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Everything posted by Hummin

  1. Not different from Americans you mean? Many years ago, they also stole land, and managed almost to completely waste all of the indigenous people living there
  2. The art of proxy wars still exists. Just feed Israel with enough weapons, and consider job done. Just look at Benjamin Netanyahu poorly hidden smile while Don talking
  3. It happens more and more lately I have experienced no serving of alchohol during those times. And the two biggest hotels and shopping malls in Korat, have no alchohol at all for sale. Centara and Centre Point Terminal 21.
  4. Can't you do it online, and she, print, sign and delivers the documents needed and passport at the visa center/Embassy? That's what I have done for my wife. Tourist visa is easy if you have history, copies of your passport showing you have been in Thailand.
  5. The list is going to be long Us dept based on fraud! https://www.reuters.com/markets/us/trump-says-us-might-have-less-debt-than-thought-2025-02-09/
  6. Must be fake, fake news, nobody loves their president more than America football, they even modified their support to black lives Mathers this season
  7. One confused about this post? Can you please explain why it is confusing for you?
  8. I just say, if there was no penalty, we would had officially denied Germans and polish access, and thats why it actually happens in Thailad, because the businesses doesn't fear any consequences.
  9. Have you used testosterone before? If not you can try clomiphene, but from what I can read and understand, do kot work if you have used T before. Go to a anti age Dr and make your blood panel, and also investigate alternatives. If not, start with gel, and see if it is improving your levels. For most 250mg every 2-3 weeks will impact your sperm productions, and most likely shrink your balls. Have you done your complete bloodwork yet? Clomiphene actually is a mixture of two diastereoisomers: zuclomiphene and enclomiphene. Recent studies looking at the trans isomer, enclomiphene, have shown its ability to increase testosterone levels while preserving sperm concentrations at a normal level https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC5182219/
  10. If I want to add something, a milk chocolate on the side or a brownie. Coffe and a good Cognac on the side is perfect
  11. I thought it was free speech in Usa, and everyone who have a voice can use it. You don't even understand how wrong your statement is, do you? Why do you have right to say what you want? Just think about it for one second, if you can
  12. We all know, Trump's behavior will back fire. A world leader acting like a movie character, where Putin and Xi looks like real leaders, and America got a cartoon hero. Edit note: and talks like an cartoon hero from south parks
  13. And you just being an ass. We both know there is still signs popping up after the last events, and also last reports from cancellation of bookings in Europe, it is an old phenomenon reappearing. I have actually never seen any other nationality being denied access before. So, again, sharing my experience, same as everyone else. Myself wanted to ban Polish and German tourist fishing groups in Norway, because they bring all their food, and drinks, even diesel to their cars. Huge fridges to bring their fish back home. Even the law is only 18kg filet, and they go home with 100kg or more. Should we be allowed to deny them access because of their former countrymen behavior? We truly despise them when they come and abuse our liberal system and rules for free travelling and kind offer to fish fresh fish. We did deny certain groups based on earlier experiences on requests. Was that wrong by us?
  14. What a fine old brave clever and smart man Usa have as an President, wow, so honerable
  15. I thought covid was just a flu, and I was the the covid vaccine rushed by Trump which killed all the people, and still does. Hm, being sober when it comes to facts is difficult Easy to spread lies and conspiracy, to easy. Your hate is so fabricated and obvious, easily manipulated I would say
  16. I think your posting in the wrong forum. There is many Facebook pages for this information, and better search up those. Here nobody will take you serious, because most likely another wind up tread by a newcomer
  17. Can't live of sand, coconuts or fish only, and those cold areas is the only places you can survive and be healthy, especially if the heat continues Canada is rich of resources and big enough to manage to stay off grid
  18. Who would know this was the secret? I mean this is good stuff "they all have the same state of mind - they are goal oriented, hard working" Not forget to dress smart, and not cheap <deleted> at the Indian tailor shops,, but real Boss suits and brands
  19. I think it is fantastic, Bob just realized how to become successful Talking about rising up from the barstool at his elderly days
  20. I didn't claim anything did I? I answered your question based on my experience. I know people can be, and are completely idiots wherever they come from under the right circumstances. So many who disbehave here in Thailand, and been traveling enough to dislike tourists as one group those who come for drugs, sex loud parties and just poison Thailand with bad culture
  21. Long time now since I saw any, but patong used to have quite a few. I also know from Europe, they will be told fullbooket or having canceled their bookings. More lately now than before. And personally know one camping site owner in Norway who try to avoid them as much as possible. It is not only a phenomenon in Thailand
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