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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. I have a Thai friend who owns a US$2.5 billion company. He travels around in a bullet-proof van, because he had someone try and kill him over corporate competition. I would never change places with him.
  2. China provides the military support for the government and controls the the ethnic militias fighting the government along the Chinese border. Where does this leave the ousted/arrested government, which is the only legitimate government there is?
  3. By then CP and friends will have pocked the billions and it won't matter for the people who do matter.
  4. Start stocking up on non-perishable items now. Get into long term loans and leases, now.
  5. Who's he going to ask? Might try Jay Powell. He gives that out just about every week.
  6. So hi-so Thais will get a 50,000 baht tax credit? Or will this be an outright cash payment? And before anyone says "read the story in the link" there is nothing else there. It's all slippery.
  7. How is "misinformation" being judged now? Still getting suspensions and bans? A lot of things that were considered "misinformation" three or so years ago have turned out to be "informed" now.
  8. JKN is overly ambitious. They not only undertook the CNBC studio work but also planned on their own extensive upgrade of studios for domestic production. Mainly, they had a profitable niche in importing Indian TV dramas as well as fare from elsewhere in SE Asia. Less productive was their attempt to export Thai programming. Anne is a formidable force, but sometimes dreams end up derailing good business decisions. It's all family owned and operated, and there apparently was nobody there able to say, "no."
  9. So, the banks insist that nothing can wrong. But if it does, it's your fault.
  10. But I don't believe you. And I want SCB to bring back SCB Easy so I can do my banking from my desktop.
  11. Seems like this is the only news MFP makes these days. Do they ever do anything else? They are becoming utterly useless. Whatever momentum they had is being sucked away by this intra party feuding, bickering, and more pure than thou witch hunting.
  12. I like Chuwit. Always have. The only person I've seen here who wasn't afraid to turn over stones and watch all the gruesome insects run for cover.
  13. Until a couple of weeks ago, I hadn't bought a Magnum bar in a couple of years. When I picked it out of the freezer at 7 Eleven, it looked the same as I remembered. When I got home and later opened it, it looked like a Magnum mini-me. And the price was about 30 baht more as well.
  14. I buy Mission Wraps. A lot. Last year the wraps started getting smaller. It became difficult to actually wrap what you put in the wrap. They are manufactured and delivered out of Malaysia, although their email contact is in Australia. I sent them a picture of the package and asked what was going on. They simply refused to admit that they were shrinking both the product and the package. Result? I now buy Danita's locally made burrito sized flour tortillas. BTW, Walls not only shrank the portion of ice cream they package, they've changed the entire package. I'm guessing it's because so many people reuse the ice cream containers. Smaller packages would become obvious immediately. And to put smaller ice cream portions in the old containers would have looked to obvious, too.
  15. I'd say it's objective is to get people to visit Thailand. I'm already here. Failure.
  16. Chinese are high IQ people. They experience, learn, remember, and act accordingly.
  17. Somebody made a Youtube video about Thailand. Why is this news? There are (probably) tens of thousands of these things out there.
  18. Thai movies just don't travel abroad very well. But good to see that Srettha now thinks he's the next Samuel Goldwyn.
  19. Everybody just repeating over and over what they already said in the initial topic about this.
  20. I've watched Australian football and they look like they're moonwalking. Truth is, put them on an NFL field and it would only take one or two plays for them to need to exit the field in a stretcher.
  21. The shoulder pads and helmets are used to hit people, not protect them. And the most grotesquely overweight NFL lineman can probably outrun just about every soccer player, most of whom seem to laze about the field in a trot half the time.
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