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Everything posted by Yellowtail

  1. I have not seen it either, but trunking and surface-mount boxes are very cheap, are very easy to install, look pretty good and are available everywhere. Trunking in HomePro's search box. Ragging the corners with silicone sealant really dresses them up nice...
  2. Seems like a lot of sour grapes to me. People that did not get in throwing rocks at those who did. At the end of the day, if something makes money for people, it is creating value, at least for the people making money from it.
  3. Why do you so adamantly assume I misunderstood it and that you are correct? How do you know what lkn's financial situation is? Are you the same guy with two usernames? Why not let him weigh in? Substantively it was the same as the post that got deleted, but without the emojis you seem to love so much. Hmmm, I don't think mine was the only post that was deleted, but whatever. Banks: Kasikorn, Krungsri, Bangkok & Chase ISP: AIS Neither my understanding nor my positions have changed. Wow, another emoji, how cute. Saying you were never able to define "value creation" is is not the same as saying a definition does not exist. I think what I said was that because value was subjective, any definition would have to be subjective as well, or something similar. So who did you say your broker was?
  4. As stated above, find a home builder in your area, pick a model and have them quote it. What's cheapest does not make any difference if you can't find anyone to do it, or if the construction is inappropriate for the area. What's cheapest for the area, is likely going to be what everyone else all the Thais are doing in your area. You also need to decide what level of comfort you expect. Construction with and without AC would be very different.
  5. If the company actually has operations, I think the cost will be significantly higher than if it is just set up to own the home.
  6. You have to remember several things when dealing with Thai Contractors of any kind. Make sure all of your expectations are outlined clearly in the order documents. If this is going to be your home, cut your losses and get a new contractor.
  7. Coffee-spitter first thing, it's going to a good day...
  8. No they don't. "Anti social juveniles” are typically busing getting petitions signed to eliminate leaf-blowers, and showing up with security to complain about the smoke from someone cooking hot-dogs in the common area for their kid's birthday... Jeeze how I wish dude lived next door to me.....
  9. See what I mean? And it needs to be the engineering students, as the liberal arts students are too busy getting petitions signed by/for the intelligentsia...
  10. And can you even hear worth a flip any more. I know that to me, nothing sounds as good at it used to, and it is much harder to differentiate between okay, good and great speakers.
  11. Ruskin and Mason both build quality sound control products in Thailand. You likely do not want to buy from them, but both companies have good websites that you can learn a lot from. There are also websites dedicated to inexpensive noise reduction. Some make sense, some not so much. After studying both, it will be relatively easy to design something "on the cheap", that will perform nearly as well as the Mason and Ruskin products.
  12. So after you "let it go" and MY post was deleted, you felt compelled to respond to my re-post, correct? And now you're starting back with the emojis, what's up with that? Is this the joke thread or are we trying to have a serious discussion? I do not know why anyone would not tell anyone who their broker was. It's like asking where you bank or who your internet provider is. What do you think, that if someone knows your chat-room user-name and that you trade with Morgan Stanley you're going to get hacked? Sure. Just don't respond, and if you see me asking our buddy about how he got rich buying Apple at $2.50, you can assume I am asking him, and that you are in no way compelled to interject. So getting back on topic. I think it safe to say that crypto is a high risk "investment", that it could well be a zero-sum game, and while you can argue whether or not it creates "value" and in fact, what value is, you can't deny there are many people that have made a ton of many with it, and many people that continue to make money with it.
  13. Unfortunately the intelligentsia do not agree, and they do not care how hard other people have to work, how much it costs other people, or how their policies negatively impact others.
  14. I assume you meant damning, yes? In any event, would you please explain how my statement is oxymoronic?
  15. I think your plan is to buy a condo (or perhaps you already bought it) and do a full renovation. If that is the case, doing double-wall & ceiling sound attenuation is not that much money in the scheme of things, and it will both keep noise in, and keep noise out. It can l also help reduce your cooling load.
  16. He brought it up, I responded to him, you keep going on about it, and now you seem to be blaming me for responding to you. If you don't want to discuss it, why not just let it go? I assume anyone that bought Apple at $2.50 and held it, made millions on it and I'm happy for them. I asked several times, but you never did say who your broker is, why?
  17. In your quote his says "(and thus my cashflow)" but whatever. Since he bought it, the stock split 7:1 and 4:1, so he would have 400 X 7 X 4, yes? The dividend is different each year (based on the value) , and he'd have only collected dividends for about the last twelve years. Who did you say your broker was?
  18. You might try one of these: For food safe: These guys are a restaurant supply company in Bangna, they can probably help you: Happy Baking!
  19. Well, that's about 10% of what the UK gets from nuclear now, yes? How much more electricity will we need in the UK when all the cars and all the commercial and residential heating are all electric? So I think it safe to say that monetary and environmental cost of the project should be categorized as subsidies for the renewable energy sector, yes?
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