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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. Cambodia is a one party dictatorship mostly under Chinese control where its people don't even have the right to hold property or residence in Chinese "territory." Is that where Thailand is going?
  2. So all those of us from the US need to do is submit our IRS filings (which includes our social security numbers, financial status, home address, phone numbers, and bank accounts) to the Thai tax department and where it goes and how it's used, who knows??? No chance of it being passed along to people working illegally in the US for identity theft. Nope, not at all.
  3. So maybe get a statement every six months. Would that allow you to get the second six month statement from Bangkok Bank on the same day?
  4. I just would like to know the names of the journalists he was paying to cover his activities like they were a public relations department.
  5. I heard from the beginning when I first got here over 13 years ago never to buy any hard assets in Thailand. I never really appreciated how much doing so could damage you. Is it really the case that all these people who bought big condos and other goods are about to get hosed? Meanwhile, all the people that wanted to get rid of Prayuth no matter what it took, you happy now?
  6. Bangkok Post is reporting that Big Joke has admitted to paying off reporters who covered his activities.
  7. Actually, it is beneficial for me when I'm waiting to see a physician and having trouble hearing in the waiting room. They call out "mister" and I don't need to worry about them having trouble pronouncing my name. I know it is I.
  8. Imagine Al Capone and Frank Nitti starting up a barbershop quartet with Elliot Ness and J. Edgar.
  9. To think, this is the same guy who blamed crime rates on motorcycle gangs using retirement extensions.
  10. Got everything I need right here. Haven't left since 2016. Would like to go to Laos. But can get a similar experience in Thailand. I won't leave.
  11. If it's about remittances, then you could get a US tax refund only to have Thailand tax that, too. Or non-taxable things like a covid stimulus.
  12. After nine years, people forgot just what a fiasco the last PTP government was. Prayuth looks like George Washington in comparison.
  13. I've been saying this since right before the election. PTP is anti Western. Prayuth just wanted to keep the old system going, where everybody knew the rules of graft and could suck out their "fair share." New guy is going to hoard it all for himself. and cronies and invent new ways to grab more. I think he's making lots of enemies, especially among Thai big shots that count. This tax measure will be walked back.
  14. I always thought that Prayuth was BJ's protector. Early on, I wondered where he stood with the new crowd and what would happen with Prayuth gone. Apparently, now we know.
  15. You will need to click on the link for the complete story. It's towards the bottom, there.
  16. Yes, you need to export a lot more. Need much more weakness in the baht.
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