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Everything posted by Yellowtail

  1. Yes, no doubt the 0.8% yield has doubled many times in the last ten years. You must be holding a lot of it if that's your cash-flow....
  2. Yes, the central point of the discussion is your claim that everyone that has ever purchased crypto has lost all their money, exactly the same way that everyone that bought the Brooklyn Bridge lost all their money, and kind-of like everyone that sells Amway.
  3. I think it safe to assume you are not able to define either. I would agree that intrinsic value and perceived value are two different things, but I would not agree that value and perceived value are two different things. You brought Amway in to support your argument, remember? Only after you realized how lame your Brooklyn Bridge argument was do you bring Amway into the discussion. You crack me up.
  4. They did not pay dividends for a long time. In any event, what does this have to do with your claim that everyone that has ever purchased crypto has lost all their money?
  5. You did. What does this have to do with you claiming that everyone that has ever purchase crypto has lost all their money? Whatever. Again, what does this have to do with your claim that everyone that has ever purchased crypto has lost all their money?
  6. As always. long on rhetoric, short on facts.
  7. This is even funnier. Yes, given the vast majority of "subsidies" to the fossil fuel industries are the pollutants resulting from burning fossil fuels, of course the rich are going to "benefit" more from the "subsidies". The intelligentsia love their private jets and most all of us love air conditioning. Why would it surprise anyone that the richest 20% of households in the world use the most energy? Look at the breakdown of the "subsidies" the left claims are paid to the fossil fuel industry. None of it is actually "paid" to the fossil fuel industry, but rather stuff they make up. Is the environmental impact (not to mention the deaths) of all the mining associated with battery and panel production?
  8. I believe these are reversible, at least the one I bought (not sure what brand) a year or two ago was. The door-strike comes out of the cartrige and flips over.
  9. I don't know why WD-40 seems to get so much hate, I think it is a fine products and I have been using it for at least 50 years. To be clear, it is not a long-term or heavy duty lubricant, but it is not now nor has it ever been sold as such. Why would anything on the label lead anyone to believe this is a long term or heavy duty lubricant?
  10. Where are you? I know the AOT and TOT both have some Fords in BKK.
  11. Whatever you do, do not read past the headline. I would like THIS lie to the 97% lie. From your link: The 8% that cuts cuts fuel prices are subsidies to the poor, and the 6% in tax breaks are for cost of production. Hilarious
  12. I think what's worse for society is the idea that the government can protect people from being stupid. When people make money it is because they are smart. When people lose money it is because they were cheated. You can't get blood from a turnip. As I understand it, Holmes was convicted, but not of fraud.
  13. Why do we have people getting all tatted up and thinking the world is ending because of plastic bags? I was talking about the people running it, not the suckers selling it.
  14. So why is Tesla's P/E i.e. "cashflow" worth 20 times Apples? I can remember when no one would buy anything with a P/E over 15 and now people will buy when the P/E is NA Fundamentals, that's hilarious Incidentally, the Dow increased over 15% in one day, what "fundamentals" drove that?
  15. Point? My view is that it is not possible to buy something that has no value. That someone will pay money for something means it has value, and it has value as long as anyone is willing to buy it. That is where your argument fails, and why your Brooklyn Bridge analogy was so ridiculous. Amway it still in business, yes? A lot of people make good money because of it, yes? So it can go on indefinitely, yes? So it goes for another year or twenty or a hundred. A lot of people are making a lot of money. That it is likely a lot of people will at some point lose money makes no difference to the people that are making money. If I sell Apple, and they go bankrupt an hour later, do I owe whomever bought it anything?
  16. I thought I did answer it. The money comes from speculators. Where does a casino get it's money? When I sell a share of Apple and lose or make $20, where does that money go to or come from? When Apple goes up 10% in a week, what is making it more valuable?
  17. False. while I have said all along that my issue was your use of the lost as opposed to will/could lose. I told you that clearly in my first response. I do not agree that the bottom will fall out, and that the people left holding crypto will lose everything, but I do think it is very likely. It is possible that it goes on indefinitely. And again, a lot of people have and are continuing to make a lot of money with it.
  18. Again, and please read what I have said over and over: Saying for "...everything won in crypto, someone else lost." is a lie not true. Saying "...everything won in crypto, someone will lose." could be true. And no, these two sentences DO NOT mean the same thing, at least not to anyone who's primary language is English.
  19. You claim that I am ignoring the actual question when I say supply and demand, and you then you later say it's driven by supply and demand, that's hilarious. There is nothing but supply and demand driving it. People think it will make them rich, and they believe the supply is limited, an this drives demand. Why is that not clear?
  20. Again, for at least the fifth time: 1. I never said it created value. 2. I never said it was not a zero-sum game. 3. I have understood all of this all along. You crack me up
  21. Yes, it's important that the rich but subsidized by the poor. It's not fair to ask the rich to pay their own way.
  22. Then rather than saying: "You will only get 700, 900 or 1100. 3,4, or 5 200mm bricks plus 4 inch slab on top. I am currently building kitchen and going for 1100." You should have said that the cheapest, fastest possible options are 700, 900 or 1100 because 3,4, or 5 200mm bricks plus 4 inch slab on top. I am currently building kitchen and going for 1100." That would still be untrue, be it would be more clear.
  23. Absolutely, only a fool would buy anything but a we-go.
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