's not a lot of money.

    It’s still a black hole & using Germany’s sole GDP surplus doesn’t give the bigger picture.

    Other MS will be contributing more, the EU know reform will be controversial as it will affect current & strategically proposed projects.

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  7. "I already know many that voted to remain have changed their position and would vote leave. The EU with its bulling tactics and its continued federalization, are becoming less popular than before."


    This doesn't suprise me at all.  Bullying tactics are generally abhorred - especially by those at the receiving end!


    As far as I can make out, the EU has no interest in genuinely negotiating to reach a mutually acceptable deal - and the prolonged uncertainty is affecting the UK more than the EU.  Consequently, it's probably time for the UK to say 'enough is enough - we're leaving at the end of the 2 year 'notice' period' - which gives businesses time to make their plans for this deadline and/or (preferably) the EU to immediately give up on dictating, and start negotiating.


    (I've given up on the hope that they will reform :sad:).

    DD good post, British politicians can be voted out, EU on the other hand, the EU are only interested in getting the best deal for ‘itself’ and it’s own self interested.


    Despite what many believe, the EU is far from harmonious and United, ask the V4 Visegrád Group, ask Italian & Greece their views on the EU, it’s simply tolerated.


    I too don’t want the EU to collapse, the U.K. business ties will continue I just want no political ties or having Westminster over-ruled, HoP is accountable to British electorate. And I couldn’t be prouder of the U.K. to have the spine to do what’s right, controversial or otherwise we managed before the 1993 ideology project and will continue.



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  8. I think the job is way too much for Davis.  I do understand some of the appeal of JRM and I enjoy his appearances on HIGNFY.  However he is a dinosaur and better suited to the dithering Tory toff role that he plays so well on that programme.  There is an enormous void when it comes to electable politicians at the moment and finding someone to properly drive the bus is very hard to find.

    You have a fair and valid point reference electable politicians, which i find increasingly disappointing for politics of the 21st century.

    I know this may sound hypocritical but anyone descent may just not want the conditions applied to the job.

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  9. That would be the goal but to get there deals have to be agreed by both sides.  At the moment that looks a very long way away from that.
    I agree that May should go but to be replaced by who?  The two joke figures Johnson and JRM would be a total disaster and make Britain even more of a laughing stock.  So we are left staggering along in no apparent direction.
    As for May not answering the "who would you vote for now" question.  Well of course she isn't going to answer that and leave herself open to even more criticism.  As Prime Minister she has to try to see Brexit through and her constant  empty rhetoric on that doesn't allow her to be honest about what she really thinks.
    If & when May goes Davis was in the other option, personally I'd like JRM but he's not everyone's choice & definitely not Boris.

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  10. No right-minded person could possibly still believe Brexit will be good for the UK, even Theresa May. The writing is on the wall and she knows it.

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    That’ll be 17 million right minded people then?

    People are of course entitled to their opinion, however it’s too early to know the post Brexit forecast, the point is the U.K. has now the ‘opportunity’.

    Europe will continue to remain to our neighbour, in trade etc simply not a political alliance to suit the EU.

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  11. Not just because of SNP policy - but because the overwhelming majority of Scots saw sense and voted to remain in the EU.

    And the overwhelming majority of Scots saw sense in remaining in the U.K. thus accepting the whole U.K. is leaving the EU no matter how much Sturgeon et al use any excuse to blame Brexit.

    Overall and lastly, the SNP have no choice but keep rementioning indyref occasionally (especially at conference period) to appease the hardcore radical SNP minority.

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  12. A typical Brexiteer rant. I am quite sure that the EU will be much better off without the UK. It should have been painfully obvious that UK is going to be much worse without a deal otherwise why should they be desperately trying to get one.   Incidently dont call me a remainer because I am very pro European and I think the EU is going be stronger without the UK. Other EU members see the unfolding drama that the UK is facing and it will strenghten them to move forward.

    I think the V4, Visegrád Group might disagree with you.

    Can you tell me how many of the remaining MS27 will contribute towards the fiscal black hole left by the 2nd highest net contributor?

    Until there’s evidence then I don’t see trading beyond the EU (it won’t stop overnight due to clauses) can damage rather prosper the U.K. and if you think the EU will be stronger without the U.K. without reading or researching the vital elements & small detail (clue was in A50 narrative) you maybe disappointed.

    I like Europe but relieved the UK has been given the opportunity to cut political ties with Brussels, long overdue.

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    No it shows that the country is governed by the government at Westminster in the interests of the UK. Not by a regional parliament trying to act beyond its powers for self interest of a very few.

    Valid point, the SNP comes under the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom as it voted to remain ‘part of the Union’.

    SNP claiming Brexit was forced, unfortunately SG or Sturgeon are consistently seeking excuses to raise and challenge Westminster on Indyref, just because it’s your pledge or policy they lost.

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  14. I own two businesses in the UK, both run by my children. I have no day to day responsibilities for them anymore but constantly let my feelings be known as to how they should be run.  Both businesses  export to Germany and France and one exports to the USA as well. I take income in US$, British£ and Euros so have a choice as to what currency to use. I am in LOS next month and will likely use green backs to buy baht.

    It would be interesting to hear some feedback from independent EU SME’s as to this whole process, as the main instigators behind giving the UK a hard time are surprisingly France & Germany.

    I’ve to close friends whom own businesses, who started contingency planning in the results infancy, as they’re fully aware of what at stake, yet keeping an ear to the ground while surviving within their industry.

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  15. All were seeing is EU playing the political hardball.
    Not prepared to compromise anywhere so in real terms unless the EU get a grip then it's not really called negotiations but take it or leave it attitude.

    Hardly reasonable, constructive or progressive which is why I've zero sympathy for Brussels in the current climate.

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  16. Oh dear, despite the SNP being given a bloody nose with losing seats in the last GE this thorn in the side of indyref2 topic is like man flu, over exacerbated by journalists and using Brexit as root cause blame.

    Agreed, the Brexit talks are challenging, not going completely as many thought but stating the indyref case is stronger is total tosh, the SNP need to focus on getting a grip on domestic issues, Swinney’s speech yesterday was pathetic beyond belief.

    Excuse my terminology but utter dross.

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  17. I like Britain and the British people have been many times.

    But, after almost 2 years full time in Pats, I have never met a Brit with a positive attitude.

    Dirty teeth, smoking, over weight, drink too much, and always negative.  I cannot think of a nice or positive comment ever.

    Ever met a Brit at the gym or being positive about exercise or health or life?

    They seem to like to ask you: Where you from?  Then go into some negative attack about that place. 

    It is very sad I think.

    Like I said, had some great memories in Britain some beautiful places and people.

    But, have not met a one here.

    Maybe some day...


    Well I hope your viewpoint on British can be swayed, and I’m certainly not negative but a staunch realist.


    As for the title of thread, each to they’re own views however all nationalities need to be responsible of they’re own actions.



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