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Everything posted by Purdey

  1. Well, I guess if 89-year-old Senator Grassley is in a good position to accuse 80-year-old whippersnapper Biden of anything, then he should take it to court before he forgets.
  2. Do you mean the baying crowd yelling at the police officers that they were killing the guy on the ground? I doubt the crowd would have shouted quite as much if these guys weren't in the process of murdering someone in cold blood. Should they have stood back quietly and let it happen? Guilty as charged.
  3. Seems you know exactly how loonies think. Now I am more worried.
  4. Horrible attitude by people who think it's a joke - until it happens to them then words like scum will be used. Hopefully, this will put paid to Pataya as a family attraction.
  5. That's my heartwarming story of the day! Now back to the ladyboy thieves.
  6. A lot of guitar makers must be ecstatic now.
  7. Any financial assistance to the public just before an election is suspect. However, the current government may be punished in the polls for not reading this problem beforehand. I don't see other parties worrying if they win. The next government will have to take action.
  8. AI taking away jobs isn't quite as scary if you are from centralist countries as the owners will pay tax to be used in social security, healthcare etc. I doubt that would happen in highly capitalist countries where companies tend to keep their profits for shareholders. AI can be a great tool, but it can also guide weapons, which is where if gets iffy.
  9. Mercenaries fight for money not faith or doctrine. If they are wiped out, should anyone care? It is the civilians only that we should care about.
  10. More loonies with guns. Really, it takes real political will to control boys with toys.
  11. To be honest, there are good and bad in every society. The Tourist Police are better than most.
  12. A few people suggest selling the property. I am not sure you can do this as an usufruct is a contract to allow you to live on the land but my understanding is, you are not the owner. Selling it would be her right. Maybe someone else could comment knowledgeably about this.
  13. Hopefully, the aforementioned documentary will have sufficient factual evidence to impeach. Voice recordings, interviews with witnesses, false testimony by Brett Kavanaugh. Remember him telling the Senate Roe v. Wade was ‘settled as precedent,’ then changing his mind after ascending the SCOTUS? hope he gets his just desserts.
  14. Unlikely his daughter could pardon him. The last time it was suspected his sister would pardon him there was quite the furore.
  15. Kluay Hom, she indoors tells me they are long and with tremendous girth, just as she likes them. To heck with potassium.
  16. Many driving instructors learned while in the army. Many drive with good discipline. The method of civilian driving here is to assume people will avoid them. Sadly, not the case.
  17. This is a great incentive for the EC and courts to dissolve parties with a chance of receiving lots of votes. I remember the free cinema tickets after the coup. No one dissolved the junta but over time the junta dissolved popular parties.
  18. Women's prisons have a creche for kids born at the prison. The one I visited was fine, clean and the babies treated well. They allow a few months of breastfeeding then the child is either given to family members or put in an orphanage for families to adopt. Either way the poisoner will be alone.
  19. Seems there was no good guy with a gun... Again. Regulate guns.
  20. I believe that when someone loses a job they go back to dad's farm and are counted as employees. No one is unemployed in a farm.
  21. And where was the famous "good guy with a gun" that we are told solves this type of situation? Hard to believe only two had guns at the wedding.
  22. A mother's love can go too far. He should lose the habit in jail.
  23. Won't that make it a democratic decision?
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