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Everything posted by Phulublub

  1. It may have Gov't insurance , but very much doubt will have 1st class included. PH
  2. While English is clearly not your first language, you should ensure that when you deal with the Court, that you can communicate clearly and effectively - the above extract makes no sense whatsoever to the reader. PH
  3. for a falang, 1st class makes sense whatever the age of the vehicle. that way, YOU are covered, no matter who is at fault and what damages to vehicles or eople are caused. Recommed Roojai - good prices and good service. PH
  4. Why pathetic? If she was on decent, and then excellent, salary why was she not saving enough to pay for her retirement? PH
  5. Maybe go somewhere else then and be happy for 18 months...rinse and repeat. PH
  6. BS. Those oh-so-entitled and important western men who think they are just SO superior to any and all foreigners often get exacty what they deserve. You come across as one of them. <sarcasm>Thailand is so lucky you choose to stay here </sarcasm> PH
  7. While the OP may be barking (up a tree, or just barking), it is not true that a farang will never win any trial inThailand. A properly brought case, using competent lawyers, has just as much chance of winning as ant Thai case. Not EVERYTHNG is corrupt. PH.
  8. With your attitude maybe they single you out for special treatment. Been using Jomtien for years and NEVER had a problem. But then I am defential, respectful and have pretty much all the needed paperwork and copies - on the occasions I have missed copying something, the IO has often gone and made the required photocopy for me. PH
  9. Not true. Some may, but many will not. I asked and was told (by one who does not stock it) that it is precisely because Aspirin should not be taken for Dengue that they (and others) do not. Surprised that someone who has had Dengue does not know this. One of many, many website links that explain: https://www.vinmec.com/en/pharmaceutical-information/use-medicines-safely/why-should-you-not-take-aspirin-and-ibuprofen-when-you-have-dengue-fever/ PH
  10. Not totally unlike many of the so-called advanced western democracies.....maybe that's the legacy of "us" showing how (not) to do democracy well. PH
  11. Seems to becooming more common..and not just Thai players. https://golf.com/news/lydia-ko-7-penalty-strokes/?fbclid=IwAR0Y30wHHY_N_EUL0sHLpgZXx0SkilMuwJoeU_sRVMoB0jac_LpOcBKLUxg Would the Thai knockers like to retract their statments? PH
  12. I lived in Edinburgvh for a time. Prime "begging" spots were populated by people like this. genuine beggras were moved on by the ringleaders who took a cut of the daily take and made sure no-one from outside the gang were in place for any length of time. Being a tourist city, these lowlife did rather well. PH
  13. What benefits do you expect to get (here in Thailand) from 6E? PH
  14. Unlike, say, the UK (to use one example of where many on this forum come from)... No graft there at all. Move along, nothing to see here... PPP contracts for £££ given to "friendly" companies - most with absolutely no knowledge or experience of producing any such. HS2 now due to arrive in Euston in 2040 apparently.....well evaluated? Well funded? Good idea? Maybe if the UK was run by a junta they wouldn 't have such. PH
  15. But only with someone who has never been impregnated by another's sperm....whether there is a condom worn or not would seem to me to be immaterial to the equation. PH
  16. Does your GF start screaming when you cough? PH
  17. Stop being logical and correct - the poor things are confused enough as it is. PH
  18. What a pathetic post. You (and those who like your psot) never date, or see, or have sex with, any woman who has ever been with another man? Never ending supply of virgins is, AFAIAA a myth propogated by those who encourage young and impressionable young men that martyrdom will give them this PH
  19. Keep trying...a long lasting cough can be an early symptom of some quite serious ailments. PH
  20. No....just look at all those of us who keep 800K permanently here year after year.... PH
  21. Moved banks mid-year last year - showed both sets of diocuments at (Jomtien) Immifration for renewal - no problems at all. PH
  22. But if one hundred of you clubbed together, without the insurance company, to pay any claim up to $5M, then you would all be $2000 a year better off.....on average....but the $2000 is what you pay to ensure that if the worst happens to YOU then you are covered. PH
  23. Possibly. The Insurance companies have overheads and make a profit from underwriting, so it is not a zero sum game. If everyone self-insured then some would be underfunded, some would be just right, and some would be overfunded....but overall, the population would be better off. PH
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