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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. In that original topic, one poster said he talked with an SS representative who was in the Wilkes-Barre building and the rep told him thousands of forms were sitting around waiting to be processed. If so, my and your (I sent my 7162 in the same time you did) forms may be sitting at the bottom of the pile. I haven't received a second notice. Yet. But I have a PO Box and I last checked it on Wednesday. I'll go to the Taling Chan post office and check tomorrow. If I have a second notice, I think I'll send it, hoping it gets put on the top of the pile. And I'll send it regular air mail. The last notice I had from the registered USPS mail site was that my mail had left Jamaica NY en route to the next facility on 24 July. Truth is that Thai Post is better than the USPS. And the Thai government agency I deal with, Immigration, is better and more reliable than Social Security or the IRS.
  2. So they just don't give a damn. Why don't they do something reasonable, such as mail out a personal code to SS recipients and allow the recipient to login to an SS website and confirm they're still living and update info. My social security does some of this right now. And apparently, they're outfitting a new page that will do much more. https://beta.ssa.gov/
  3. If they cancel this, what happens to the eight people mentioned in the other topic who have already taken them up on the offer?
  4. I don't know. Go to the investment and stocks forum for Aseannow. We've got some mighty big wheeler-dealers, here.
  5. And, btw, I've had a Twitter account for almost ten years. During that time, however, I've never posted a single "tweet." It's just a good information source. In fact, I'm reading it right now in another browser window.
  6. Twitter is the best existing source for breaking news. You see stories almost as they happen. OTOH, if you wait for slow moving forums, such as Aseannow, you may need to wait a day before you see anything. And on many topics, with these "curated" sites, you'll see nothing at all.
  7. "Authentic" is a controversial term, here. But "Anne," is a savvy media pro, and has built a considerable empire. It's been years since I've been out past Central Salaya off Phutthamonthon Sai 5, but JKN was supposed to be constructing quite a media complex there, including big studios, for their CNBC Thailand project. This company is more than a beauty contest owner. It distributes lots of SE Asian programming into Thailand and exports the same.
  8. Well, I filed my 90 day report with Chaeng Wattana over three days ago. Got the email auto notification they received it almost immediately. But nothing since then. Whenever I check it's just "pending." Of course, now, it's too late to report by mail. I don't call this perfect.
  9. Clearing the deck of all domestic opponents in preparation for the invasion of Taiwan.
  10. Yes, it's the expectations. I just want to go to immigration with everything ready and prepared. No surprises. FWIW, I extended back in late August and only used copies of the passbook. It's for a locked Bangkok Bank account, where I maintain a minimum of 800K all year and have social security deposited to it monthly, along with a once yearly private annuity deposit--and of course IRS refunds and any stimulus type checks. Once every two months or so, I go in and withdraw everything above 805K and put it in my regular Bangkok Bank account. So the pages in the passbook are never consolidated and not even cluttered with a large amount of transactions.
  11. So as long as there is some monthly deposit/withdrawal a copy of the passbook is sufficient?
  12. In the US, at least, it's also the portions on the plate served up at restaurants.
  13. Thanks for this. There is some confusion. But it seems at the beginning that the Frenchman grabs hold and pulls the Thai towards him. The Thai responds. Then the rest ensues, with the Thai man left on the sidewalk with a skull fracture. THEN a non disputable crime occurs. The Frenchman nonchalantly walks away, puffs out his chest, and flees the scene of a accident/crime.
  14. Seri Thai did not begin to have the effectiveness of the Viet Minh or MPAJA. Read up on those movements. By the way, it's spelled Pearl Harbor, not Pearl Harbour.
  15. I agree with the gist of your post. But every now and then, the US does something right. Last Friday, the Biden administration imposed wide ranging chip export restrictions on China, especially concerning design tools. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/10/12/us-chip-export-restrictions-could-hobble-chinas-semiconductor-goals.html It's far more ranging and effective than Trump's tepid showroom tariffs or controls on things like Huawei. And God help Thailand if it tries to take advantage and serve as a false front for Chinese firms trying to import technology through Thailand.
  16. India is the real danger IMO. With India, the US is repeating the same mistake it made with China, with an even more massive amount of Indian H1Bs coming into the US than ever was the case with China. India is all but making a colony out of the US. Won't be long before India demands the US vote India's way in the UN.
  17. There are consequences for Thailand should it vote against Russia. The Russians make that clear all the time. So do the Chinese. There are no consequences for Thailand standing against the US and Europe. There never are, although with the huge trade surplus Thailand runs with the United States there could be. But the US acts like an empty suit. Won't do a thing.
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