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Everything posted by Yellowtail

  1. You seem to call everyone that is not 100% in agreement that the worlds is ending and all that can be done to save us is the idiocy you advocate "warming denialists", and when I point out that most everyone I know believes the Earth is warming, you still call them "warming denialists" if they are not in lock-step with the left.
  2. "He is now recovering but still needs brain X-rays.”
  3. I'm in Bangkok as well. So you are likely money ahead by closing, yes?
  4. Most everyone I know has never argued the Earth was not warming.
  5. And you blame this not on lack of business, but on greedy, stupid Thai landlords refusing to cut rents, correct?
  6. This could work for businesses that have lost 20-50% of their revenue, but were into what, the third year of this? Do you really think a business that has lost virtually all of it's revenue can afford to continue paying 50% of it's fixed costs indefinitely? I doubt that very much. Ironically, the guys that were operating month-to-month with virtually no savings made out the best. It amazes me that so many people believe rich Thais are stupid.
  7. When can we expects the witnesses to be cross-examined? I'm betting mid November.
  8. That has not been my experience, but I understand it is a popular excuse for people whose businesses fail. If businesses income is cut by 90-100%, as was the case for many over the last couple years, how big a discount should the landlord give to keep the business from failing?
  9. Yeah, implants, especially done by non-experts never fail.
  10. Please do not make up things about what I say. As I have been clear on, any rent can make or break any business, regardless of the nationality of the landlord.
  11. Then she would have been lying in her deposition, yes?
  12. Insurance companies are in the business of collecting premiums, not paying out claims.
  13. I would not worry about it too much, buy one and see how it works out. As far as what to buy, just buy something popular from a local shop.
  14. Unless I'm missing something, target demographic has nothing to do with the nationality of the owners.
  15. Good choice if you are well capitalized, they still command a good price here. You're looking for hillside? You might want to stick to 30 years.
  16. What do you expect to pay per rai for the lease? What is the expected term of the lease?
  17. So I was right, thanks!
  18. That it is to be called "Frog Land" might be something of a hint. If it were to be called *Yank Land, what demographic would you think is being targeted? *This is a noun, not a verb.
  19. Yes, we have to string this nothing burger out until mid-October. Calling the productions "public hearings" is hilarious.
  20. Yet there are places that are thriving that charge half-again as much as places that are starving.
  21. So the oil companies in California make $7.00 profit on a gallon of gas that sells for $5-6.00 a gallon. Got it.
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