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Everything posted by Purdey

  1. "Measles is a childhood infection caused by a virus. Once quite common, measles can now almost always be prevented with a vaccine. Also called rubeola, measles spreads easily and can be serious and even fatal for small children. While death rates have been falling worldwide as more children receive the measles vaccine, the disease still kills more than 200,000 people a year, mostly children." - Mayo Clinic However, Texas will take responsibility for its kids.
  2. Let him carry on. If the mid terms are good, it means people support him.
  3. Refuse to treat the mother and ban the family from entering hospital. Let them go elsewhere.
  4. Looking at the sugar content of food here you wouldn't think there was any attention to lower the amount through tax. Everything contains sugar.
  5. They couldn't find evidence before but now it's different?
  6. In breaking news, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has offered to buy Pai and make it a province of Israel for "security" reasons.
  7. Perhaps when they catch the culprits they will find out why the murder was committed.
  8. How will an MP who spends more time in America than Clacton get reelected?
  9. Wouldn't the bank nearest to immigration have more experience dealing with foreigners and be more amenable to opening bank accounts?
  10. Just wondering, which has killed more people in Thailand, cobras or Rottweilers?
  11. He got caught with a whole bunch of women snogging or having sex on the dance floor? No. This jealousy is insane. These women want money, not love.
  12. BTLAFO Break the law and find out.
  13. Set up large pictures at key places, like the airport and bus station, of a Thai prison cell with 50 half naked, sweaty, prisoners lying on the floor with a caption informing, "Our prisons aren't like your prisons. Don't break the law."
  14. Nobody else seeing the article as sheer entertainment?
  15. The pilot should not have had Crack in the cockpit.
  16. I understand that the Druids sacrificed animals and humans, thousands of years ago. Certainly not during modern times.
  17. Which party was in government from 2023-2024? I suspect people have forgotten.
  18. The Muslim issue has continued for years. People have forgotten that the Conservatives were in power for 15 years and are adamant that Labour is to blame after a few months in office.
  19. Every news agency is hated by one side or another. Which one is considered acceptable to all?
  20. People are innocent until proven guilty. People are entitled to a lawyer. Lawyers must defend their clients. Courts will decide who is guilty or not. It's all pretty straightforward.
  21. Banning the Associated Press for not agreeing that someone wants to rename the Gulf of Mexico is not a democratic sign
  22. Sounds like the death panels at insurance companies will be given the casting vote. Off topic but efforts are already underway to make Trump's birthday a national holiday. https://www.uticaod.com/story/news/local/2025/02/14/trumps-birthday-claudia-tenney-introduces-bill-to-establish-holiday/78621256007/
  23. This case is a dreadful example to people of how evil can overcome individuals.
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