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Posts posted by citybiker

    But they've voted for unaffordable freebies for themselves, which they will never actually receive, older voters know about how politicians will always promise the Earth to try to climb the greasy pole, but never then deliver.
    But the kids don't know any better  ...  yet ! :cool:

    No such thing as a freebie, someone still has to pay for it.

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  2. For all his faults (and there were many) can't help feeling that Cameron would have been far preferable to May or any of the current shower.

    I disagree, he was far more arrogant than TM.

    IMO it was a combination of TM's poor judgement * along with being poorly advised & working within a very close net Westminster team that's also proven to be more negative than positive.

    * The author of the Manifesto needs to be sacked, hint TM.

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  3. The vote was for Westminster not Holyrood! Right now it looks like a Con DUP coalition will govern because SNP lost so many seats to Cons.

    Let this also be a lesson for the SNP, refrain from ramming independence down the throats of the Scottish electorate.

    Today, Scotland's political map is a staunch wake up call for Nicola, the FM should focus more on improving domestic priorities and getting your own back yard in order than attempting to a EU lapdog.

    Interesting times lay ahead...

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  4. First of all I must say I still dislike the UK electoral system. The way seats are appointed (first past the post) results in something that's way too far off a proportionate representation of what the people think (The popular vote).
    Anyway, glad to see the Torries took a hit. It is a shame the UK decided to Brexit but thats what they chose to do so. These election results could be mean a soft Brexit and perhaps this keep freedom of movement intact. I would be glad if they did.

    Hopefully is this a wake up call to all within the political system, type of Brexit will also be in the hands of the DUP however the NI party has repeatedly stated they wish to see what's best for the whole UK.

    Sterling fluctuations expected, with further interesting developments pending, I'd say the biggest hit (albeit May's inherited majority) was the very bad night for the SNP....

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  5. I hope the Hung Parliament result be a lesson focused on UK politics.


    SNP got a bloody nose, with indyref 2 totally kicked into touch.


    Conservatives-DUP coalition with aims to ensure no and hard NI border and focus on acquiring a Brexit fit for purpose and strategically secure for the Country.



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  6. These incidents happened whilst TM is PM. She was Home Secretary with an appalling record which included costs cutting in the Police, but somehow you think she is the answer?

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    As HO secretary she was simply 'ordered' by Cameron & the treasury to implement cuts, I also agree that no HO secretary has succeeded in the immigration reduction either.

    As PM, I'll await as Brexit is pending while having to deal and focus on terrorist's attacking the country.

    Labour is certainly not the answer, not fit enough to govern themselves let alone be responsible for the UK.

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  7. May said exactly that, loud and clear.
    The actions to be taken will be significant. I think social media are going to be forced into a corner. They've had their chance, now encryption will end for typical social transactions. 
    As for muslims, I would be concerned. There WILL be a knock on the door 

    My interpretation of her 'enough is enough'

    Short, sharp shock coming to anyone with extremist intentions, planning, propaganda or otherwise.

    TM has a label of 'bloody difficult woman' for a reason.

    Attack the UK at your peril, big boys rules...

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  8. I am glad she said that but, Theresa May is not the person to be leading Britain now and neither is that Marxist, Jeremy Corbyn. May looks and acts like she’s the middle-aged headmistress of a Middle School, not the Prime Minister of Great Britain. Britain needs a Churchill. Instead they have Mrs. Chips.

    IMO rather premature to criticise TM at this stage.

    I'll await until I see credible tangible evidence.

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  9. The thing I'm getting PO about is how every time the citizens are killed and injured by those the politicians have allowed into a country, the very same politicians stick their face in a tv camera and spout exactly the same old tired mantra about how terrible it is and how they sympathise with the families and the wounded and their "thoughts" are with the people, and they will make us safe.
    They can stick their sympathy where the sun don't shine, and DO SOMETHING about it.
    It is a war, against terrorists, and it's time for the Brits to cancel the election, form a coalition government and get off their PC butts and do something that will actually make a difference.
    Otherwise the same timewasters will be making the same pathetic speeches again and again and again.
    Trouble is, there aren't any Churchills out there now one is needed.

    Cancelling the election?

    These cowardly scum are against democracy in all forms & cancelling would show they've won!, preventing random premative attacks is near on impossible unless they were on the surveillance radar and even then the security services have to ensure they're timing is right.

    The sympathy element is simply part of the process, no different to the 'Prevent' terror programme, I assure you I detest the PC culture that's gripped the UK in its current form however the country will not under no circumstances allow it to change its way of life, our lifestyles and it's democratic system.

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  10. Don't be so sure. The Mail has Labour at a single point back and heads are exploding in their editorial room. With this newest attack UKIP may split more of the right vote. Those police cuts may be May's & the Tories' undoing

    To be fair I'm not sure, to this day I'm wary and think TM calling a snap GE wasn't her best move however 'politically' I understand why through frustration alone she made the move.

    The current PM rating is always unpopular, past PM's have been no different however some of the electorate need to be less short term focused and look at the strategic element.

    Quite frankly it scares me senseless the thought of having Corbyn & Abbot as PM & HO secretary dealing with the current recent incidents.

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  11. It can be revoked by a change of government! Which no doubt the EU would willingly accept!

    Which Government would that be?

    Conservatives-Brexit approval
    Labour-Brexit approval

    SNP, LD's, Green's & NI et al all want to remain in the EU but won't have enough seats even as a coalition to revoke anything.

    Time to move on.

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  12. I was thinking about transfering some money from the UK, but I thought it might be better to transfer once the Torys got in, when the interest rates would have been more than likely higher, but with the possibility of Labour getting in, it has cast some doubt on the whole affair. Any thoughts?

    Worst case scenario is a hung parliament, Highly doubtful the electorate want a weak Government dealing with negotiations.

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  13. I was thinking about transfering some money from the UK, but I thought it might be better to transfer once the Torys got in, when the interest rates would have been more than likely higher, but with the possibility of Labour getting in, it has cast some doubt on the whole affair. Any thoughts?

    Worst case scenario is a hung parliament, Highly doubtful the electorate want a weak Government dealing with negotiations.

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  14. The vote was democratic, but the result is advisory only with a referendum. It  is not binding. Evertime there  is a General Election people have the oportunity to to change things it if they don't like it and this is binding if Parliament accepts all of a party's manifesto voted on in Parliament. Parliament has the authority to change things from a vote by a previous Government. It is no use you crying if Brexit is abolished with a change of government.

    IIRC JC has already accepted Brexit, it's the format that Labour would try and water down.

    Article 50 has been given Royal approval and accepted by the EU.

    No tears from this callsign, I leave that to the people who struggle to handle change & move on.

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  15. May slipping up on endless banana skins is not going to provide a strong government. Unlike previous elections young people see it as a chance for them to change things and will vote in numbers that you don't usually associate with them. A 500 million market can quite easily turn its back on Britain knowing there are other nation lined up willing to replace us. Europe loses nothing, the UK loses everything. Anyone with common sense now knows that Brexit is a mistake now. Only those with blinkers will not see it.

    Explain how the UK loses everything? Trade will continue & we have a global market to deal with.

    17 million majority voters will disagree Brexit was a mistake.

    The only blinkers are those in denial, do not respect the democratic result and unwilling to adapt & move on.

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