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Posts posted by citybiker

  1. Go blowhard and it will be alright is the Brexiteer mantra round here.

    Even though the Brexit talks are in its infancy it's already in troubled waters, due to the EU wanting it all their way (UK red lines).

    Also, consequences for leaving etc doesn't exactly help the situation as anyone knows that the EU simply want to discourage other MS from following simple.

    We know the Aim & overall goal is to teach the UK harshly to scare others, use the UK as a lesson of what happens when you challenge the EU.

    A constructive progressive deal can benefit both sides yet the arrogance of the EU is also its staunch weakness, the ECJ issue and Brexit Bill & the newly released Government paper on immigration will no doubt annoy the EU but tough, we're leaving.

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  2. Barnier / juncker and the EU monster have one massive concern! The massive hole in their bloated budget! They want UKs money and hate the fact they ain't gonna get anymore!

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    Your rather stating the obvious there, although Barnier has been set a remit and to date it appears the EU have put no flexibility in this.

    The EU are also aware of the legality of the Brexit bill, the UK's investment in the EIB and other factors,

    Lastly, losing the 2nd biggest net contributor will inevitably require the EU accountants to revise and limit its fiscal governance.

    The EU money gravy train will be reviewed, however expecting the UK to cough up beyond what it's legally obligated to is pure fantasy and the EU know it.

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    It would be interesting to see if Farage and his cronies had the bare faced cheek to stand as MEP's again if that happened! 

    And still only turn up for a fraction of the time whilst grabbing every penny and cent going!


    Thankfully, the UKIP looks a spent force. Done it's damage, sadly, though.


    What damage is that, giving the United Kingdom a democracy 'choice' in voting? Just because the spineless opposition Labour didn't think the electorate deserved it.


    Agreed, UKIP is a spent force, Article 50 is invoked and Brexit is happening.


    Time to move on.


    As for that dinosaur Heseltine, he's also a spent force and a moaning remainer that nobody cares about.


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  4. Do you think it is ok for Romainians to travel to Ireland and beg on the streets

    Begging instead of travelling to 'work' like their fellow Romanian's.

    How many countries do they cross before getting to Ireland?

    The UK has seen an influx of these Eastern European beggars on the streets, at road junction, traffic lights begging, if citizens don't encourage them they'll move to where it's more lucrative.

    Hopefully to another Country, like they're own.

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  5. The Uk can not keep taking 350.000 eastern europions every year we have to come out.

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    The UK's situation regarding immigrant control, European or their parts of the world hasn't been satisfactory for years, successive governments have been to blame too, however this must change.

    Since Brexit, many Eastern Europeans are either settled, families and working and paying taxes OR others see Brexit as a good excuse/reason to move to another part of the EU. Germany is seeing an influx of certain Eastern Europeans due to the demand in work availability and being closer to their home country.

    The U.K. must focus on bolstering border controls, and ensuring it has a fair, but good quality criteria of immigrants policy post Brexit, this will take a long time to see tangible evidence but the screaming liberal snowflakes spouting open borders ignore the bad and huge strange it puts on the UK infrustructure and its services.

    Time to get a grip of these negotiations, tell the EU if no positive fair deal is obtained then we walk, no ECJ jurisdiction, not forgetting the 40 years of UK investment in assets so apart from outstanding financial liabilities then they owe us.

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  6. "As long as the treasury & Brexit ministers can account in detail the UK's overall liabilities, pensions and previous agreements then the quoted 36 billion (€40billion) is more than fair and justified."
    But I still want to see UK ministers to provide justification to support the 36/40 bn 'offer' - i.e. provide a detailed breakdown as to how they came up with this number.

    I fully concur, tax payers money is all accountable, legally we owe nothing (quote from Conservative JRM).

    As for the NI border situation, there's been much talk behind the scenes about implementing a TIR electronic type system.

    Whichever system is proposed, I'm certain due to the amount of traffic going between north & south it'll almost certainly be some form of electronic monitoring recording system.

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  7. As long as the treasury & Brexit ministers can account in detail the UK's overall liabilities, pensions and previous agreements then the quoted 36 billion (€40billion) is more than fair and justified.

    It'll be interesting to see what Barnier & his team reply to this release, and more importantly if it's refused 'the EU' now must supply their version of the accounts.

    I'm no betting person but I'm convinced the EU reply will be non/Nein.

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  8. Leo is speaking sense and trying to put forward solutions. Just a shame no one else is. 

    Leo maybe speaking diplomatic sense however 'common sense' is in short supply from his emperors in Brussels. Just warnings & threats (i.e.: clock ticking replies aimed at BoJo)

    Leo's right stating Brexit is the challenge of today, however his priority is Ireland & minimising the financial litigation affect that Brexit may bring.

    Brexit, NI & the GFA are one of the first top three issues Davis & Barnier are currently tackling, Barnier should refrain from his intimidating media releases and remember the negotiations are not a political poker game. (Barnier, previously being part of the GFA team should lead by example).

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  9. There's only a very select few within the Conservatives who'd be able to step into May's shoes & neither both the Conservatives or the EU want a change of PM at this critical time, it would be beyond madness.

    Corbyn, spouts he wants PM buts hasn't the spine, tenacity or ability to be PM and get the UK through Brexit. He's a fair campaigner but unwilling to make harsh unpopular but necessary decisions apart from putting the UK into the Stone Age for his own deluded agenda.

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  10. For those who don't know, the UK Requirements for Electrical Installations BS 7671 is the gold standard and is well enforced. I would be genuinely astonished (not to say shocked) if wiring was a contributory factor. Some red tape is VERY worthwhile!

    Others sources I've read state it was a faulty household appliance which 'maybe' the initial contributing factor.

    Once the investigation is complete we'll know.

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  11. In politics the reality becomes the norm. We had Thatcherism followed by Blairism and both were the accepted way for a long time. True the Iraq war found Blair out but, insiders knew his true value, before that. The people then tired of his 'new Labour' so he stepped down. Brown came in and proved to be a poor socialist with capitalist ideas. The rest is recent history
    Corbyn seems strange because he is offering something that has not been seen in 30 years. Honest, fairness, caring and perhaps most important integrity.
    The tax burden needs to be shared out fairer. The proposed nationalisms are well supported by the UK people. And what is wrong with a person having a say in his own industry?
    High spending!!!! If it is worthwhile and sensibly spent. What is wrong with that? The difference between austerity spending and 'high' spending is less in a year than we pay the private individuals who run the bank of England. The way to break free from the stranglehold of the Bank of England is a parallel currency based on gold or silver (to be promoted soon) or crypto currency.
    Venezuela; a visionary, thwarted by elites who continually put obstacles in the way of his social programme.

    Worthwhile high spending & sensibly spent? Labours track record on the UK finances is something we can ill afford to see repeated.

    Hypocrisy at its highest level, ok so JC is honest, caring and calling for fairness agreed shows integrity however making important decisions and prioritising.

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  12. May won but lost
    Corbyn lost but won

    Corbyn lost the GE but gained seats-check
    May lost her inherited majority but is largest party-check

    May currently remains in Government working alongside DUP in minority but largest party and focusing on a clean Brexit.
    (or whatever brainwashed misinterpretation form of Brexit individual's wish to believe, read or accept).

    Confusing? Summary, Only the disappointed.

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  13. They are certainly allowed to make their choice, but at the same time they are entitled to get truthful facts and information. Honest politics hardly exist anymore. E.G. Boris Johnson claimed the seat that he first fought in Wales years ago was won this time by the Tories. When in fact it went to Labour. His claim that the money saved from Europe (£18 Billion a year) was enough to fund 1 new hospital a week. It is not going to happen and the country does not need 52 new hospitals. At least £60 Billion is going to be have to be paid to leave Europe. Were people told this before they voted for Brexit. The trouble is all the parties are a mess. It needs a new party to come into being in the same way as has happened in France in less than a year to gain power.

    I concur that honest politics hardly exist anymore & yes all the parties are in a poor state, I don't know where people are sourcing this Brexit figure as nobody apart from the treasury & EU will be aware.

    Ever since Blair lied & the MP's expenses scandal the integrity of some of UK politics bought to account.

    However, there's also an element of the electorate seeing through the political spin, and not believing everything a politician tells us.

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  14. I'm not sure what Brexiteers are complaining about. The EU say pay up, the U.K. says no way, result you can walk away with no deal and completely out. Sound good doesn't it... except the Brexiteers Tories don't have what it takes to walk away as the consequence would mean they would be unelectable for a generation so result pay and shut up.

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    Incorrect, The UK Government has 'always' stated it will honour its 'liabilities' up until we leave. Which is not what the left wing media and Anti-Brexit misinterpreted as we won't pay.

    The UK has investments, EU buildings accountability, personnel pensions and is part of EU banking arm, its all part of the larger fiscal package (which we never hear from the EU) only the fantasy leaving figure.

    The EU has to draw up a itinerary and this will be compared against the HMG own accounts, but what is tangibly clear is what the EU maybe accused of is.....attempting to fill the fiscal black hole left by being the 2nd largest net contributor.

    If you were a gym member, left and given an exacerbated outstanding bill without itemised detail would you a, accept it and b, continue paying? The complexity of the breakdown is far more important than figures of €50-100 being thrown out by disgruntled unelected officials.

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  15. The interesting element that got me is how it's thrown nearly all the so called experts, economists and majority of politicians (UK/EU) out of their comfort zone. And shown their true colours.


    Since the June result, Mutual respect has never been the EU's strongpoint and the harsh tone still continues yet they've got the brass neck to say we'd welcome you back with open arms.


    Wait a minute, we'll punish the UK mantra simply gets forgotten about?


    The EU top table really do live in 'la la land'.



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  16. I think the EU response is likely to be: United Kingdom: Nul points
    However, you've steered clear of my own much more preliminary question, which is to question whether Brexit is a valid decision in the first place. Much simpler question. 

    The U.K. Has been receiving nil points from Europe for as long as I remember, recall Eurovision Song Contest?

    The EU response, IIRC Sad day & disappointing.

    I also read the article, along with the author's background..... Summary;

    Yet another academic that's surprised of the outcome, questions the Unknown territory the UK is currently in (obviously) and as were the first to challenge the EU and officially invoke and revert its membership anyone that questions the validity is simply clutching at straws for answers.....why?

    Because they have none..

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