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Everything posted by Phulublub

  1. Managed to skip answering the underlying question though...if caught in ignorance then it is often a good idea to try to distract, dissemble and divert the conversation. Well done. PH
  2. The Scots voted quite sensibly maintained the Union; the English, in contrast, voted to destroy the one with Europe. PH
  3. Clearly someone who knows his history. Or not. You might like to (but probably won't) read up on who was fighting who at Culloden. Maybe you are a little confused and intended Stirling, or Falkirk. Who are these Angles, anyhow? Are they perhaps related to the Saxons? Where did they come from...oh! PH
  4. Change the name to Boris, and the referendum to Brexit..... PH
  5. Well a majority (just) of those who voted in 2016 made themselves significantly poorer by voting for a misguided fantasy. PH
  6. I lived in Scotland and campaigned against leaving the UK. The major plank of my argument was that on gaining Independence, Scotland would have to re-apply for membership of the EU and would in n o way have been guaranteed anything tlike the same terms it enjoyed while a member as part of the UK. Many others thought the same. I did not think for one moment that the UK (well, much of Englandshire outside London) would be so monumentally stuid as to vote to leave the EU. With that happening, the situation for an Independent Scotland changes vastly and yes, there should be another vote. It is a sad but true fact that just 2 years after the 2016 vote, and simply because of demographics, enough of the older voters (who were statistically much more likely to have voted to leave) would have died, while enough of the 16 and 17 year olds (who were statistically much more likely to have voted to remain) would have reached voting age to make a remain result almost certain. Such a huge decision should never have been made on such a small margin and I agree wholeheartedly with Nigel Farage who declared (pre-result) that 52-48 would not be decisive and we would need another referendum. But hey, at least the NHS is now enjoying an extra £350m a week, and the oven ready turkeys have regained control of the sunny uplands. PH
  7. Sounds a little like my last arrival into T5 LHR....but that wouldn't fit the anti-Thai rhetoric of the blinkered entitleds PH
  8. If you load the Wise card with THB, then you have already converted, at whatever rate was when you did this. If you use a foreign CC, then you will get the rate at the time the transaction is made. PH
  9. If they cannot use Lazada delievry, then why are they advetrising on Lazada? Buy from someone else! PH
  10. Most parts of the UK are like this - though many without a beach, and those that do are half covered in excrement. But, of course, for farangs, Thailand is the pits in all respects - except that they choose to stay here. Strange people, farangs. PH
  11. It may not be Wise at fault... I transferred two substantial sums earlier this year to buy a condo...both carefully marked as Purchase of Property...Bangkok Bank (Beach road) declared they were not international so I could not use them as part of my proof of funds from abroad. They could see that they were actually from abroad (they said), but computer said no. After about an hour, eventually they declared they could send paperwork to Head Office for entries to be amended. Why TF they couldn't hae said that at the beginning..... Same bank made a mess of my last yearly printout for immigration (my fault that I neded one as I forgot to update my passbook so had a combined entry). Have moved to Kasikorn PH
  12. Well yes, but no but.... Wise is not part of the FSCS (not being a Regulated Bank, it cannot be, but then it does not lend out your money to third parties, which is why the FSCS was set up), but "safeguards" your money - it is held separately from their own assets and is therefore safe. Unless some massive fraud takes place. But then FSCS only covers the first £80K so the same could be said of banks, depending on how subsatntial your deposits. See https://wise.com/help/articles/2949821/is-it-safe-to-keep-money-in-my-wise-account?origin=related-article-2932699
  13. You says pdfs....can you clarify please..I am thinking of switching form 800K to monthly deposits after next renewal (due February) so want to have my ducks in a row in advance. PH
  14. Not true - as I posted earlier today. Transfer to Kasikorn for Purchase of Property arrived in seconds. PH
  15. Many different experiences...I used "Purchase of Property" - just in case! - to ensure a FTT code...same as Long Term Stay (I think). Arrived in seconds. Could be the difference is actually the receiving bank - mine into Kasikorn whihc is,along the Bangkok, one of Wise's partner banks I believe, which may the reason others (to SCB etc) are taking longer. PH
  16. Just made a transfer...UK (my Wise Account) to Kasikorn. Arrived immediately. I need to do a transfer before the end of the month anyway and thought to initiate now so that if delayed to 17th, with current volatility of GBP, and if rates moved in my favour, could cancel the transfer and start a fresh with better rate to get an extra Leo or three into my THB account. But Kasinkorn text saying funds arrived buzzed onto my phone as soon as I pressed confirm on the laptop Wise button. PH
  17. Not a great deal that Wise can do about Thai banks being shut! In actuality, your money will most probably already have been transferred - it will just take until the banks update that it will reflect on your account. PH
  18. So after reading On The Beach, we should watch Dr Strangelove.... Many years ago... plan was to take as much booze as we could carry up to the top of Ben Lomond and watch the incoming. Faslane and Coulport would have been high on the hit list. PH
  19. The Earth will be just fine. The inhabitants, on the other hand.... Suggest a read of On the Beach by Neville Schute would give an indication not too far from the probable outcome. PH
  20. So you would look the other way...and if he then wins in Ukraine you would do the same for Bulgaria? Monrovia? Estonia? Romania? Poland? One at a time snip, snip, snip...... PH
  21. No...As others have said, ignoring it is most probably fine, BUT if you are going to do it then do NOT go early...think about it...you are showing you have held the balance at the required level for the full 90 days. If you go on day 89 then you are failing to do that, so a complete waste of rations. As an aside, when they brought the form in, it initially said "after xyz date" but was then changed to "On xyz date". When I got one of the former, I decided that my next renewal was going to be "after.." so I could safely ignore but had to go to do a 90 day in person as the online system wasn't working, so did it then as I was already in the building. As others have said, no receipt, no notatin on computer that I could see. Have since had an "On.." date that I ignored with no consequences. As far as I am aware, those using Agent don't ever get these forms - maybe cut out by the Agent, or maybe not even issued to them; who knows (or cares). PH
  22. Yes, but what exchange rate do you get compared to Wise? The Fee is only part of the story. PH
  23. The SWIFT fee is only half the story...always, always, always check the rate you are getting. Check all the fees, charges and rates, at both ends, and work out just how much you will finally receive - then make your decision. Very very rarely will banks come even close to Wise (and other such). PHG
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