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Everything posted by Nemises

  1. Credit card for me thanks! Have lost count on the refunds (credit card provider chargebacks) I’ve had from inferior products being delivered. Get all my money back and get to keep the “inferior” product too! 😎
  2. Exactly! My phone’s download speed at my BKK residence (where I get 5G) is over 900 Mbps and only 20 Mbps (4G) at my farang land residence. Yet I cannot notice any difference in the speed in any of the phone apps, some of which are online live interactive games and streaming of live TV, sport etc. IMO the hype around obtaining supersonic-fast internet speed (and the associated costs) for phone internet is not justified.
  3. “Right now 40-44 C. Air unbreathable. haha fact.” Air conditioners and air purifiers are available in Thailand. Haha fact.
  4. Sure thing troll 👍 No more replies to your 💩 Bye!
  5. You are WRONG! He ate it himself whilst I had him tied to it when I went to the bathroom.
  6. 16 month old boxer. He eats the bench seat at the local park. He eats trees. He stops and lays down in the middle of the road.
  7. And I’m like ‘yeah sure, whatever you reckon 👌’ lol
  8. Sounds like you hadn’t yet qualified for portability. Correct?
  9. No tax is payable for AU OAPs living in Thailand unless you declare that you are no longer an AU resident. Not many do, if any.
  10. Yes, but only if you tell AU that you’re no longer a resident. Not many do, if any.
  11. Why? AU pensioners in TH get CPI increases.
  12. Yes it’s illegal. Better to watch it live on the BBC iPlayer … with English commentary… without a guy discussing that naughty B-word. Go Ronnie!
  13. Whilst a factory reset is possible, you are not able to reinstall anything onto an iPhone that is still linked to the original owner’s Apple ID account! I found this out myself when a friend gave me his iPhone 10 for me to use as a spare. I easily reset it but could go no further without his Apple ID passcode because he still had “find my iPhone” turned on. I understand there are so-called “tricks” available to workaround this problem. Not sure if they work or how much they cost - refer link below
  14. Suggest you replace your so-called “easily unlocked” Samsung with an iPhone because not even the FBI could unlock an old (1995) 5C iPhone with a 4 digit passcode in this famous case where the iPhone’s owner shot and killed 14 people and injured another 22. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple–FBI_encryption_dispute#:~:text=Apple's iOS 8 and later,surveillance without the company's discretion.
  15. You thought right, at last!
  16. If the victim’s phone was locked (like most are) then any banking data on her phone would not have been available to the thieves.
  17. If you can’t wipe the phone remotely because let’s say it’s taken to an area outside of cell network, how do the thieves unlock the phone if you they need your Face ID and/or passcode?
  18. Wasn’t much of a hassle for me. I recently got a new phone. There were two Banking apps on my old phone (KTB & BKK). KTB reinstalled perfectly from my Cloud backup without any authentication whatsoever (I was amazed!), whilst BKK gave three different ID authentication options (per screenshot) needed before the app started working again. Can’t speak for other Banking Apps. Wouldn’t be surprised if hassles occur.
  19. How wrong you are. You must have missed the bit where I said “Lots of people on here live in remote villages …” Do try and read what’s said before making false statements.
  20. Rather than hijack this thread, please create a new thread about “cloud electricity consumption” and share your knowledge about it. Looking forward to it!
  21. Correct! Lots of people on here live in remote villages so cash works best for them, but for a lot of city folk these days the days of carrying around cards, cash and wallets are long gone. Need cash? No problems. Use your phone for contactless ATM withdrawals. Loss of electricity or connectivity at the shop or ATM? No biggie as it rarely happens, but if so, go to another power grid area within your city where supply is unaffected. Lose or have your phone stolen? No problems, automated daily Cloud backups ensure everything is effortlessly downloaded onto your new phone. Technology…life is good 👍
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