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Everything posted by Yellowtail

  1. What common claim? I don't know anyone that thinks climate change is simple, nor do I know anyone that thinks it's a hoax. I know a lot of people that think eliminating the use of fossil fuels in first world countries will have a significant impact. Really? You can't come up with one example? Here's another: Complex problem: Inner city youths are unable do math at grade level Simple solution: Eliminate math as a requirement for graduation See? It's not that hard. Come-on, you can do it!
  2. While climate change is a complex problem, claiming it is fake is not a solution, simple or otherwise. That would be like saying: Complex problem: Too many poor people Simple solution: There are no poor people See the difference? I know it's complicated, but I'll give you another example: Complex problem: Climate change Simple solution: Eliminate fossil fuels See? Now you try it.
  3. I assume you believe it, so I would not call it a lie, but the following is certainly not true: "...but with a sample size as large as this forum it's pretty easy nail down the profile of a 'typical' member."
  4. You have to define sectors of society into classes so that you can adjust your policies to affect the sectors accordingly. Just because people fall within a class, they are not defined by the class. The rich aren't all greedy and selfish anymore than the poor are all hardworking and honest.
  5. What's wrong with defining people by class? Sure, there are exceptions, but there are exceptions to most every rule. I think it much better than defining people by race which seems to be where we're headed. I have much more in common with a middle class black man than I do with a ruling class white man.
  6. Where I come from, the working-class are (or at least were) middle-class, and most of the upper-middle-class work.
  7. Wrong. Experts have come out and endorsed immunizing children.
  8. Yes, Christians by definitions are not critical thinkers and should be barred from holding public office.
  9. Those are not examples. Are you not able to provide even one real world example of conservatives trying to find simple answers for complex problems? There are so many you must be able to come up with at least one without having to link to what someone else thinks. Here's an example: Complex problem: Too many poor people Simple solution: Give people money
  10. So it's safe to assume you will not be providing any examples, yes? That's what I thought, thanks.
  11. Take out the rubber washers with the small holes from all the connections and see if flow improves.
  12. Why would my not understanding critical thinking concern you? Is you opposition of simple examples that they are too easy to understand?
  13. All dogs don't have four legs, that would be a lie. In any event, I said one should question "experts" when the "experts" are on the payroll of the authorities, you said this was the basis for a conspiracy theory.
  14. So being skeptical of a study that shows man made climate change is a hoax because it is funded by the petroleum industry makes one a conspiracy theorist?
  15. You understand it differently than I do. What does "septicality" mean, and what are "mats"?
  16. "I'm rubber, you're glue. What you say bounces off me and sticks to you." Or how about: "I know you are, but what am I?"
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