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Posts posted by citybiker

  1. Mayanmar is best off without those trouble makers, they have been there 200 years but still not integrated and even monks want them out. She should be given another peace prize, in the long run the country will be far more peaceful without them, they will be better suited to a Muslim country. 

    Unfortunately, trouble makers come in all guises.

    However, failure or refusing to integrate then the Country leadership takes action, what a shocker.

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  2. Anyone hear PM on Radio 4 yesterday?
    Eddie Mair was laying into Amber Rudd. Did she think the public were happy with Bernard Manning as Foreign Secretary? What should we infer about May's judgement? Was she frightened to fire him?
    What a shambles!

    I think the media & Labour are hungry for the Government to sack someone, just for political point scoring if anything else.

    I don’t think she’s frightened to sack anyone (yet) as it’ll distract from the primary process of getting Brexit right, a reshuffle is inevitable however I think May really needs to get a grip of her current cabinet.

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  3. Is already a bad theatrical act.
    Brexit is economically a lose-lose situation, in which each party tries to win at the expense of the other party.
    The negotiations are all about damage limitation.
    Brexit as dead birth.
    Losers in the global world competition:Total Europe, including the UK with its independence sausage.

    There is no tangible evidence to support your argument that Brexit is a lose-lose situation, that’s simply rerun of project fear, which blatantly failed.

    Yet again to emphasise the point that Brexit is unknown territory to all, HMG, Businesses and the electorate alike.

    The EU is acting like a gold digging ex wife, it’s losing it’s 2nd highest net contributor & simply attempting to recoup its loses as they know the other MS, some more than others will start paying more for the privilege of being part of ponzu scheme otherwise named as the EU.

    Part 4 of the talks & still no concrete progress, UK wants trade talks & the EU only want fiscal clarity of how much they’re trying to screw the UK for what they can legally obtain, which is once the UK has left is nowt, zero, nada SFA.

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  4. 44 minutes ago, aright said:

    Unfortunately the UK has a deficit of £50billion which requires cuts not so much to bring it down significantly but just to keep it in control. Those who don't like fiscal responsibility can stop the cuts by voting for Jeremy Corbyn at the next election in that way you can pass a larger deficit  to your grand children.

    Voting for JC is political suicide.

    its an old cliche but a memorable one:


    Labour: tax, spend & borrow.

    conservatives: hard necessary decisions clearing up socialist mess. 


    The electorate are fickle and have short memories.

  5. 18 hours ago, mfd101 said:

    Nothing surprising in that. They're in the driver's seat, strong & - so far - united. The Brits are weak, confused, divided & suicidal.

    EU strong & United?


    oh please total tosh, just ask a few Eastern bloc countries how harmonious and united the EU are?


    As for PMTM’s speech, sack her speech writer for a start it was dire beyond belief.



  6. junckers latest words point to more joiners from the piss poor part of east europe looking for german prosperity paid for by the brits who are unfortunately leaving the party just in time..all of whom will need to move over to the euro currency which is not for brits

    A fair analysis of Junker.

    The EU craves on authority & power, and despises anyone who fails to follow the EU ideology and even more so to challenge it.

    Let him have his hot air annual address, however a unified & harmonious EU it certainly is not.

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  7. That was the sort of argument that won the Brexit vote.

    I'd say the UK is deeply divided since Brexit, however many have moved on since the positive vote.

    As for UK or Thailand for kids, I've got friends in both & 'some' parents want to return to Thailand whilst the kids are fiercely settled into the UK.

    People need to cease the short term vision of the current climate & focus on what is right for they're own circumstances, post Brexit the UK will continue but downhill it certainly isn't.

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  8. It make me wonder why the police allow them to do what they please??? perhaps money under the table as usual, and too bad the owner has no powerful friends with fire power.

    I would thought local knowledge combined with why the Police are not following up on this incident?

    Also, was the biker gang chapter local or passing through?

    More questions than answers.

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    That woman should spend her money on putting her views to the electorate. She would then be fully exposed for the Walter Mitty character that she is.

    But the thing is, much of the money is from business contacts.

    She's just a jump up trollop with a gob to match, however I complete agree reference the Walter Mitty character.

    It's easy to mouth off when your using other people's money.

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  10. Prior to brexit the UK was a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. We could of chosen to remain and all been better off, for the short term at least
    Manufacturing has and will continue to decline,regardless (10% + a year i read 3 years ago),  so where would that leave us in 10 years with 30% of births arising from couples of non UK nationalities.
    The population was/is expanding at a rate not sustainable,  not helped by the constant increase of EU migrants into the UK (200,000 a year and expanding)Non EU another 200,000
    with manufacturing dwindling and migrants increasing how were we going to support  the huge number of welfare payments that was simply going to get bigger and bigger and bigger
    Yes, we may never fully recover but better this than the catastrophic recession we were heading for, which no one looks to, as its too far in the future. 
    Another vote would probably reverse the result because most people cannot see the long term view
    I blame Cameron for negotiating a deal that wasn't worth the paper it was printed on

    Manufacturing decline?
    Key points:
    Expectations for domestic order growth (+16%) are the most upbeat since April 2015 (+18%), whereas expected growth in export orders (+28%) is the highest in four decades (+37%)
    Expectations for output growth (+28%) are the highest since April 2014
    Unit costs growth (+5%) are expected to moderate further over the next quarter and domestic price inflation (+9%) is anticipated to be more subdued
    Investment in training and retraining in the year ahead is expected to increase at the strongest pace (+28%) since January 2015.

    Cameron's attempt was simply going through the diplomatic process & nothing more, as for catastrophic recession?

    Project fear attempted that & blatantly failed, uncharted waters are always challenging, it's adapting & overcoming these challenges is the difference between the strong & weak.

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  11. They are the 5th strongest economy but that is as a member of the EU.  In some years time we will be out and the trade deals we do with the EU (at the moment 40% of our trade) will determine how strong our economy then is.  Right now nobody knows but I doubt burning bridges is the best way forward.

    I think it's rather premature to phrase it as 'burning bridges' however the UK has the unrestrictive opportunity to trade Globally, it's been well documented the rest of the world are keen to trade with the UK.

    Just to clarify, the UK will be able to draft its own blueprint of how it wishes to trade globally, another example which you probably already know is EFTA which these 4 Nordic regions pay a nominal sum to the EU to trade but are not EU members, however I strongly suspect it will initially be on WTO terms.

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  12. There is a lot of truth in what you say.  The thing is in two or three or four (or more) years time when we are actually out of the EU, where will we be?  Before the referendum Cameron laid it on the line as to how the EU would react and that is pretty much what is happening.  They had made that clear to him so no wonder he cut and ran after the vote was to leave.  It left the UK in chaos and all the bluster from May doesn't hide the fact that we are going to take a hiding.

    Cameron was a remainer, the EU knew this & hoped and planned the UK would vote in the less risky manner, Cameron was arrogant, complacent a coward and done a runner, old guard has gone.
    If the UK takes a hiding, it's 'possible' but unlikely due to poor strategic planning and preparation post Brexit, which is why the temporary transition period has been proposed, PMTM husband works in the city so ideal person as well as the CBI to get tangle credible feedback.
    Lastly, the UK in 2-4 years time?

    The country is currently the 5th strongest world economy, 42yr low unemployment and both the private and public sector have sufficient time, capability and resources to push through the rough times and ride through the storm to prosper, of course they'll be obstacles along the way which is inevitable however I'm a natural pessimistic person but doom & gloom apocalypse is not the way the UK is heading.

    (In the meantime I've our house in Ratchaburi to fix up ;-) )

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