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bert bloggs

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Everything posted by bert bloggs

  1. I dont know,is that how you live,at least i suppose you have tv ,what would they have,?
  2. Thats not living thats existing,no thanks.
  3. Can you imagine the outcry now if anyone dared to make Grease. Rip cinema.
  4. Wake up,by piers morgan ,how the world has gone woke mad,no 1 bestseller
  5. Oh thank God ,when i looked i thought it said Pattaya, hard luck Phuket.
  6. My wifes besty is a lawyer she did this for us years ago,also my wife and son lived in the UK with my daughter before she was married ,our family thank goodness is very close, so glad we will never have problems when i go.
  7. Some years ago i knew a guy on the social that used to stay here for months while claiming ,he also used to bring cash etc for another pensioner who was living here and claiming to live in the Uk , all that happened was the guy on social ,got one of his claims stopped.
  8. Why are you sad Kawasaki, if you know please post i am interested about any prosecutions
  9. Please can you post one here ,as you are sure it will lead to a prosecution,i am sure you can post it,
  10. Compared to papers like the DM the Gauardian has few readers.
  11. My daughter was in Pattaya not long ago stayed at a hotel with hubby for a few days,nothing but Indians,one even tried to accost her,she complained to staff,the staff member said happens to the staff as well,they cant stand them, never any women only groups of men ,dont eat in the hotel ,go out for cheap food.
  12. The UK is no longer the great place i grew up,rip
  13. There is a minority that will never agree with the majority of us,they will shout us down and ensure that they will be heard or frighten those in charge,to do as they say,in the past they did not have social media to trumpet their beliefs,but you only have to see in the comments sections of papers like the Daily Mail,what the average joe really thinks and its not what the average begging bowl Guardian reader thinks. Anyway i am sure i will be called all sorts of things by some on here. Even though i have no problems with gay people etc ,just get on with your lives quietly,like we do.
  14. Its not just up to Putin,he could not start a nuclear war even if he wanted to
  15. Depends where you do the asking,bet in my old home town you would be hard pressedto get 5% but anyway lets just beg to differ.
  16. Only 2 things certain in life death and taxes,and you would be suprised how many ordinary people are against all this sort of change.
  17. Yes and what if this all changes in the future and the kids have to put up with ridicule in school etc?
  18. That i think will never happen,it would be racist????
  19. Dont change a thing,your life is going to be great, just eat healthier food.
  20. No they are not,not even close,1 night in a private hospital 120k baht 3 nights in govt hospital plus all meds for 3 months about 30k private hospital i baby asprin 27baht
  21. God only made men and women,male and female ,so if you believe that there are more than that,you cannot believe in God. Its one or the other
  22. Dont know about the gap between men and apes ,but god made men and women ,reading the papers these days there seem to be so many different genders,they seem to increase by the week, wonder when they will have proud to be apes day.
  23. The guardian would ban anyone who was not radical left,not lgbtqxyz or thought that men cannot have babies,
  24. I will check it out,but i cant even read the guardian,its worse than a rag and makes the D M look tame.
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