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Everything posted by Purdey

  1. Drunken louts on holiday part 2. People do make the mistake of thinking Thailand is like the Costa del Sol and their antics are merely patronizingly frowned upon. Two years in prison (unlikely though it is) means they will get beaten up by locals for their insulting behavior. Good luck guys.
  2. Like it or not, SCOTUS is the supreme arbiter of law in America. This is just one of the many cases filed concerning Trump, so it doesn't make sense to think this is the end of it.
  3. The article doesn't mention how long he will be banned. Could he come back at some point?
  4. I don't suppose this outbreak is preventable so blame foreigners. https://www.cdc.gov/globalhealth/measles/data/global-measles-outbreaks.html I think what people are concerned about is that measles was a childhood vaccination that actually lowered or eliminated the disease but the current outbreak is occurring because many Americans and not vaccinating their kids. What's next? Polio?
  5. Not sure if migrants carried the disease but every source of information (CDC etc) says it is the lack on kids being vaccinated that spreads it. “ In a given year, more measles cases can occur for any of the following reasons: an increase in the number of travelers who get measles abroad and bring it into the U.S., and/or further spread of measles in U.S. communities with pockets of unvaccinated people.” https://www.cdc.gov/measles/cases-outbreaks.html The reason the low numbers are concerning is that measles spreads rapidly to unvaccinated kids and the USA has a lot more than it should. They are concerned about the numbers increasing.
  6. Perfect time to throw people who own weed shops out on the streets, just as the economy is bombing
  7. Give the navy a rubber dinghy and a pin. That should work.
  8. Allowing farmers to sell their land is the kind of law only a real estate developer would want. Once the money has been used on booze, bikes and pickups they'll be in exactly the same position.
  9. Diary of a Saxon, chapter 1. "Saddened that the influx of the French is changing our society. Our land was so perfect but they come here and change our language, change our culture with their Norman ways. Before long we will be French like them."
  10. Where is the evidence that this works? Is there another country that has stickers on drinks bottles that has seen a lowering of alcohol sales? Kids can see alcoholics anywhere in Thailand and it doesn't put them off. If only they could prove that their cigarette pack stickers lowered smoking. Was raising cigarette prices or exposed lungs more effective?
  11. There are still some comedians out there who can really offend yet be popular, like Jimmy Carr.
  12. Frankly, if the people vote T into office again they deserve everything that happens after that.
  13. That it is a totally insincere statement. Sorry if you didn't understand.
  14. I used to cycle to work abroad and in Thailand. Not much difference. Defensive riding is essential, with fluorescent arm bands at night. Thais won't hit someone on purpose but they have to see you first.
  15. Thailand's economy is s minefield. Lower the interest, personal debt increases. Raise the interest, NPLs go up.
  16. I want to know what they used the loan for. Booze? Food? Motorcycle?
  17. Western father: So, where shall we go for our family holidays this year? Everybody: Thailand! The alcoholic hub of the world! That's a really family destination.
  18. They probably thought the junta had gone so no need to worry.
  19. It sounds very fatalistic to say they will die for each other, doesn’t it?
  20. It looks like the Canadski Feenstras family expected Russians to speak English and for everything to be exactly like Canada in every respect except without the ‘wokeness’ and LGBTQ+. Why didn't they google Russia, I wonder?
  21. A lot of the problem arises from the lack of knowledge today. Many people think plastic is an homologous material, all the same composition etc. People can differentiate a Masarati and BYD, even though they are both "cars". They can differentiate between Windows and Android, though they are both operating systems. The only type of plastic that is ready to recycle today remains polyethylene terephthalate (PET) containers, like water bottles. Waste collectors do separate PET bottles to send to be recycled. Her indoors has a large oil drum that she fills with PET bottles and gives the bottles (not sells) to an old waste picker. These days recycling bottles into new bottles is legal. Some companies, like H&M use recycled bottles to make clothing. The EU is fine with recycled bottles but some countries just don't understand the differences among plastic. Kevlar is a plastic, but not many know that. It doesn't get recycled. I attended a fashion show of clothing made from old recycled bottles recently. Couldn't tell what they were made of. Separate your plastic bottles and they will be recycled. (Sorry for the poor photos)
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